The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1152: Fight for life

Tian Ming Dan, he really can't make it, and Lingcao does not have it, but... Longfei has a redemption system.

There is everything in the redemption system.

Not to mention Tian Ming Dan, now the upgraded version of the redemption system is even a rehabilitated Dan has exchange, as long as you have enough points, even the main artifact can be exchanged.

Also at this time.

The system suddenly sounded a tone.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ triggered the ‘Save Yang Yu’ mission.”

"Task: Save Yang Yu, remove all the sources of her body."

Level: s urgent

Time: Unknown

Reward: 1 million experience, 50,000 quasi-spirit source value, alchemy upgrade level 3 (the player has not practiced alchemy), two special items!

Suddenly trigger an s-level task.

Longfei is a bit strange, but he doesn't think about anything else now. He now wants to earn points to exchange Tian Ming Dan to save Yang Yu's life.

"wait for me!"

"Be sure to wait for me to come back, I will definitely come back."



Longfei sipped and said: "Dashan, you protect them both!"

Not waiting for Niu Dashan to reply, Longfei broke into the woods.

The upgraded version of the redemption system can be redeemed for redemption points as long as it is valuable.

The better the score, the higher the score.

The Tianming Dan points that Longfei wants to redeem are a total of 160,000 points!

Long Fei just smashed out the things in the chaos of the world, 'Blood Eagle Claw', 'Golden Boxing'... All these things that can be exchanged.

Only three hundred points were exchanged, and there was too much difference with 160,000.


As long as you dare to do it, there will be success.


"I have violent!"

"As long as you kill a few monsters, you can trigger a second-level violent, and you can exchange 160,000 points for one thing."


"Definitely yes, it will be ok." Longfei said to himself, watching Da Yangyu instantly become old, his heart can not tell the uncomfortable.

A woman will give up her life for you, will such a woman save?

Longfei wants to save!

No matter what the price, he will save!


Another place.

Heaven is bright, Hongcheng.

City House.

All the families in the city, as well as the warriors, all brushed their knees on the ground and shivered.

Four men.

Men aged around 20 are very young.

But the warriors in Hongcheng saw them even more afraid than seeing the ghosts, because... they wore the clothes of the disciples of the Yuanzong.

The identity is extremely precious.

In this Hongcheng, they are the sky!

The head of a man looked at the token on the table and said coldly: "How did this token come from?"

An old man said cautiously: "It was taken by a middle-aged man. Shen Cheng said that this token is fake, so we..."

A figure fell.

On the top of the old man's head, a powerful force plunged in from the celestial cover. In less than three seconds, the old man became a pool of blood.

The murderous man yelled: "The dog thing, actually said that the token is fake, look for death!"

Everyone is sinking.

Immediately buried the head lower, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe out.

"Senior brother, is this a middle-aged man? This is obviously the token of the younger sister."

"Yes, what is going on?"

"I guess it is the younger sister who is easy to accommodate. These wastes don't see the true content of the younger sister."

The four people simply talked.


One person: "Senior brother, the body of the younger sister, we all know, we must find her as soon as possible, in case..."

He dare not say it.


Hongcheng became this appearance, and when they entered the city, they were shocked by everything in front of them.

Just like an ancient war, it was shocking.

The man headed by the man sank and said with a gloomy voice: "Where did the person who took the token go?"


"They, they, they were saved by a slave."


"How honorable is the identity of the younger sister, how can she be with the slave?"

"Give me honestly."

"They were really saved by a slave and ran to the Lantern Range. Where are we now, we really don't know."

"Four adults, forgive!"

When they looked up, the four had disappeared.

They must find Yang Yu right away, and if they have an accident, they can't afford it.


Let's talk about Longfei.

I plunged into the mountains.


Longfei's legs were swept away, and the heavy chain burst kicked. The first star monster was directly exploded.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ killing ‘One Star Wicked Beast’ and gaining 340 points of experience, 20 points of Spirit and 1 point of energy.”

"not enough!"

"The speed is too slow."

Longfei tore the head of the monster's head, and sprinkled the blood of the beast full of blood, using the **** to stimulate the senses of the monster, attracting more monsters.

Longfei is a veteran of hunting monsters.

He is very clear about what can make the monsters excited.


Fresh blood!


Deep in the valley, a roar sounded.


On the hill, a wolf roared in the sky.

The dense footsteps in the valley became more dense.


Longfei’s heart sinks. If he encounters a wolf before, he will be careful, but now he has no time. He has no time to think about anything else.

He wants violent energy value!

He wants to trigger a secondary violent attribute.

and so.

Longfei did not hesitate any more, breathed out, and gave a deep drink, saying: "Come on, the more the better!"

After a while.

A large wave of Sirius rushed out of the valley, and surrounded the dragon fly in an instant.

A Sirius, nearly two meters tall, stared at Longfei with ferociousness.


Fierce incomparable existence.

They know how to use tactics, offensive and defensive, and very united.

Longfei Weiwei: "Come on!"

The fists sank and waited for the wolves to rush up. He rushed out and looked at the dense wolves around him. He said in his heart: "It should be enough to kill the violent energy values ​​of these wolves."

Longfei kills the heart.

Rushing forward, holding a Sirius's neck is a bang.

The surrounding Sirius also rushed up.


The back was marked with a deep scar by the wolf claws.

Blood rushed out.

Longfei died without letting go, not killing, absolutely not loose, punching with a punch and punch.

"You can do it for me."

"I can fight ten lives for you!"

Longfei did not go to defense at all, all the power was used in the attack, and his play was completely a fight, holding down one and going to death.

"Look at who the mother can't hold back!"

"Look at who is more crazy!"

"What about the wolves?"

"I am more ferocious than you!"

Not dead end!

Longfei is fighting for his life!

He is completely out of it!


Chapter Four,

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