The reason why the mad dog is spiked is because he and the Hell Reaper look at each other.

Will be instantly hit by the headshot spike.

The previous time, Longfei bowed his head and did not look at their eyes before they escaped.

But this time...

Longfei and Hell Reaper looked at each other.

At that moment, Longfei’s mind immediately thought of death, and that feeling was uncomfortable, as if the body was drained in an instant.




The world of Longfei is spinning, seeing the sky full of blood, the blood flows into the river, and there is a tall corpse in the distance!

What kind of world is this?

Turn around.

In a blink of an eye, the world suddenly changed.

Longfei has entered another fantasy world, and the body is getting more and more involved, just like someone is holding his throat, and it is hard to breathe.



Longfei is constantly struggling and constantly roaring, but the whole world seems to have abandoned him. No one cares about him, the fire glass city of Tianwu mainland...

Dragon family.


Qiao Qiao, Liu Luoxi, Xiao Tiantian, Ye Ziyan... Xianyu... Thousands of thousands... Chaos, countless faces appear in his world.

Longfei wants to catch it hard, but no matter how hard he tries, he can't catch it. His heart is screaming and shouting.

Those people did not hear his voice at all, and in their own world, there was no world of Longfei.


"Why it came out like this?"


Longfei constantly asked himself, "The dragon family slowly fell, Grandpa slowly went old, the Dragon Family Army disintegrated, Liuluoxi married Hongtian, Xiao Tiantian was also ruined by Hong Tian, ​​why is this? The world? Me? Where am I? Where am I?"

Each picture is like a world. They are sick and dead. They break through and become stronger. All kinds of life are changed, but there is no such thing as Longfei in these pictures. No one knows who Longfei is.

The final picture is the sobbing of Long Sanfeng Longfei's grave.

"I am dead?"

"I have already died?"

“Why is this?” Longfei didn’t understand, “still said... If I didn’t cross it would be such a world?”

"Do not!"

Longfei clenched his fists and screamed with excitement. "I am coming, I will change everything against the sky."

What Long Fei saw was that he did not cross the world.

All fate trajectories will change and become more bleak.

Longfei looked at this scene and his fearless heart became more and more firm. "Sweeping the floor, is it still not a horse?"

The mind makes a sound.

Also at this moment.


A force blew open, and the head and Longfei's gaze looked at the body of the Hell Reaper, and his eyes glanced. At this moment, the sickle of the dragon's neck was loose.


Longfei’s mouth was gasping and his eyes were closed.


Sweep the floor and make a drink.

His figure is like electricity, and he quickly shuttles out.


"I didn't think about going away!" Longfei blinked his eyes and said: "I will fly against the sky, and no one can stop Laozi."

"Nobody can!"


The breath of Longfei’s body slammed, the strength of the two palms was not reduced, and the two eyes were absolutely firm. “Come on, I don’t believe that I will not turn you over!”

The power of the beast is not reduced.

The same is true of psychic.

Crazy rushing out, shrouded all the eight heads of Hell Reaper, and at this moment his power rushed directly into the sea of ​​Hell Reaper.


Longfei is crazy.


Many people in the dark looked at Longfei, all of them showed a strange expression. "Is he crazy?"

"Absolutely crazy."

"Psychic, sorcerer is used at the same time, and it is also used by the Eight Hell Reapers at the same time. What is this power?"

"My God, I have never seen such a madman, and... you see no, Longfei completely shocked the eight-headed Hell Reaper."

"His ideas have entered the sea of ​​the Hell Reaper."

"This psychic technique is far from the Xuanyang sect that Nie Lin is a hundred streets. It is too powerful. Today he deliberately concedes defeat to let her win. I did not expect her to say that Cheng Fei did not understand psychic, I still I was almost cheated."

"The same is true of the beast."


Nie Lin’s face is ugly, hard to read, and quite ugly.

Since she made a choice, she would step on the climb, because... she also wanted to enter the Devil Temple, and she also wanted to get no upload.

However, the flying spirit that Longfei showed was just like the people around me said, looking at her hundred streets.

Similarly, Yan Nantian’s face is extremely ugly.

The limelight of the head of his top ten disciples was all robbed by Longfei.

Eight head Hell Reapers!

He didn't dare to look straight.


That night he saw the Hell Reaper directly scared to the ground, and Longfei?

He was so crazy that he wanted to surrender the Hell Reaper. It was just that they didn’t know how much it was. He was upset and very unhappy.

Turn around.


Yan Nantian took a step, his eyes locked, staring at the dragon fly among the eight **** reapers, and he drank a heavy sentence. "Long Fei, do you want us to be buried with you?"

"You want to die, then you will die."

The meaning of the righteousness is actually that he is not satisfied, he envys the dragon flying.

And this time.

Nie Lin also stood up and said: "Hell reapers have come to the devil's mountains for more than a thousand years. This millennium has nothing to do with it. It is because you want to change. Do you want to kill us all? You It doesn't matter if the talented waste is dead, but we don't want to be buried with you."

A few words fell, and people continued to blame.

Yan Nantian said: "Dragon, you still don't close your hand? Give you a chance, you are looking for death."

Yan Nantian suddenly shot, and quickly rushed to Longfei.

He wants to shoot!


A elder said: "The sovereign, we want to stop Yan Nantian, if he goes up, Longfei in this state will definitely die."

Jin Hao smiled coldly and said: "I have a dog. If I die, I will die. It doesn't matter."


"In the face of the lord, killing our younger brother and threatening the lord in person, it is enough for him to die 10,000 times."

"It’s time to die."

Jin Hao smiled coldly, and the two trials got the first. He had already completed the task excessively, and no one knew that this was the first that Longfei took.

This is all his credit.

As for the death of Longfei... Even if Yan Nantian does not shoot, he will find a way to kill Longfei.

Jin Yu’s cold and cold look at Longfei, in the distance, said: “Boy, today you are in jeopardy, hahaha...”


There are two chapters in the morning and updates in the evening.

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