The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1831: Hands-on

As night fell, the people of the top ten sects and the people who watched the exchanges hid in the house early and did not dare to come out again.

It is time for the devil.

Whoever wanders outside, whoever is likely to die.


Some people are not afraid of death, such as... Longfei!

"Fulfilling the wealth and seeking it, you can't ask for it!" Longfei is an adventurist, but whenever he sees what he wants, he will try his best to get it.

Twelve Hell Reapers...

To be exact, it should be thirteen. When he was killed by his mother, he became twelve.

Their combat power is super explosive, and if these **** reapers are all caught by him, it will be amazing!

"Remember what I said, don't look directly into their eyes, even if they are discovered, don't panic, bow their heads, understand?" Longfei repeatedly shouted.

He was surrounded by twelve Hellers in the night before, and the feeling of wanting to die was there.

Bawang spent a heavy nod and said: "Know it."

"it is good!"

"Everyone is hiding, waiting for my order."

Longfei’s body was slowly hidden, and his mind was moved. “The scholar, your task today is to protect them three. I don’t have to worry about it, I have a way.”

The desperate scholar did not return.

Longfei said again: "I can protect myself, I don't want to see them three accidents."

If Nie Lin helps him, Longfei will send a life-saving book to protect her. Longfei is very clear about the strength of the student. He will surely keep people.


Nie Lin did not listen to him.

of course.

She didn't want to follow the dragon fly adventure at all, but the **** reaper, a look can kill the existence of the second.

The desperate scholar still did not speak.

Longfei knows that the student will listen to his orders.


The loss of time is one minute and one second, at twelve o'clock.



In the sky of the Demon Temple, the dark vortex rotates, and the door of the Dark Void opens, just like a light enchantment gate opens.


The first Hell Reaper fell.

It is dark.

The two eyes flashed red, and the death anger in **** was strong.


Another sound, another Hell Reaper fell.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

After several bursts of sound, the twelve Hellers of the Hells all fell and stood in a beat. They were like alien robots in the movie.

The dark armor of the whole body, holding a long curved knife in the hand, the two eyes flashed red light, the body's breath is also very different.

After the twelve Hell Reapers fell, they paused for three seconds, and then began to walk toward the camp of the top ten sects.

In the darkness, Longfei looked at their distance... The crazy calculation in his mind, "one step, two steps, three steps..."

I am about to enter the design of Longfei.

Longfei’s double fists were slightly gripped and excited. “Come on, it’s a step.”


Just at this moment.

There was a voice in the dark, "There is a trap in front!"

The sound fell, and the twelve Hell Reapers stopped immediately, and the dragon flew to kill his mother's heart.


This voice... his incomparable familiarity is the voice of Yan Nantian.

"Nima's!" Longfei cursed in his heart, just as he thought that the twelve **** reapers would bypass the formation, and the head of the Hell Reaper stepped straight.


Another **** reaper set foot on the front.


I didn’t put the front of the array in my eyes, and Longfei grinned and laughed. “Looking at the arrangement I arranged, right? Let’s let you go.”

Twelve Hell Reapers have eight heads into it.

And at this time, the formation method did not break in the first time, Longfei has not yet come out, he is still waiting...


The head of the Hell Reaper sinks his eyes, the scimitar in his hand trembles, and the dark knife raging out, directly exposing the opened array.




The number is loud and the array is broken.

In the darkness, there was a sneer. "Just your garbage array still wants to trap the Hell Reaper, not self-reliant."

Longfei did not pay attention to him.

At the moment when the first layer of the array broke, the dragon flew in the shadow and rushed straight out. At the same time, the overlord flower was also followed.

At the moment of rushing out, Longfei’s hands quickly printed, and the force of the madness of the surging palms surging under the power of the rune, violently shot, “Hypnosis!”


The eight-way rune blasted out and the second line of law opened directly.

The power of the road is released by the spiritual power and enters the sea of ​​the Hell Reaper.

For a time.

Eight **** reapers seem to be in sleep.

The hypnosis method is the array developed by Longfei himself. This is his first attempt. As long as they are hypnotized, Longfei has enough time to do whatever he wants.

"Fei brother succeeded!"

"Those **** reapers are not moving."

"Look at us now."

Lu Shuangquan was excited and yelled at the other four reapers who did not enter the formation. "Grandson, grandfather is here, to catch Grandpa."

Wang Tai did not say so much.

When the epee fell, a sword was cut.

The thick sword blasted out and slashed directly into the Hell Reaper. The body of the Hell Reaper turned slightly and stared at Wang Tai.

Overlord flower instantly topped up, she has the magic armor given by Longfei, she will try to block all attacks.

The Hell Reaper looked at the head of the tactics again, and did not speak, but it might be a kind of communication above consciousness. Then the four heads of the reapers slammed and rushed directly to the tyrants.

Longfei’s heart is a glimpse.

This is the scene he wants, but... there is an ominous premonition in his heart.

But now.

Longfei didn't take care of it so much. When he rushed into the battle, his mental power spread quickly, and the first-hand beastly technique, one-handed psychic, opened directly.



Two powerful forces are released.

"come on!"

The two forces shrouded all of the eight Hellers.

He is like a madman.

The beastly surgery can only surrender a monster at a time, but... Longfei actually released both exercises at the same time, and... he wants to surrender the eight-headed Hell Reaper at the same time.

This is not a madman?

Only you dare to think, there is nothing impossible.

This is the case with Longfei.

As long as his mental strength is large enough, you can do it.


Hell Reaper is not an ordinary monster.


Their eyes are really staring at Longfei, and they are not completely hypnotized.

Even more terrifying is that Longfei is also watching their eyes, eyes are watching...

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