The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1195: Taishang Laojun possession

Things are good or bad, you can measure them with points.

The demon king* **** blood value is 380 thousand points.

God-level blood in the **** level, not good.

Fire Kirin is worth a billion dollars. What is this concept?

This is to be awkward!

Longfei laughed and didn't close his mouth, but fortunately he succeeded. Otherwise, he really wants to die here.


Long Fei asked: "How come out here?"

Fire Kirin Road: "Master, the agency is under the magma."

Longfei slammed a cold sweat on his back, and he said in his heart: "So? Who dares to jump into the magma?"

Long Feidao: "Do you have a way to take me down?"

Fire unicorn said: "Sit on my back."

Longfei looked at the flame from the fire unicorn, and hesitated.

Fire Kirin said: "Master, as long as I agree, I can bring you any flames, not hurt."

Since this is said, what is the fear of Longfei?

The fire unicorn also knees on the knees, the body is lowered, completely a standard mount posture, and his mind is imagining that he can eat a lot of panacea.

When I think of these mouths, I will shed water.

Longfei jumped up and jumped up. Sitting on his back like the fire unicorn said, he couldn’t feel any heat and heat. Even the heat from the magma could not be felt. The thought was: "Go!"


The fire unicorn got up and slammed into the air, and a fierce plunged into the magma.

Don't see it, look at it...

Longfei shook again.

This is called magma?

This is obviously called the magma ocean. It is just like in the deep sea. If there is no fire unicorn, I don’t think about it.

This makes Longfei more interested in the Yuanxiao giant array.

"Is there something hidden in such a strong array of guardians?" Longfei thought in his heart. "The Lantern Festival is a huge battle. Can it be true that the legendary body becomes a Yuanxiaojie beast?"

"Isn't that legend?"

Longfei has seen the legend about the Lantern Mountains.

The Yuanxiao Mountain Range, which can not be seen at the end, is a beast that has been rushed out by the Yuan Dynasty. It was bombarded by the laws of the chaos, and it was derived from the flesh.

Such a huge beast is impossible!

Just when Longfei thought about this, the fire unicorn said: "Master, you see, that is the institution."

The fire unicorn looked at a small disc in the depths of the ground. The disc was engraved with all kinds of strange runes, not belonging to the chaotic world, and even less to the Tianwu continent.

Longfei also can't understand.

The disc is like a glimpse of the eye, faintly releasing a powerful force.

Longfei studied it carefully and didn't touch any doorway. "Do you know how to crack it?"

The fire unicorn shook his head and said: "I don't know."

"I told you that we are the guardian beast of the Lantern Festival. We can't leave here, and we can't let people leave. He doesn't want me to touch this formation."

"Oh, I seem to have violated what I told you."

Long Fei immediately said: "The formation is to break people. If I break the law, then what are you doing here, naturally go with me."

Can the cooked duck fly away?

Long Fei is really afraid that the fire unicorn will directly throw him here, and he will instantly become ashes.

The fire unicorn smirked and said: "You can rest assured that our fire unicorns will choose their masters to follow their lives and never rebel."

Longfei’s heart was loose and snorted. “You said it early.”

One billion points of fire unicorn.

Fire Qilin said: "Master, can you solve this array?"

Longfei’s research did not have a bit of a clue for a long time. He shook his head and said: “I don’t know, but...”

Longfei’s right hand moves, “Ruyi Golden Hoop!”

The golden hoop stick fell in the hand, and Longfei smashed it up with a stick and said: "There is nothing in this world that can't be destroyed by power."

"Array method?"

"I also smashed it with a stick!"

Everything in the world, to Lectra!

The bombardment of the 100,000-dollar golden hoop was carried on the line.


The eyes are cracked.

The magma began to erupt and surged.

Fire Kirin immediately said: "Boss, no, the magma power is erupting, the formation is activated, we will be swallowed by the magma here."

"This method can't work."

"I really said that I can't touch it."

Longfei is not in a hurry, said: "A stick can't work, then two sticks!"

The thoughts are sinking.

The power of Longfei was linked to the depths of the golden hoop. The eyes moved slightly and opened. At this moment, Longfei’s eyes glanced and the power exploded.

"I can see how much you can afford?"


A great day!

The gold hoop sticks like a black shadow and squats on the eye.


A burst of sound, a force shock wave projected out, the surrounding magma is a surge of power, there is a tendency to volcanic eruption.


In just a few seconds.

The eyes broke.

The power in the array is in a frenzied contraction, and the surging magma is inhaled by the eyes.

The suction is too strong, just like the black hole swallows.

The fire unicorn can't hold it, let alone the dragon fly.

The fire unicorn shouted: "Master, no, no, we have to be sucked in."

Longfei Jin Hoop has a heavy movement: "Hold me."


The gold hoop was inserted into the ground, and it was as silky as the needle of the sea god. Longfei clung to the golden hoop and the fire unicorn hugged him.

The rate of absorption is too fast.

In half a minute, the ocean-like magma world disappeared without a trace, leaving only a huge cave.

The fiery arsenal also disappeared.

Longfei exhaled a long breath, "It is finally over."

The fire unicorn also scared a cold sweat and muttered to himself: "I thought I was going to heaven."

Longfei walked to the black hole in the center of the eye. "Is this the way to go?"


“Congratulations to the player’s “Dragon Flying” to crack the 'Second Layer of the Yuanxiao Giant Array’ to receive a special reward ‘level +1’, which is the blood of the unicorn.”


“Congratulations to the player’s “Longfei” upgrade, the current level of five grades.”

"too fast!"

"One level, I really hope that there is a hundred and eighty layers, send me directly to heaven." Longfei excited, this upgrade speed is much faster than killing the monster.


"Do you swallow?"

At the same time that Longfei got the blood of the unicorn, the system immediately sounded a tone.

Longfei did not rush to answer, nor did he go to check the properties of Qilin blood, but directly opened the redemption system, and the unicorn blood was put up.

An embarrassing number appears on the redemption system.

390 million!

It is higher than the rank of the blood of the demon king* god.

This is because.

The flying unicorn blood that Longfei got has the power of fire! !

"Do you swallow?"


Chapter One.

The wife of the sea built a WeChat public number to search for ‘a lot of water in the sea’. The name of the book is just like, the brothers who like it are added, thank you.

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