The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1168: Need baby

Participate in the selection?

It is better to say that it is to do things.

of course.

Longfei is more to complete the task, he wants to get the reward of 'special items'.

Then again.

He wants to complete his commitment to Yang Yu.


"If you don't reach the realm of mysterious level, you will be eliminated directly!"

"The warrior without blood talent, directly eliminated!"

"Either you have a mysterious realm, or you have a blood talent, any one condition is satisfied, you have the qualification for selection, just the qualification for selection, understand?"

A square was crowded with people, and a disciple said with a smug expression on the face.

The warriors in the square are all envious of him.

Because the clothes he wears are the clothes of the official disciples of the Yuan Zhenzong, and only the official disciples have uniform clothing.

It is considered to be the true disciple of Yuan Zhenzong.

The range of strength of a million-kilometer yuan, all young warriors have come here, and they want to enter the Zongmen.

Here is the starting point of your dreams!

"Boss, a lot of people."

Niu Dashan was excited, watching the crowds around him, he was excited, said: "Boss, I have no realm, then I..."

Longfeidao: "Reassured, your five-star blood is a good talent, you should be able to participate in the assessment."

Niu Dashan smiled and said: "This is to thank the boss."

"How come you?"

When chatting with Longfei and Niu Dashan, Ling Qing’s face changed slightly and went to the side of Longfei and whispered, “You, how dare you come here?”

"The body of Lin Shaoqi has been discovered. The forces of Fenglin City are really looking for the murderer who killed Lin Shaoqi. How can you be here?"

Ling Yuan's eyebrows are wrinkled.

He thought that Longfei would escape.

However, he actually appeared in the selection site of Yuanzong.

This made Ling Yuan worried. He worried that Longfei would be exposed and worried that his Ling family would be implicated. After all, Lin Shaoqi was killed when they were present.

Longfei looked at Lingyuan's brother and sister and said: "You can come to the selection, we can come."

Niu Dashan smirked and said: "How come you have come, maybe we will become brothers and sisters later."

Ling Yuan’s eyes tightened and said: “I told you last time that Fenglincheng’s strength in Yuanzong is very great. Why do you still have to come, and if Lin’s death is discovered, your life will not be guaranteed. It is."

"You can't participate in the selection. You haven't saved your life and left here."

Longfei looked at Ling Yuan's micro-path: "The most dangerous place is the safest."

"Do not worry!"

"Even if I am discovered, I will not be tired of you."

Ling Yuan was a slogan.

Ling Qing said: "My brother doesn't mean anything, he is just worried about you."

Long Fei smiled and said: "Thank you for worry!"

After that, I took the Niu Dashan to sign up.


"Dragon fly!"


"Xuan-class one product."

The elders of the statistics raised their eyes and looked at Long Fei seriously. "What is your talent blood?"

Long Feidao: "I don't know myself."

"The blood is not awake?" The elder drew an x ​​under the name of Longfei, and then said: "Go there and check your blood talent."

"Next, name!"

"Niu Dashan!"


"Yellow grade three products."

"What is the talent blood?"

"Five-star steel armor rhinoceros blood."

The elders looked a little excited and said: "Five-star steel rhinoceros? Can you be sure?"

Niu Dashan’s arms slammed hard, “Boom, Boom, Boom!”

There is a thick shadow of the steel armor on the body, and the strength is extremely powerful.

The elders were extremely excited and said: "Yes, good, it is indeed the blood of the five-star steel armor rhinoceros, you can go directly to the final level of assessment."


He drew three hooks under the name of Niu Dashan, representing a strong potential.

Just a show of talented blood, let Niu Dashan directly into the final round of assessment, all the previous trials are exempted.

This is the advantage of blood talent.

The Yanhuang ancestors said that the chaotic world is a world of blood and talent, where the blood is king.

A five-star talent bloodline can bring a strong advantage.

Ling Qing and Ling Yuan’s eyes were shocked, and the blood of the steel armor rhino was actually given by Niu Dashan.

It is obviously the blood-blooded beast that Longfei kills. He does not have to give Niu Dashan himself. Why?

Does he have a stronger blood talent?

Ling Yuan and Ling Qing are both second-class and qualified for selection.


The two also came to the place where the blood was detected.

Niu Dashan has some self-blame: "Boss, your blood talent has not been activated, give me the blood of the steel rhinoceros, I..."

Longfeidao: "Don't think too much, the blood of the steel armor rhinoceros is more suitable for you, and the blood of the steel armor rhinoceros is just a little preparation, I have something more powerful for you."

"Set a drop of blood on it."

One after another, the martial art did.

"Blood talent, no!"

"Blood talent, no!"

"One star blood."


The blood dripping on the black stone, the black stone absorbs the corresponding blood level, but... most people have no blood talent, and some are very low blood.

This black stone existed when Yuanzong was established, and it absorbed countless drops of blood.

There are good and bad.


Longfei went up.

Before he condensed the blood, Longfei’s eyes jerked, and his heart was dark, "I rub, the best thing?"

The black color in front of his eyes sparkled with gold.

It is like a magic weapon.

It absorbs the blood of thousands of years, has high-level blood, and has low-level blood. The energy absorbed by this black stone is too strong, and it must be refined.

If such a large amount of blood is absorbed by Longfei...

"What are you doing?"

"Condensed with blood."

A disciple urged.

Longfei swallowed his mouth and restored his look. His fingertips condensed a drop of blood and gently dripped on the black stone.

The blood is absorbed by the black stone.

After stopping for half a second, Blackstone did not react at all.

"Blood talent, no!"


Blackstone does not have any brilliance, which means that there is no blood talent, this result makes Longfei slightly shocked, and the heart secretly said: "The engulfing blood should bring, why is there no response?"

"Or is the level too low to detect?"

at this time.

Ling Qing, who is behind the dragon, gently drops a drop of blood.

It’s just a moment.

Golden light, just like a strong light from the ground, like a light beam, even in the daytime is also extremely dazzling, the entire Yuan Zhenzong unknown earthquake.

"God-level talent blood."

Ling Qing himself was stupid, excited to say nothing, said: "I,, I,,, I don't, I,,"

Can't speak.

She looked at Longfei.

Longfei smiled and said: "Congratulations."


His eyes stayed on the black stone, and he did not pay attention to the glare that suddenly burst out on the black stone. He snorted. "This baby, I have to find a way to steal it..."


Chapter 5, thank you for your support!

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