The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1603: Steel armor

Really panic.

The Eight King Kong is following him from the Tianwu continent to the chaos world.

They died once in Tianwu, and at that time, Longfei was extremely uncomfortable. He vowed that he would never let them die again.

But now!

Dantian was scrapped and the probability of repair was zero.

What is the difference between this and the death of the Eight King Kong?

Longfei Dantian is broken, he knows the pain very well.


"I must save them, I must save!" In the memory of Long Fei, those people laughed and laughed at him as a waste of Dantian's broken, ridiculing him for useless.

These he will never let these things happen to the eight King Kong.

"any idea?"

"There must be a way!"

"System, you must have a solution, right?"

"You must have a way!"

"I beg you, let me save them." Longfei pleaded, the eight King Kong is his brother, he did not want them to have an accident.

Tianwu mainland is also good, chaotic boundary plane is also good, there is no one can completely repair the power of Dantian.

Dantian is broken.

Unable to repair the existence.

It is almost a waste when it is repaired.

The system did not respond.

It is just a smart program, how can it respond to Longfei?

Longfei’s heart was sobbing blood.

At this time, the sleeping beauty came out of the space ring of Longfei, standing beside the dragon flying, she could feel the pain in Longfei's mind, she couldn't help but drop her tears, want to comfort, but... She does not know how to comfort Longfei.


She didn't even know about the repair method of Dantian's broken.

Dantian crushing is impossible to repair to a certain extent.

Whether it is in this plane or in the plane controlled by Hongmeng, it is the same and cannot be repaired!

The Titans were also silent.

He also could not find a way to fix it.

Colorful dragons sigh softly.

The king of beasts, the **** cows in the underworld, and the king of the beasts are the same. They can all feel the pain of the dragon, but they have no choice.

Can't save it!

Longfei double fists clenched, clenched, and then clenched, nails stuck in the meat, the red blood dripping out, the teeth are about to be broken.

But he did not dare to make a sound.

Looking at the Eight King Kong, all of them are their laughter, their efforts, their arrogance, their fearless.

Longfei is in his heart, "Why, why, why..."

"Dragon, what is your use?"

"You can't even keep your brother, you can't keep your own woman, what use is it?"

"What use do you have?"

Longfei is deeply blamed and his heart is bleeding.

What Ouya seems to feel, with a smile on his face, said: "Dragon, we really don't care if Dantian can fix it. It is the luckiest thing in our life to follow you. It is also my happiest thing. Thank you. ”

Li Yuanba followed and said: "Boss, you gave me the name, gave me a new life, so that I can live like a human, thank you."

Tianling smiled and said: "Boss, you brought me out of the land, you let me revenge, you let me see the wonderful world, thank you."

Luo Handao: "Boss, don't say anything, thank you for everything you have done for us."

"Thank you!"

The eight King Kongs said one by one, Longfei’s heart is even more uncomfortable.

He is constantly looking for.

Constantly trying to save them, but ... really hard, really can not find any way to repair their Dantian, Longfei bite his tongue and try to control himself.

Don't let yourself make any noise.

"There must be a way!"

"There must be a way."

Longfei opened the system and looked over and over again. He even thought about implanting system power in the body of the Eight King Kong, and let them become the same 'system players' as they are, so that they would not have to worry about the destruction of Dantian. But... he can't find this power.

"Mall system..."


Longfei opened the mall in the system, looked up, and looked at it one by one.


"We don't have Dan Tian and it's good, there won't be anything."

"We are too cool anyway."


"The reputation of the Eight King Kong is also loud in the chaos, hahaha..."

The eight people said with a smile.

They didn't want to make Longfei embarrassed, and they didn't want to make Longfei uncomfortable, so they pretended to be indifferent.

Can Longfei know that they are pretending.


"Is there no way?"

Longfei’s heart screamed in the sky.

I don't know why.

The last page in the mall suddenly has a special extra!

"Steel armor Dantian!"

It has never been before, and it has just been on the shelves, because Longfei saw it when it was, but in just a few seconds it became eight!

Just enough for eight people to use.

Is this too coincidental?

Does the system hear Longfei’s pleading?

Is the system flying in the poor dragon, poor eight King Kong.

Or is the system constantly monitoring Longfei?

In the heart of Longfei's heart, he can't manage so much now. Looking at the property of 'Steel Armor', his blood is boiling.

Thoughts are collected.

Longfei’s thoughts moved and they said to them: “I found a way, not to help you repair Dantian, but to plant a brand new Dantian.”

"This dantian may not be the same as your previous dantian, but... it will be stronger than any dantian in the world, and..."

Longfei looked at the attributes on the 'Steel Armor'.

Tianshui King Kong's [Steel Armor * Water]

Shenli King Kong's [Steel Armor * Force]

Yuling King Kong's [Steel Armor * Ling]

Jianli King Kong's [Steel Armor * Sword]

Knife King Kong's [Steel Armor * Knife]

Demon King Kong's [Steel Armor * Evil]

God Armor's [Steel Armor * Defense]

Luohan King Kong's [Steel Armor * Dragon]

Eight pieces of steel armor, eight special attributes, and completely prepared for the eight King Kong, prepared for their unique strength.

Very special.


Longfei has something to look at, but...

He doesn't want to manage so much now.

It’s a coincidence, it’s a deliberate arrangement of the system. He just thinks about one thing and saves his brother! !


Longfei is excited about how these 'steel armor Dantian' are implanted in their bodies, and their cultivation will definitely rise wildly, and they will be excited when they think about it.

Eight people were shocked.

At the same time nodded: "Boss, come on!"


Longfei said that all the things that he can redeem were exchanged, and all the points were exchanged for "Steel Armor."


"Deduct 800 million points."


"Deduct 800 million points..."

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