The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1167: Was discovered

"Ha ha..."

"Boss, I am so fierce now."

"I feel that I am full of strength." Niu Dashan smashed a monster like a buffalo, and slammed his body.

At the moment when he flew the monster, Longfei cut it down.



“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’ killing ‘one star monster’ to gain 500 experience, 45 points of energy, and 1 energy.”

"Release the violent energy value!"


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ use a level of violent, please choose the violent series, domain treasure series, Hong Shen Shenbao series, heaven series...”

"Domain treasure series!"


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the 'Golden Mirror’”

"Fill the main artifact!"


"The main artifact is filled with energy, filled, and now five layers of energy!"

The energy of the main **** cannon is filled.

Five hundred points of violent energy value, five pieces of domain treasure, the energy of the main **** cannon is completed, to see who is uncomfortable, a gun to kill his mother.

Longfei glanced at the experience he got, and his brows were secretly locked. "The experience of a star monster is less than half, and the low-level monster has not met the requirements of my upgrade."

The higher the level, the less experience the low-level monsters will have.

Same as in the game.

During this time, Longfei was still in the realm of Xuan, and the experience required for upgrading reached 1.6 million. These low-level monsters could not satisfy him.

The experience is very low.

The upgrade is very slow.

Niu Dashan is more and more flexible in the use of blood power, his perfect integration and play, and after a while, Longfei will let him swallow the blood of the ‘牛魔王*神’.

"Time is almost the same."

"It’s time to go to the Yuan Dynasty."

Long Fei looked at the excited Niu Dashan and said: "Do you want to go to Yuanzong?"

Niu Dashan immediately got excited and said: "I think, I want to turn over the disciples of the two Yuanzong, what, cowhide, Laozi now has a talented blood."

Very direct and very rude.

Longfeidao: "Then we will go to the Yuanzong."


Longfei took Zhu Tianquan's flying sword out.

Niu Dashan stunned and excited. "Boss, are we going to fly the sword?"

Very excited.

Longfeidao: "We don't even know where the Yuanzong Zong is. I can only fly the sword. If I don't take the flying sword, I am afraid that we will not be able to get out of here in a year, and we can't find Yuanzong."

Niu Dashan is excited like a child, saying: "Boss, I have dreamed of sitting in a flying sword in my life, and I dream of flying once."

Longfei smiled and said: You should stand up first.

The flying sword is suspended about half a meter above the ground.

Niu Dashan was excited, stepping on his feet and stepping on it.


The flying sword was stepped on the ground, unable to move and could not fly.

Niu Dashan, "Boss, is it that I am too heavy?"

The dragon flew, and almost laughed and sprayed.

Long Feiqiang held back his smile and said: "Not that you are too heavy, it is not oily."

The idea was moved, the link Feijian, then Longfei drank, said: "Give me up!"

The source of the spirit begins to consume.

The flying sword began to rise slowly. Niu Dashan stood on it and swayed. When he flew to three meters high, he was happy to jump up. The excited tears would come out. "Mother, I’m flying, I really fly. Oh, uh..."


Flying swords slowly fly high.

From three meters to five meters, and then ten meters.

Just at this moment.

Niu Dashan was dizzy and dizzy, and ‘wow’, spit up, the whole person fell from the air, “vomit... vomit...”

Niu Dashan spit pale, muttering: "Boss, too high, I can't stand it, vomit..."

A burst of madness.

Longfei looked at Niu Dashan Road: "Are you afraid of heights, or is it a dizzy sword?"

"No, no, I don't want to take any flying sword anymore. It's too uncomfortable."


"The stories are all deceptive, sitting on the flying sword will be dizzy." Niu Dashan looked like a bitter, and looked fearful, afraid to try again.

The feeling of dizziness is too uncomfortable.

Longfei stepped on step by step, and his mind was moved.

The flying sword ‘嗖’ flew out and made a perfect drift in the air, and then instantly fell back to the original place, saying: “It’s very simple.”

"Would you like to try again?"

Niu Dashan hugged a big tree directly and said: "I will not go to death."

Longfei is speechless and can only give up. "Well, it can only let Feijian lead the way. We are gone."


Longfei let Feijian fly automatically and let it lead the way.

Longfei and Niu Dashan hurry on the ground.


Yuanxiao Mountain Range.

Yang Wan’s eyes suddenly stunned and the atmosphere was released. “The breath of Zhu Chang’s flying sword!”

Also at this time.

The two disciples around him also sensed, "The elders, the breath of Feijian, are approaching Yuanzong."

Yang Wanfei said slightly: "You two transported the bodies of the two elders back, I went to follow Feijian."


The two disciples only know that it is the breath of Feijian. I don't know that the owner of Feijian is Zhu Tianquan.

Yang Wanru knew that he quickly chased it up.

This is also the post of Zhu Tianquan.

He left a breath on his flying sword, just to let the elders of Yuan Zhenzong discover.


He didn't think that Longfei was so careful. He used it for more than half a month. His breath quickly weakened. If it wasn't for Yang Wan's anger, he couldn't sense Zhu Tianquan's breath.

"The atmosphere of Feijian is also going to Yuanzong."


"It is the direction to the outside door."

"Who is it?"

Yang Wan angered and questioned, "Is it really a **** gate?"

"The time has not yet arrived. The people at Hell Gate should not do it in advance. If it is not the person at the Hell Gate, who will it be?"


Yang Wan’s anger appeared in Zhu Tianquan’s mind, which was caused by the practice of the ruthless practice, and Yu Chou’s top crit was directly spiked. ,

This kind of power is too strong, who will be?


Two days later.

Longfei and Niu Dashan stood under a mountain peaking in the clouds, and the two looked up.

Niu Dashan muttered: "It's so high."

"It's just like linking the sky."

Longfei is a depressed face. "Nima, called Feijian to take the road, brought it under the cliff, and made a wool thread."

"You still have to detour."

Feijian goes up the mountain and flies up. Naturally, there is no need to go to the main entrance.


The elder's flying sword is unimpeded, and there is no need to worry about flying from somewhere.

Zhu Tianquan was a secret mission. He went straight on the cliffs of the mountains.

Longfei put away the flying sword and snorted, saying: "Go, go to the main entrance!"

dark place.

Yang Wan’s anger has not followed Longfei’s discovery, nor has he ever climbed to catch Longfei. He wants to know why Longfei is coming.

Looking at the figure of the two dragons, Yang Wan’s anger was slightly tight. “Is it difficult for them to come to Yuanzong to participate in the selection?”


Chapter Four,

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