"Sister, the younger sister is almost gone!"

"The withering is too strong, her vital signs are rapidly weakening, and now even the mind, the sea has begun to shrink."


On the way to Yuanzong.

The medicinal herbs that began to be given to Yang Yu can only alleviate the speed of her withering. Now, once the medicinal properties are over, the speed of wilting of Yang Yu is intensified.

"If there is no heavenly Dan..."

Anu looked at the brother and said: "The fierce brother, Tian Ming Dan, only you will refine, you have no other way?"

The smoldering eyes sank and said indifferently: "Do you think that Tianming Dan is a refining success if you want to refine it? Do you think that a medicinal herb can replace Tianming Dan?"

"It's you, Anu!"

"Why don't you stop the younger sister to take out the fate of Dan? You know the importance of Tianming Dan. Why do you want the younger sister to give the medicine to a low-lying slave?"

Anu bowed his head and could not say a word.

She does not take care of it.

However, at that time she did not stop, but he did not stop it.

"Senior brother, the life and signs of the younger sister are getting weaker and weaker, and there is no such thing as a destiny..." A younger brother said anxiously.


There is no way for the fire.

He does refine Tianyuan Dan, but the success rate is less than one layer.

The spirit grass that refines Tianming Dan is extremely precious. Even Yuan Zhenzong can't live with it. Many people are dissatisfied with them.

If it wasn't for his medicine master, I am afraid that Yang Yu would have died.

It was at this time.

The fierce rock said: "I,,, I, I have a god, Dan, yes, yes, that is the slave, the slave..."

Li Yan’s eyes glanced at him, staring at the fierce rock, saying: “Genyan!!”

Li Yan's face changed slightly, said: "Senior brother, now we have no other way, let's try it, what if you can?"

"What if?"

"Do you believe in a slave?"

"What is a slave?"

"It is the most humble and lowest thing in the world. They are just people who have fun and can only be torn in the Colosseum by the monsters, garbage." Li Yan said heavily.

The other two were confused and said: "What slaves, what is Tian Tian Dan?"

"What the two of you are talking about?"

Anu’s heart whispered, whispered: “Did he really get the fate of Dan?”

Lie Yandao: "Senior brother, I know what you said. The slaves really shouldn't believe it, but now we don't have a way? Just try it, if it's useful? We can't watch the little sister die. What?"

Lieyang also said: "Dead horses are alive horse doctors."

Gale winds: "Senior brother, if you don't save, the younger sister is really..."

at this time.

Anudao: "Sister Li Yanyan, let the medicinal medicine be given to the lady, I beg you."

Do not know why.

Anu also inexplicably believes that Longfei is like a straw in the ocean, she catches her death!

The smoldering eyes sank.


At this time, he could not do anything. During the time when Yang Yu left, he had been retreating and practicing, and did not refine Tian Tian Dan. Moreover, this kind of medicinal medicine does not mean that refining can be successfully refining.

Anu helped Yang Yu.

Li Yan took a look at the brother, then stepped forward and took out the medicinal medicine carefully into the mouth of Yang Yu, a force attached to her back and slowly catalyzed.

The medicine slowly spreads out.


The scene of the miracle happened, Yang Yu's face quickly recovered, her body quickly regained her vitality, the wrinkles disappeared, and the white hair slowly darkened.

Everything is like a miracle.

Everyone is looking dumbfounded.

"Really useful, really useful."

“It’s really a destiny, it’s faster than the previous days.”

"It's incredible."

“Is it really from a slave hand?”


Everyone is really shocked.

Only the face of the fierce anger is a bit ugly. Looking back at the picture in the woods, several consecutive medicinal herbs were crushed by him. Are those all destiny?

Li Yan’s heart secretly said: “Impossible, absolutely impossible. How can a slave in the district have a destiny?”

"He is a low-lying slave."


Even if he doesn't believe it, Yang Yu is now the best proof.

It was at this time.

Li Yan said coldly: "Is this medicinal medicine really a slave?"

Staring at the rock.

Li Yan had a little reaction but said: "Oh... yes."

Lieyang immediately said: "What is it? This is obviously the fate of the brothers who are placed there by you. I have seen it. You will not forget it?"


"I also remember that you can be really forgetful of the younger brother." The gale also stared at the fierce rock and looked at it.

The fierce rock reacted for a long time, saying: "Yes, right, I remembered it wrong. This Tianming Dan was placed here by my brother. I was forgotten for a moment."

"What slaves give the medicinal herbs, slaves can still have remedies, have such a good remedy?" Lieyang smiled.

Li Yan looked at Anu coldly and said: "When the younger sister wakes up, do you know how to say it?"

Anu is not a fool, she naturally understands.


For Yang Yu, she said very well: "Anu knows that this remedy is refining by your brother."

Li Yan smiled with satisfaction and said: "You are very smart."

"Smart people can live for a long time!"

Li Yan said: "No one can penetrate half of the word, or else..."

There is a killing in the eyes.

Anu secretly said: "Miss, I am sorry, I am for your good, he is only a slave, slaves are of no use in this world."

"You can't have a relationship with him anymore."

Yang Yu is distinguished.

Longfei’s identity is mean.

In Anu’s heart, even if Long Fei saved Yang Yu, they couldn’t have a relationship with each other because Longfei was not qualified at all.

He has no qualification to enter any sect.

Not to mention saving the Yuanzong.

How can a slave save the Yuanzong?

Who will believe?

This is simply a joke.


Three days later.

Longfei's life value is full, the source value is full, and the physical strength is abundant.

The same is true for Niu Dashan.

The powerful body is like a cow, and it recovers quickly.

Niu Dashan for a long time, asked: "Boss, why the follower wants to call him Miss, is his name called Miss?"

He has been thinking about this problem.

This problem has plagued him for several days.

Longfei smiled and said: "I will know you when I see you next time."

A few hours later.

Longfei and Niu Dashan stand at the foot of the Lantern Mountain Range, looking at the incomparable mountains, just like a giant beast, it is fierce.

Niu Dashan said: "Listen to people, Yuan Zhenzong is in this Yuanxiao Mountain."

Longfei stepped out and said: "That will kill all the way!"


third chapter

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