The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1602: Repair probability 0%

The sound is chilly and crushed in the place.

No one dares to move.

Even the breathing is cautious, and the breath that erupted from Longfei is really terrible, and it feels more terrifying than the prestige of the war letter.

Let them breathe.

At this moment.

The eight elders walked into the yard and looked at what happened in the yard. They immediately shouted: "I will immediately let people go and let the best doctor come."

Everyone has a glimpse.

A elder said: "Too elders, Longfei, they killed the old parents, but also killed the elders of our Xuanyuan people, can not let him go."

Seeing the big eight elders entering the yard, they immediately became more powerful.

"Dragon, you are ready to die."

"Look, you dare to be arrogant?"

"There are eight great elders, and you can see when you can be arrogant."


One by one, the dragons were crushed and uncomfortable. Now the eight elders have appeared, and they naturally want to export their evil spirits.


The elders who spoke these words were swept by the old nine eyes, and then they chilled and said: "From now on you are not the elders of the Xuanyuan people."

Everyone was stunned.

"Too elders, for,,, why?"

"Are we doing something wrong?"

Lao Jiu faintly said: "You have not done anything wrong, but what you said makes Longfei and the Lord very unhappy, this is where you are wrong, if you ask again!"

"Exit from Xuanyuan House, never enter again!"

The faces of the Xuanyuan elders were stunned.

what's the situation?

Did not react for a long time.

The warrior who climbed up on the ground stared at Lao Jiu and said: "You eight old things are crazy? Ah? I am now ordering you to take Longfei..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

The figure of Laojiu moved, and he slammed into the old chest of the warrior, and he sipped aloud. "I have forbeared you for a long time!"


A palm hits the fly.

The warrior’s old man burst out and succumbed to hundreds of meters.

Longfei said slightly: "Don't kill him, I still use it."

Lao Ji immediately nodded: "Follow."

It is as if he is a slave to Longfei, and not only the other seven elders are the same, which makes the Xuanyuan people really unable to respond.

"Isn't it quick to let people go to me?"

Those disciples who seized the eight King Kong immediately let go.

Also because they let go, the eight King Kongs all stood unsteadily, "Hey, hey, hehe..."

One fell to the ground.

Li Yuanba spurted a black blood, his face was extremely pale, and the abdominal cramps continued. He obviously felt the power disappeared from his body.

He is now like an old man who is dying, and may die at any time.


Longfei stepped on step by step.

Li Yuanba grinned and said: "Boss, I am fine."

Longfei helped Li Yuanba to look at his abdomen, and his heart sank. He began to know that the Eight Kings were injured, but he did not expect that... Dan Tian was abandoned!


Longfei's teeth bite and screamed, his body's anger burned wildly, and the killing was strong. The whole yard was shrouded in death.


In the heart of Longfei’s heart, he couldn’t wait to pull the war letter out of **** and kill him a hundred thousand times.

Li Yuan’s screaming smile, as long as Longfei is okay, even if there is something bigger, it doesn’t matter. Longfei saved him, and Longfei made his life look wonderful.

His life can be killed for Longfei at any time.

The same is true for the rest of King Kong.

They didn't regret to follow Longfei at all, even if Dantian was abandoned now they never regretted it.

Longfei then looked at the other seven King Kong, one by one, Dan Tian was abolished, and his heart was bleeding. "The warrior, the warrior... my ancestors!!"


Long Fei immediately said: "Help me bring them into the room."

Lao Jiu dare not ask, because the breath of Longfei at this time is like a dynamite, and it burns at a point.

Eight elders personally handed the eight King Kong into the room.

Also at the same time.

Longfei closed the door of the room and snorted, "No one will turn to the room without my order!"

Lao Ji immediately said: "Let the Lord please rest assured."

Eight people sat cross-legged, and Longfei looked at eight people. He understood the pain of Dantian being ruined. For a warrior, Dantian is everything. Losing Dantian means losing everything.

Failure to practice is like giving death.

Longfei can't let his brother ruin it.

He wants to save them.


Longfei gently exhaled a breath and said: "I have not tried it. This is the first time. I don't know if it hurts. You must hold it anyway, understand?"

Oya said: "We are now a waste, and even if we are suffering, it will not become a waste."

"Boss, you can rest assured."

"come on!"

"We are ready to do everything."


The eight King Kongs are never afraid.

Dantian is a very special existence. Once broken, it is useless and cannot be repaired. Even if it is repaired, it is useless.

Can't think of the same as before, the power will be greatly reduced.

It will never reach its peak.


They didn't want to let Longfei be disappointed.

No matter what Dragonfly does, they will do their best to cooperate, even if they know that they are not saved.

Long Feidao: "Well, you close your eyes and I use your ideas to communicate with you."


"Exclude distracting thoughts."

"Heart and mind are one."

The eight kings just did it, and the heart slowly calmed down.

Longfei’s thoughts move, “God eyes, open!”


With the power of healing, Longfei does not know how strong this power is, but this is the only way Longfei can think of saving the Eight King Kong.

His Dantian is broken, but he is not afraid because he has a system.

The destruction of the eight King Kong's Dantian means that they can only become a waste person, and Longfei is absolutely not allowed!


A slight power humming sounded, and Longfei’s forehead slowly opened his eyes, and Longfei’s mind was controlled. “Come on, let me see your healing power.”

A red light flashed on the sky.

Just like scanning red light, I swept through Li Yuanba's body and saw that his belly Dan Tian was smashed, and it was also a shock to the eye of the eye.



"System prompt: damage degree s level, repair probability 0%."


Also scanned Lin Yousheng.


"System prompt: damage degree s level, repair probability 0%"


"System prompt: damage degree s and repair probability 0%"


The eight King Kongs are all the same.

The probability of repairing Dantian is zero.

In other words...

Their dantian can't be repaired at all!

Long Fei panicked, and said: "Impossible, impossible, there must be a way, there must be a way..."

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