The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1192: Explode to Laozi!

Longfei used the points to redeem a few quick-recovering medicinal herbs.

With 100 million points, there are only a few million left.

Not enough.

Originally, Longfei wanted to fill the main cannon again. Now it seems that he has to find a way to get a second-level violent, bursting something to redeem points.

Lingyuan consumption is too fast, Longfei's current level is too low, and the source value can't support the frequency of use of the gold hoop.

You can only rely on medicinal herbs to restore the source.

"Dashan, you look around, I will restore the source." Longfei reminded, then the eyes are slightly closed, the source value is slowly recovering.

five minutes later.

Niu Dashan just followed the ghost and stumbled back and ran back and said: "Boss... In front, look at the front..."

At this time, the spiritual source of Longfei recovered almost.

Looking at Niu Dashan's face and panic, he asked, "What is ahead?"

Niu Dashan Road: "There are individuals hanging in the air in front."

"Are you sure you are a person?"

"Not a zombie?"

Longfei went up. This valley doesn't know how many years it has been abandoned. This cave is not a human being, even the monsters are afraid to come in.

Niu Dashan said: "Really people, he just spoke to me."

Long Fei asked: "What did you say to you?"

Niu Dashan said: "He let me go, always told me to go, said to tell me a terrible secret."

Longfei was shocked, "The Soul?"

Longfei asked again: "How come you reply?"

Niu Dashan said: "I will return a sentence, **** your grandmother's leg."

Longfei: ...

At this time, Niu Dashan became more excited and said: "Then, the man actually smiled at me, laughing too horrible."

"Boss, this cave is too evil."

"I don't chill at the thought of his smile." Niu Dashan still had cold sweat on his back and looked scared.

Longfei’s heart is moving, "It should be boss!!"


Longfei reminded Niu Dashandao: "Protect your heart, no matter what time he says anything, don't pay attention to him."


Longfei also protected his heart and rushed up.

The front is dark.

There is a white shadow in the darkness, the wind is moving in the wind, the body is suspended in the air, and the eyes are gloomy looking down.

Niu Dashan immediately said: "Boss, that person."

Longfei flashed the color of excitement, "Sure enough, it is boss!"

"Since it is a boss..."

"The old man can't stand it, kill him!"

Also at this moment.

"Ha ha ha..."

A gloomy laugh is like floating out of hell.

In the voice with a powerful power of the soul, Longfei knows the sea and rolls up in a moment, the heart is turbulent, and it is extremely uncomfortable.

Niu Dashan also showed painful color, said: "Boss, this guy is too fierce."

"Keep your mind, don't let go."


"I will see how fierce he is!"

Longfei rushed out in one step.

In this moment.

Niu Dashan suddenly stunned, and immediately followed up, grabbed Longfei.


Longfei’s body suddenly lost gravity, and the whole person fell. Fortunately, Niu Dashan responded promptly, and he took the dragon fly to him. “Boss, I forgot to tell you, here is a black hole abyss.”


Longfei gently shook his head, and the torch in his hand was shining. His eyes were sharply surprised. It was similar to Niu Dashan. It was a huge abyss, but... both sides of the abyss were coffins.

Among the abyss is the chain.

The huge chain is incomparable, and the person suspended in midair is not suspended, but locked by a chain in the air, because the chain black is not clear at a time, it is considered to be suspended in the air.

"Why are these chains locking one person?"

"Living people taboo, Death Valley?"

"What is the coffin on both sides of the abyss?"

"That is what he is, when he encounters boss, he is killing." Longfei's right hand, Shurao, opened the mountain knife and held it in his hand. "Dashan let me go."


Niu Dashan did not dare to listen, and his hands were loose.

The dragon flies on a huge chain. "Nima's, like the soul-shooting?"

"Come on!"

Quickly impact.

The man under the white shadow had a hook on his mouth and smiled sullenly. "Just rely on your kid?"



The chain flew up, and a chain of chains hit the dragon like an arrow. Longfei clasped the mountain knife. "Oly, armor!"

"Give me off!"


A knife cut down, the fire splashed, the iron chain only scratched a shallow fine mark, no break at all, hit the dragon's chest.


Longfei was nailed to the wall.


A blood spurted out.

Another chain of chains also attacked instantly, "Hey, la la la..."

Niu Dashan roared, and fell heavily, his head jerked, and the power of the blood of the demon king broke out.


A loud noise for Longfei to resist this attack.

Longfei was able to breathe and step back, "Hey!"

Longfei once again rushed out, "I still don't believe it!"


The cracks flew up, and the dragon flew, and the body was light and light like a monkey. It quickly shuttled through the chain, and the mountain knife in his hand gripped.

Silver is getting closer and closer in midair.

The surrounding chains are also getting denser and denser, rushing to Longfei.

"Give me death!!"

The mountain knife slashed and smashed directly on the neck of Bai Yingren. Long Fei’s knife wanted to cut his head.




A loud noise, the fire splashed, the Shura mountain knife in the hands of Longfei flew out directly from the earthquake, the tiger's mouth shattered, and the palm and the whole arm were numb.

The last move was like squatting on the chain.

The white-eyed man’s head was gently lifted, and he smiled sullenly. He said, “You want to kill me, kid?”

Disdain, disdain.

Both eyes are with a powerful power of the soul.

"Hello hahaha..."

The laughter sounded again, the chain moved, locked the dragon's throat, and quickly contracted.


Niu Dashan struggled to shout.

Bai Yingren said sinisterly: "Living people are taboo, Death Valley, come in, don't want to go out alive, hahaha..."

The chain is shrinking, and the dragon is flying a line.

at this moment.

Long Fei mouth corner hook, sinister smile: "Is it?"

"Swallow the blood!"

"Sucking the stars, I will let you see how I got out."

The left hand moves, one palm sticks to the white shadow man's chest, and the twenty-level devours the blood force to spurt out. The powerful star-sucking Dafa god-level power madly absorbs the power of the white shadow man.

It’s just a slap in the mountains!

The act of attracting stars is the purpose of Longfei.

The powerful power is absorbed by Longfei, and the amount of blood on the top of the white shadow person is rapidly reduced.

"Fuck again, ah."

"I sucked you!"

Longfei looked at the last trace of blood on the top of the white shadow man, excitedly said: "Explore it to Laozi!!"


third chapter,

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