The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1193: God beast, fire unicorn

The white-eyed man was frightened, his body was struggling wildly, and he tried his best to control the contraction of the chain, but...

Compared to the speed at which Dragon flies to swallow blood, his speed is much slower.

The white elephant's body gradually became a dry corpse.

The last drop of blood disappeared.


The body dried up, the chains bound on him were loose, and the whole person fell into the dark abyss. At this moment, the system sounded a tone.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ killing ‘White Shadow Man’ and gaining 100,000 points, 8000 points and 1 energy.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the god-level gong ‘Soul of the Town’ is cultivation?”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’ to unlock the 'first layer of the Lantern Festival’ and get a special reward ‘level +1’”


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ upgrade, the current level of the four grades!”

"I rub!"

A series of prompts made Longfei a little embarrassed.

"Boss only exploded one thing, God level!" Longfei did not release the violent energy value, now the violent energy has more than three hundred points, he does not want to waste.

At least two levels of violent!

Gongfa: The soul of the town

Grade: God level

Description 1: At the corner, the monsters within a hundred meters can be shaken for one minute. After one minute, they can no longer be used. The higher the level, the longer the earthquake will be. The cultivation can directly shock the monsters to a certain extent. The heart is cracked.

Description 2: The soul of the town must be released with ‘The Devil's Flute’!


"I rely on you, your sister, are you teasing me?" Longfei saw the description of 2 when the whole person is not good, the town soul song is a sonic attack.

Directly penetrate the human mind and know the sea, it can be said to kill people invisible.


It needs a special flute to be released. What is this called?

If you don't have the ‘Decord Flute’, you can’t use it.

The combination of the soul of the town and the soul of the soul can release the power of the soul of the town, in order to explode his power, both of which are indispensable.

"What is the Lantern Festival?"

"Direct reward level, so arrogant?" Longfei shocked, "The first layer is unlocked, is it difficult to have a second layer?"

"Oh la la!"

A loud noise.

Immediately after all the chains began to retract quickly, the chains were off track.

Niu Dashan exclaimed, "Boss!"

Picking up the mountain knife and throwing it to Longfei.

Long Fei’s eyebrows were dark and wrinkled, and the body grabbed the mountain knife and then shouted, “Let me wait outside!”

In an instant.

"Aeolus legs!"


The body slammed down and fell on a retracted chain. It was an instant, and it continued to jump deep into the depths of the dark abyss.

There were a few ripples in the darkness.

The figure of Longfei was also swallowed up by the darkness.


Niu Dashan, standing on the edge of the darkness, shouted in the abyss without any response.

Longfei seems to have disappeared.



The speed of the chain shrinking is too fast, and the dragon fly completely falls to the ground. In the place where there is no place in the air, the flying sword can not be used.

Longfei fell into the dark abyss.

I don't know how long it has been.

Longfei was hot and dry, his eyes jerked open, his body was sweating and drenched, and he fell on a rock, surrounded by flowing magma.

Just like the magma ocean.

Longfei looked up and looked at the endless darkness. He could not see the top.

"This is the abyss?"

"How do I feel the depths of the earth?" Longfei looked at the surrounding magma and rolled, and couldn't see the end. "This is playing a wool."

The nearest rock to Longfei is 100 meters away, and this distance Longfei can't jump.

In an instant.

Just as Longfei thought about how to get out of here, the magma suddenly sprayed.


Just before him, the flower was blown up. At the moment when the magma erupted, a whole body was red and scales, and two huge eyes stared at it.

"This monster..."


"Fire unicorn!"

Longfei’s eyes were shocked and he was carefully guarded.

This is a beast!

Unusual chest tightness.

And in this magma he came and went freely, without any restrictions, said flying and flying, said that drilling into the magma into the magma.

Several groups of fire under his feet, suspended in the air, staring at Longfei with indecision, his eyes full of doubts.

For him, this is the first time I have seen humans.

To be exact, it is to see something alive.

The fire unicorn suddenly said: "Are you delicious?"

"This one……"

"I am very hard to eat!" Longfei said. "But I will eat well."

The fire unicorn eyes are happy, anxiously said: "Then you eat well for me to eat, hurry, hurry, hurry."

Longfeidao: "Here?"

Fire Kirin nodded and said: "Yes, here."

Longfeidao: "There is nothing here, how can I do it for you?"

Fire Qilin said: "Do yourself for me."

Longfeidao: "Play me, are you?"

Fire Qilin said: "No, it is what you said will be good to eat, then you have done it yourself, I will wait for you to eat, so you will not be difficult to eat."

Longfei is a bit too much to say, "What is this thinking?"

Fire Kirin looked at each other: "Hurry up, I am hungry, I want to eat, I want to eat."


There is saliva in the mouth of the fire unicorn. The saliva is a hot flame magma, which flows down one by one, and it is terrible.

Longfeidao: "You are close to me, I will do it for you right away."

"Good!" Fire Kirin had almost no consideration, and relied directly on the past.

It falls within the attack range of Longfei.

Between the flashes, Longfei’s right hand moved, and the wishful golden hoop in his hand jerked, and the cockroach squatted on the head of the fire unicorn, and sipped, “Come and eat.”


A stick blasted the head of the fire unicorn out of a big bag, and his body sank and fell into the magma.


There was a painful cry in the magma.

"eat me?"

"How about the fire unicorn?"

"I have abused the dragon ancestors, but I am afraid that you will be unicorned?"


"Come and eat me again."

Longfei always stares at the surrounding magma.

For a moment.

The fire unicorn body became bigger and bigger, rising to the sky and rushing to Longfei.

Longfei Jin Hoop made a move and grinned: "Monkey, flatten him!"


Waiting for the fire unicorn to fall, it is a stick to go down.


The fire unicorn was slammed into the magma and made a scream of pain.

Do not know why.

The golden hoop has a fatal crit against him, completely crushing the breath and strength of the fire unicorn. Why? Is the second layer of strength a sign of awakening?


It was also rushed up, and was slammed by Longfei to a stick.

"Is not satisfied?"

"Not convinced, right?"


"I am hitting you!"


Chapter Four,

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