The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1196: Fire unicorn, **** him!

"Do you swallow?"


Long Fei took a deep breath and was really tempting. The blood in his body was full of excitement and boiling. He could not wait to swallow it immediately.


Longfei finally gave up.

Kirin blood.

The blood of the ancient gods, the blood of the gods, is extremely powerful.


This blood has a name, psychic blood!

It can replace Lingcao 'Psychic Blood', which is a kind of spiritual grass that helps Yang Yu to cure diseases. Although it is full of temptation, it can at least raise the blood level by several levels, but Longfei resisted.

Looking at the attributes of the fire unicorn, Longfei eyes closed together, no longer think about it, and no longer look at it, for fear that he could not control it.

"Master, are we going down?"

Fire Kirin stood beside Longfei and asked, "The following should be the third floor."

Long Fei immediately said: "Go!"

Step on it.

As soon as he stepped into the black hole, Longfei seemed to enter another world.

Silver is shining.

It is clearly visible inside.

This is a huge, empty cave. The tops of the cave are all some unknown ore. There is a small altar in the square.

The altar was covered with thick dust.

On the altar is a hole, a glimmer of light, this hole should be straight through.


"Is this what I want to summon?"

In the heart of Longfei, there is an altar in the depths of this kind of earth. What is this going to do?

"be careful."

Long Fei reminded me that my heart always felt a little hairy. The altar was usually placed on the ground. Is the altar in the underground used to sacrifice ghosts?

Those zombies outside.

Huge chain.

There are also countless coffins on both sides of the abyss. These pictures flashed again and again in Longfei’s mind, and the heart felt more and more like this altar.

"You are on the side, I will go to the altar to see."

Longfei held the Shura chopper slowly and approached the altar. He walked around the altar and found nothing special, and then went to the altar.

On the altar is a huge black tripod.

A very ordinary stone tripod, nothing special, Longfei looked up at the sprinkling of the bright hole, the hole straight out.

"If there is no exit, you can climb out here." Longfei snorted.


A powerful force directly binds Longfei, and the red light on the altar is flourishing!

That powerful force directly pressed Longfei to press on the stone tripod, "Hey!"

One hit!

The eyebrows are split and a drop of blood flows in the stone.

"Hey! Hey, hey!"

The blood was absorbed by the stone tripod, and a red light rose up to the sky and sprayed directly from the Tongtian Cave, penetrating for nine days.

Also at this moment.

Longfei’s thoughts sank, “I fuck!”

His consciousness stood in front of a super huge monster, and he was really as big as an ant. The behemoth in front of him was too strong, and his eyes were staring at Longfei.

That kind of pressure can blow him up.

"There is finally a blood that activates me!"


"I am very grateful to you."

"I can satisfy you if you have any wishes." The giant beast said.

Longfei was a bit awkward and said: "Summon the dragon?"


Long Feidao: "I don't have any desires. You can let go of my consciousness."

Is there such a good thing in the world?

Longfei does not believe it!

Don't think about falling pies in the sky, even if you lose the pie, it may be expired!

The behemoth glimpsed a little, and was amazed. "You are the first human who has no desire. This shows that you are not greedy, very good."


"Does it trigger hidden missions, and there are rewards?" Longfei was secretly excited.

The behemoth said slightly: "So when I eat, you don't have to worry about refining your greed."

"eat me?"

Longfei’s body was shocked and his eyes were dark and tight.

Beast said: "Yes, your blood can activate me, I need more power in your blood, so my strength can recover."

"You said, should I eat you?"

It is very understated.

Don’t take Longfei seriously.

The dragon's mouth is slightly ticked. "If you eat me, you can get strength..."

Longfei looked up and said, "Well, if I burst you, I don't know what I can get?"

The behemoth laughed and said, "Is this human?"

Longfeidao: "I am a human being."

"Ha ha ha..."

The behemoth smiled and said: "You are too arrogant, I am the behemoth of the Yuan Dynasty. If it is not because of calculation errors, I will not come here."

"I am going to rush to the super behemoth of the ancient gods battlefield."

Longfei’s heart was secretly shocked. “Is it the battlefield of the ancient gods?”

"The drought has said this place."

"Yu Wang also said."

"Now even this Yuanxiao behemoth is also talking about the battlefield of the ancient gods. What kind of place is it?" Longfei’s heart was slightly shocked.


"Don't give up your strength." The behemoths glanced at each other, and a powerful force bound the dragon to the dragon, and the dragon's consciousness could not break through.

His current flesh is completely uncontrollable.

He was held down by a powerful force, and the blood on his body continued to flow out.

The trickle is in the stone tripod.

Longfei’s consciousness is struggling, but in front of the behemoth, his consciousness is too small to break free.

He can feel the loss of his life.

The blood is draining.

The behemoth smiled and said: "Do you know what it feels like? The feeling of death!"


"I can make me regain strength. You should be honored to be right. When you go to the battlefield of the ancient gods, you will be proud of me, hahaha..." The behemoth laughed wildly.


He felt that Longfei's blood power was very rich, which is simply the best nourishment for his strength recovery.

"There is a kind of you let me out!"

Longfei roared.

The behemoth smiled and said: "Your consciousness never breaks my bondage. Do you think that letting you out?"

"Human, you are too weak!"


"Ha ha ha..."

The behemoth smiled proudly.

As he said, Longfei's consciousness can't break his power, even if he let go of his consciousness, he will still be crushed by him.


Longfei had a thought and wanted to summon the wishful golden hoop, but his idea was not linked to the golden hoop.

"It's useless!"

"Everything is in my control."

"The moment you step onto the altar, you are my sacrifice."

"Ha ha ha..."

The behemoth laughed wildly.

He is increasingly excited about the power of Longfei, he did not think that a human blood can be strong enough to this point.



Longfei’s mind was thinking crazy, then the flash of light flashed and said: “Your strength is in the altar?”

The behemoth stunned and said: "You are really smart, but... it’s too late, you are going to die soon."

Longfei mouth gently tapped, said: "Is it late?"

"How do I find out that I am just fine?"

"Fire unicorn, **** him!"


Chapter two,

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