The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1155: We killed Yuan Zhenzong

A road to contempt.

A sneer.

The kind of condescending, high-ranking people are smug, these make Longfei unhappy.

in case.

The king is still there!

in case.

The Hulk energy liquid is still there.

in case.

If Longfei and Lingyuan use the wishful golden hoop, he will not hesitate to smash the man in front of him. It is really uncomfortable and extremely uncomfortable.

The superiority of the man makes Longfei unhappy.

What is even more uncomfortable is.

The two Tianming Dan were crushed like this, but it was a redemption score of 320,000.

Uranus can't stand it!

Longfei’s eyes also became gloomy, staring at the man motionlessly, sinking and said: “There is a kind of killing me today, I can’t kill me, I must kill you on the day!”

Eyes to kill.

There is that kind of arrogance in the tone.

The man smiled coldly and coldly, "hahaha..."

Loudly sneer.

The man's eyes were tight, staring at Longfei's playful smile: "You are such a low-lying slave, I am a presence that you can't reach, kill me? Don't think about it in your life."

"As for you..."

"Hey, you don't even have the qualification to die in my hands, understand?"

The man’s eyes are full of disdain.

Even if Yang Yu does not explain, he will not kill Longfei, because... He does not bother to kill a slave, and is even less qualified to die in his hands.

Long Fei mouth corner hook, slightly smiled: "Then you wait!"

Also at this time.

Another young man came out and said: "Senior brother, everything is ready, the teacher and sister are almost unable to support, we have to go back immediately."

The man stood up and looked back: "Well, I will go right away."

The man looked at the dragon on the ground and said: "Brother, he is..."

The man said: "A waste slave."

At this time.

Longfei once again exchanged a Tianming Dan and once again took it out, saying: "This Tianming Dan can save her. This is what I promised her."

In this moment.

The man is angry, just like a raging lion, a roaring sound erupts from his body, and a weird beast is superimposed on him.


The surrounding space is instantly compressed.

The void bursts.

Constantly, there is a powerful force in all directions, and the dragons are crushed up. The power of the dragons is suppressed and the body is slowly lifted.

The man’s eyes were gloomy and said: “Don’t take your ignorance to challenge my bottom line. You dare to say the words “Tian Ming Dan”, I will immediately let you fall apart!”

Extremely ferocious!

His blood power broke out in an instant.

Even the men on one side were shocked and pale.

The Tianming Dan in the hands of Longfei also slipped to the ground.

feeling bad.

This time it was even more uncomfortable, this time it made Longfei unhappy!


When the power was received, Longfei’s body fell heavily and fell to the ground.

The muscles of the man's eyes twitched softly, staring at Longfei coldly. "Don't let me see you again, otherwise you will die!!"

Turn around.

The man turned and left quickly.

Another man walked to Longfei and glanced at the medicinal herbs on the ground. He said slightly: "Tianming Dan is a god-level remedy, worth the price. The world can refine the mortal Dan, and only the brothers, you actually In front of him, he took out the destiny, you said that you are not looking for death?"

Longfei struggled: "It is really a destiny."

"If you save Yang Yu, then you will bring this remedy." Longfei has not thought of any other way.

The man glimpsed.


There was a sigh in the distance.

The man hesitated for half a second or picked up the fate of the ground and quickly chased it up.

Longfei’s heart was loose, and he exhaled a heavy breath. He said: “Wait, Laozi will definitely go to Yuanzong, and will return it to you ten times!”

The anger burns in my heart.

The two fists are heavy and heavy, and Longfei’s heart is extremely unhappy.


The remedy was taken away, and Longfei believed that Yang Yu should be fine.


Tian Ming Dan can only help her to continue her life, and can not completely cure her, Long Fei's task is to remove the source of her body.



"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Several streamers flashed from the hillside and rushed to the sky.

There was a voice in the mind of Longfei. "You must come to Yuanzong, you promised me, you must come."

Longfei looked up at the sky and said slightly: "I will definitely go!"

"but not now!"

How can he go now?

It is not the opponent of the brother at all. If he goes, he will be crushed by him. If he wants to go, there must be a capital that can not be climbed up on the ground.

not now!

However, it won't take long.

Longfei lay on the ground and took a break.

At this time.

Longfei opened the redemption system and looked at the dazzling things inside. There were special items, medicinal herbs, artifacts, and some future technologies that Longfei had never seen before.


Can also be exchanged for aliens! !

There are more than 90 million points in the dragon's body, "10 yuan for the best treatment!"

"Exchange Lingyuan Dan 100!"



The system sounded a few notes.


Longfei looked at the remaining points and secretly said: "I rub, I use nearly 20 million points at a time? Lingyuan Dan has a score of 130,000?"

"It costs water."

Longfei quickly took five healing wounds.

The injury on the body was slightly controlled, but it did not heal.


Longfei went to the hillside, and Niu Dashan was still there.


Longfei shouted.

The body of Niu Dashan in a bush gently moved, and then he gave a hard return. "Boss, I am here."

The sound is very low.

If the air is normal.

Longfei’s heart is tight, thinking of the young man just now, they can do it to themselves, and naturally they can start with Niu Dashan.

The anger in my heart is even more intense.

Longfei quickly ran up, looked at the whole body is hurt, the bones of the arms broke, twisted, Bai Sensen's bones pierced the skin, blood flowed to the ground, shocking.


Longfei clenched his fists, his joints rang, and his heart sank: "Your mother, wait for Laozi, don't kill you, Lao Tzu **** with your surname!"

Really angry!

Niu Dashan was hurt too badly.

Long Fei first poured a few healing wounds into his mouth, and then he looked at the protruding bones and bones. He said slightly: "The mountain, hold back."


Longfei violently used force, one pull, one top.


The body of Niu Dashan’s pain bounced, and the eyes were about to protrude. It was sweating and screaming. After screaming, he said: “Boss, I’m sorry, I didn’t protect them.”

Longfei Weiwei said: "Dashan, do you want revenge?"

Niu Dashan glimpsed, nodded heavily: "I think, I can't wait to burst their chrysanthemums right now."

"it is good!"

"We killed the Yuanzong!"


Chapter two

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