The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1833: Blasting fist was interrupted

The heart is sinister.

this is the truth.

Even the golden scorpion of the Tianzong sect is also awaiting the death of Longfei, let alone Yannantian?

Looking at the Yannan days, Jin Hao smiled proudly.

It’s hard to escape!

Longfei devoted himself to the beastly surgery and psychic surgery. He did not think that Yannan Tianhui was born at this time, and he did not even think that Nie Lin would follow the stone.

Perhaps this is the heart of the people.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

Yan Fengtian, Yan Nantian did not dare to approach, he was extremely afraid of the Hell Reaper, but his powerful sword could easily fly to Longfei.

"Tian Xuan sword method."

"Swords rushing into the sky..." Yan Nantian drank a sentence, the long sword in his hand illusioned a layer of incomparably thick sword gas, Jianqi all the way violently directly hit Longfei.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Kid, let's die."

A heavy sigh.

"Tian Xuan sword method? This is the highest sword, a move can make him die."

"The repair of the Blue Star realm can't resist this trick."

"Yan Nantian has used eight layers of strength. This kind of sword is even a strong star of the Red Star. I am afraid it is not good to resist, let alone he is only a warrior in the realm of the Blue Star."

"This kid is dead!"

There was a wave of arguments around, and Nie Lin’s eyes did not have any regrets, but a coldness.

Because her heart is very clear about what she wants.

With a slight glimpse of his eyes, he whispered to himself: "You didn't have to die, but you chose a dead end. This is what you are looking for."

The sword snarls and slams directly to the top of Longfei.

The sword was raging, and the Holy Spirit angel suddenly woke up. Without the command of Longfei, he immediately sang aloud. "Dare to attack my apprentice, don't want to mix it?"

"The guardian of the Holy Spirit!"


A magic shield will cover the dragon.

The sword is also directly squatting on the guardian of his Holy Spirit, resisting 99% of the attack damage, even if the body of Longfei is slightly.

The health is reduced a lot.

This is not the point.

The key is that Yan Nantian's this makes Longfei's minds and chaos, and the psychic and the beasts begin to tremble. The power of hands control is almost on the verge of collapse.

Longfei's eyes roared, his eyes passed a hint of chill, staring at Yannan Tiandao: "Sneak attack on Laozi?"

A sword did not kill Longfei!

This makes all the people around you take a breath, all looking at Yan Nantian.

Eight layers of skill did not kill Longfei, which is a humiliation for Yannan Tianlai, Yan Nantian's own heart irritated, cold and cold: "I see you can block your sword!"




In an instant, hundreds of swords and spirits swept out. Each of them was a powerful force. It was filled with all the power of Yannantian. He wanted to set the dragon to death and not to keep it.


This is in the face of Nie Lin, he is even more to show.

"Boom, bang, rumbling..."

Crazy standing on the body of Longfei.

Hundreds of swords, the body of Longfei is **** and bloody, and the pain is unbearable.


He still is not dead.

"Apprentice, let me go!"

"Master, you will die if you go on like this, let me come?" Bodyguard Xiao Yan is a little worried.

Longfei is still insisting.


His inner anger was soaring, his mind was completely confusing, and the idea of ​​entering the Hell Reaper to know the sea also broke down at this moment.

The anger is very high.

Longfei’s eyes were tight, and a heavy roar, “Yan Nantian, I am your ancestors!”


"Give me death!"


Longfei double fists burst, the body violently rushed, directly locked, not far away Yannan Tianyi screamed, "Blasting Boxing!!!"


The arm is hot.

The dragon-shaped mark under the clothes also flashed a red light.

Hey, hey, just like energy filling.

The dazzling white arrogance burst out in a crazy explosion under the dragon's feet. The scene is extremely windy, and the dragon flies up one step at a time. "Give me death!!!"

Nie Lin’s eyes were tight.

Longfei’s move has been seen many times, each time killing opponents.

Seeing that Longfei released this trick to Yan Nantian, her heart was secretly happy, and there was a smile on her face. As long as this punch hit Yannantian, he would die.

at the same time.

Longfei will also be killed by the Hell Reaper.

In this way, she can easily become the newcomer of this year.

She is the last person to laugh.

Nie Lin’s heart was ecstatic, and Longfei’s fist was about to fall.


As soon as the millennium came, the consciousness of the Hell Reaper suddenly woke up, as if it was called by some kind of power, and the eyes flashed a red light.


The body moved, so that all the people on the scene did not react, and the black steel fist of the big fan banged to the dragon's blasting fist. ,

Electric light flint.

Very amazing.

Longfei had no time to react, and... his target was Yannantian, and the Hell Reaper suddenly rushed out of him and couldn’t do anything.


Double fists intersect.



Two violent cracks in the bones rang, and the dragon flew out, and a deep mark was drawn on the ground under his feet. He even slammed back hundreds of meters and barely stopped on the edge of the cliff.

The black steel boxing of the Hell Reaper also broke, "Boom!"

A burst!

One arm burst.

Everyone was amazed and did not dare to make any sounds. Yan Nantian’s eyebrows were also tight.

The power of Longfei’s fist is too strong.



Longfei gasped, and although he punched an arm of the Hell Reaper, his blasting fist was interrupted.

Re-enter the cooling time.

Now...he doesn't have any reliance!

"Xiao Yan!"

As a last resort, Longfei thought about it.

Xiao Yan Wei Weidao: "The master, I am ready, I can shoot at any time, but ... I am afraid that it is difficult to deal with the twelve Hell Reapers."

at this time.

In another place, three faint bodies were thrown out of the darkness.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Overlord flower, Wang Tai, and Lu Shuangquan, but did not kill the body of the scholar, and there is a huge wound in the chest of a Hell Reaper, black liquid from the wound.

It should be a life-threatening book.

But where is he now?

Longfei didn't have time to think about it.



Twelve Hell Reapers brushed toward Longfei, and the thick air was surging, and the crushed dragon could not move.

far away.

Nie Lin showed a sneer.

Yan Nantian is the same, "you can't escape one death!"

Can't escape death?

Twelve Hell Reapers, Longfei has no chance.


Even if Longfei is dead, he will not be embarrassed. He has a magic sword and a dragon in his hand. His eyes are like a torch. He said, "Come on!"

But at this time, the sound of the sleeping beauty suddenly sounded, "Dragon fly, jump down!"

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