The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1830: Sweeping the horse

Different road non-phase plan.

Longfei thought that he knew Nie Lin very well, but found him wrong.


He really doesn't understand.

The Hell Reaper instantly kills everything, and everyone is afraid of death. Nie Lin is no exception.

Longfei wants more?

Maybe, but Longfei should not have a little contact with Nie Lin after this time, because it is not a person on the road.

Rejection is one thing.

The key is Nie Lin’s expression and the words she said.

Then again.

She clearly knows that the eight disciples are dead in the hands of Yan Nantian, but she did not say it, perhaps... Yan Nantian is clearing the obstacles for herself, but also helping her clear the obstacles.

"Dragon, Longfei, Longfei..." Nie Lin chased Longfei.

Longfei did not look back.

Nie Lin’s sighed and screamed: “You want to die, then go.”

Longfei disappeared outside the grove.

Nie Lin was very angry. She thought that Longfei could listen to her words, even... for her use, to deal with Yan Nantian tomorrow, but now...

She also knows that Longfei should not have any communication with her anymore.

The two are like two parallel lines, without any intersections.

a long time.

Nie Lin’s eyes flashed a fine man, watching the direction of the dragon’s disappearance, and turned to another direction, Yannantian’s direction in the Zongmen.


Go back to your accommodation.

Overlord's flower looked at Longfei's face was not right, could not help but ask: "What's wrong?"

Longfei smiled lightly and said: "Nothing."

Lv Shuangquan said: "Is the confession failed? It is not that I can see that Nie Lin’s sister should like you very much. How? Is it difficult for Yan Nantian to come again?”

Long Feibai took a look at Lu Shuangquan.

Bawang Flower Road: "Yes, the lord has just arrived, leaving three medicinal herbs, let us make preparations, and we may all have to play tomorrow."

Lu Shuangquan said: "I have checked the drug, no problem."

Long Feidao: "You have three points, I don't need it."


Longfei walked into his room. He thought that Nie Lin would agree to his request, but at the end of the day... Longfei was not angry, he just thought he was a bit stupid.

I think that all women in the world will listen to him.

"If Nie Lin doesn't help, I am afraid..." Longfei has his own plan, but he needs a psychic master to help.


Nie Lin’s refusal to let Longfei’s plan go bankrupt.

"Where to go to find a master of psychics?" Long Fei's eyebrows wrinkled. "Today is the last night, and those **** reapers will not appear tomorrow."

"Today must be won."

"If you don't, you have to wait another year."

Longfei does not want to waste such a long time.


Longfei got up from the bed. "I have to blog anyway."

The combat power of the Hell Reaper is really a burst, with these guys... He can go sideways on Alcatraz Island.


When his mother killed a Hell Reaper, was he reminding him?

No matter how Longfei does not want to give up.

Longfei opened the door and wanted to arrange it in advance.

Seeing Lu Shuangquan, Bawanghua, Wang Tai are standing at the door of his room, Longfei screamed: "What happened? Is there something?"

Bawang Huadao: "She doesn't help you, we help you."

Lv Shuangquan said: "Fei Ge, isn't it a broken love, what's the big deal, I don't have the skills of Lu Shuangquan, the ability to find a beautiful younger sister is very strong."

Wang Tai simply said: "Fei Ge, and we are there."

"what's going on?"

"What happened?"

Long Fei didn't understand a bit. He didn't even lie down in the room for an hour. What happened?

Lu Shuangquan said: "I have received the news."

Long Fei asked: "What news?"

Lv Shuangquan bit his teeth and said: "Nie Lin has promised Yan Nantian's proposal, and she said that you have been entangled in her, and she will go all out to deal with you tomorrow."

"Fei brother, this woman is not worth it."

"That is, this woman does not even like your qualifications."

Wang Tai simply said: "No."

Longfei smiled.

It is very comfortable to laugh.

"Woman, woman, I have so many women, is it a veteran of love? But still can't understand what a woman is." Longfei smiled.

Only one hour after separation, Nie Lin changed.

This does not matter to Longfei.

He didn't care who Nie Lin chose because he had nothing to do with him.

Looking at the bitter smile of Longfei, Bawang spent some pain, and said: "Dragon, don't be sad."

Long Feidao: "I am not sad, not at all, really, I am still not happy now."

He was a little embarrassed and imposed his ideas on others. Now this is no longer a problem.

"Fei brother, cry out when you are sad." Lu Shuangquan said, "They both show love everywhere. Many people outside laugh at you and want to eat swan meat."

"Say you are not self-reliant."

"I said that you are too self-righteous. If you win two games, you think you are a newcomer."

Anything that is ugly is there.

Lu Shuangquan did not say it all.

Longfeidao: "I am crying? I should laugh."

"Forget it."

"Don't say this thing." Longfei said: "I am going out."

He wants to check the terrain and finally arrange it.

"I will go too." Overlord immediately followed up.

Wang Tai also took a step forward.

Lv Shuangquan said: "I will follow, if you can't think about it for a while, I will have more helpers. This demon mountain has only one exit, three cliffs, in case..."

Longfei can’t smile.

At last.

Long Feidao: "I really served you. I have never confessed to Nie Lin. I asked her how to deal with the Hell Reaper who was haunted at night."

"I want to grab them all."

After listening to the three people, they all had a glimpse.

Finally, Wang Tai said: "Flying brother, you should not marry us."

They simply don't believe it.

Longfei was speechless and said: "I really talked to her about catching the Hell Reaper. Do you want to help? If you guys are together, maybe a chance..."


"You three are willing to help us?" Long Fei asked seriously.

It was at this time.

I don’t know when there was a rags in front of the gate.

Watch the old man of the Devil Temple!

It is a super metamorphosis character that exists in the Shaolin Temple.

His appearance made Longfei's face a tight face.

The old man’s eyes are like dead.

The brown bones on the back of Wang Tai exploded in an instant, and the epee fell, as if it were an enemy.

Long Fei immediately said: "Don't do it, we are not opponents, you can find an opportunity to escape."

The old man looked up and looked at Longfei and said, "I can help you!"


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