The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1604: Two divisions

All the way to the sound, Longfei almost all artifacts, treasures have been hollowed out.

But he doesn't care.

As long as he can save the Eight King Kong, he can even redeem the main artifact. What are these artifacts?

After a few minutes.

The system sounds a tone.


"Steel armor Dantian * force implanted successfully..."

The voice is falling!

Li Yuanba suddenly stunned his eyes and glared at King Kong. The strength of the whole body was directly burned like a flame. It used to be only a power stripe. But now his power is completely different, just like a chemical reaction.




A burst of explosions, Li Yuanba double-handedly held a fist, the power surged, the whole person was extremely excited, said: "Come back, come back, power is back!"


"Strong strength than before, boss, my body, my Dantian..." Li Yuanba smiled very happy, felt the heat in the depths of Dantian, and felt the power of 100% fit with his body. His strength has soared in an instant.


This is just the beginning.

Followed by!



"Steel armor Dantian* sword implanted successfully..."

Oya’s eyes are like awakening.

The sword is raging and roaring.


“Steel armor Dantian* has been successfully implanted.”

"Ha ha ha..." Chen Fatzi’s body rolled and slammed, and excitedly laughed. “The power is back.”

The excitement of laughter sounded.

One by one, the steel armor Dan Tian was implanted in it, watching their smiles, Longfei could not tell the heart.

Just half an hour.

The eight attributes of the steel armor Dan Tian were all implanted, and the eight King Kongs were all restored as usual, more powerful than before.

"Boss, what is this?" Tianling couldn't help but ask, "I feel that Dantian is completely different from Dantian in front of me. It is like having endless power, and the strength inside and the strength of my cultivation. Reaching 100%, there is no power at all."


They couldn’t tell the shock inside.

The power of their cultivation is indeed very special.

The properties are different.

However, in the past, there was still some impurity in their power, but now there is no point, and it is completely compatible with their power.

The perfect fit.

"Yeah, boss, what is our Dantian?"

"It’s a strange power."

"I feel like I have doubled my strength, and there are still a lot of places that have not been developed in Dantian. If it is all developed, how strong is it?"

Eight people are very curious.

These eight steel armor dantian and their properties are exactly the same.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

Longfei didn't explain it in detail, and he couldn't explain it to them clearly. And he didn't intend to tell anyone about the system. He smiled slightly: "This is a special kind of dantian, which is completely condensed according to the strength of your cultivation. Don't worry. They will make you stronger."

Steel armor Dantian.

The presence of liquid metal.

From now on, their dantian will never be damaged.

The eight King Kong did not ask too much, one by one excited.

"Thank you boss!"

"Thank you boss!"

The eight people said in unison.

Longfei smiled lightly and said: "Go out."

at this time.

The eight elders in the Presbyterian Church personally guarded and saw the door being pushed open and immediately stepped forward.

I saw that the eight King Kongs came out as they were, and the atmosphere on them was more overbearing and strong, stronger than Dan Tian did not abolish.

Eight people were shocked.

All looked at Longfei.

Nangong Yan and the slightly better Xuan Xiong went forward, "Is it okay?"

Longfei smiled faintly: "Nothing."

"Some of the masters really are less masters."

"It’s awful."

"There is such a superb hand, Dantian broken can be repaired, it is really a person who can inherit the ancestors of the ruins of the sword."

Eight elders are shocked.

Longfei smiled lightly and said: "The predecessors praised, and I just happened to be."


After dinner.

Xuanyuan Secret Chamber.

Eight great elders, Longfei, Xuan Xiongxiong.

"It is very difficult to destroy the nine secluded warriors. Are you really thinking about it?" Xuan Xiongxiong looked at Longfei and asked seriously.

Longfei nodded and said: "I came here to find the location of the warrior family. I must overturn him. Once the warrior has a crisis, the unparalleled in the Tongshen Tower will definitely not come out. When I kill him again, I will be able to make a glass."

Lao Jiudao: "The plan is good, but Longfei is the master. Have you ever thought about the strength of the warrior?"

"as far as I know."

"The war letter is only the weakest of the nine ancestors. There are too many souls of the god-level powerhouse hidden in the nine secrets. There is also a dragon tomb..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Longfei’s eyebrows moved. “You just said ‘Dragon Tomb’?”

The old ninety-one, said: "Yes, the reason why the nine ancestors of the warriors can consolidate the gods is also to use the power of the dragon tomb, otherwise how can they break through?"

"Dragon Tomb?"

"Dragon Soul?"

"The last piece of material that the colorful dragon needs."

"If you find the dragon soul, then the colorful dragon can fully restore its strength." Long Fei mouth corner hook, excitedly laughed.

at this time.

Lao Jiu went on to say: "Even if the warriors are not good, if the war family is hiding in the secret of the nine secrets, we have no way at all."

"As long as you wait until the war unparalleled breakthrough and concise the godhead, I am afraid that you will be with his talent..."

This is indeed a problem.

Once the war is unparalleled, he will be stronger than any of his ancestors.


He is the chosen person of the warrior's ancestors, and since its birth he has been integrated with the main artifact, the **** shield, and once he breaks through the realm of the **** level, his power will have an unprecedented explosion!

Unstoppable existence!

The intention of Longfei to start is to save Wei Zhao. He can hear him say that even the warriors can't stand it, even if they are surrounded by war, they may not appear.

What should it be?

Longfei fell into meditation for a time.

The warrior must go.

The tower of the gods is also going.

Going there first?

She was still safe before Xuanyuanli didn't break through the 100th floor of the tower, but what breakthrough did she make? No one knows.

Longfei can't grasp it either.

"The soldiers are divided into two ways!"

Longfei’s eyes are tight.

Xuan Xiong looked up at Longfei and said, "What do you want to do?"

Longfeidao: "I go to the warlord alone. All of you go to the tower of the gods, and Nangongyan knows the road. She will take you to find the location of the tower."

"Don't worry about me, I will get there in a flash."

He has a super transmission, and his eyes can be transmitted instantly in the Tongshen Mountains. This is the only way Longfei can think of it.

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