Wearing a golden robe, the muscles burst.

The golden light on the body is like a burning flame.

The momentum is fierce.

With the gold knife around him, you can see it like a white beard in One Piece, just take a gold knife, and you are a golden robe.

The momentum is even stronger than the white beard.

A gold knife.

A golden robe.

Standing at the door of the main hall, scorning everything, this momentum is extremely powerful.

Zhang Sanqian followed closely and quickly rushed out.

Some elders in the hall stopped moving, and some elders were hesitant, and less than one-third of the elders who rushed out with the golden robe ancestors.


Elders who have not come out are afraid of death.

Who is not afraid of death in this world?

"It’s all blaming the dragon."

"It’s all because of the destruction of the wreckage."

"Who is offending who is not good? He is offended by God. Doesn't he know that Alcatraz is the land of God?"

"Damn thing."

"The sky is ruined. Who can resist the army of Destiny? Now what are you going to do? Send it to death? Anyway, I will not go."

"I don't want to go!"

"Who is going to be stupid."


At this time, no matter who is, they are managing their own lives.

The robes of the golden robe stood at the door of the main hall, and there was no change in his face. His heart was faint, because the elders standing behind him were less than one-third.

That is to say, many people have been scared by the Destiny, and even bought it.


The golden robe ancestors sighed long and secretly said: "The goddess and the grown-up, I did not teach well, it is the hotbed provided by the Tian Zongzong to make them feel at ease, and there is no inheritance to the Tian Zongzong."

"However, you can rest assured."

"The will of the Tianzong will never disappear."


"I will give everything to defend it!"

The heart of the golden robe ancestors was shocked, and Zhang Sanqian, standing by his side, clearly sensed the powerful impact and felt guilty.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Boom, bang..."

Killing the sound.

Unstoppable, the fate of the dynasty was like a broken bamboo. It was not obstructed at all. It took half an hour. Now it took less than ten minutes to kill the hall.

"Ha ha ha..."

"This is the Great Hall of Heaven."

"Not so good?"

"There is no comparability with the hall of our destiny."

The army entered the square in front of the main hall.

A young elder walked up and stared at the golden robe ancestor standing at the door of the main hall, sneer, "Hey, old things, are you the golden robe?"

"Either you give me a slap to call me, or you call me to find your teeth."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

The temple is laughing.


The laughter suddenly stopped!

The figure of the golden robe ancestors moved, and a golden light flashed down, and the golden knife slammed.

Knife and lightning flashed.

The young elder who spoke was divided into two halves, his eyes roaring, and his mouth could no longer say half a word.

And after finishing all these robes, the ancestors did not move.


The body burst and blood was sprayed on the ground.

Everyone's face was shocked, and was crushed by the strong breath of the golden robe ancestors, and he couldn't help but step back.

The fifth-order repair of Purple Star is spiked in an instant!

The repair of the golden robe ancestors is high and scary!

The young elders looked blank and stared at the golden robe ancestors.

An old man came up and said slightly: "Golden robe brother, young people are not sensible, please forgive me."

The voice of the old ancestors of Jinpao is like Hong Zhong, saying: "I don't dare to forgive, but whoever dares to step on the steps, who is dead!"

The sound spread out.

With all sorts of pressure, blast on everyone's mind.

It is so powerful and domineering.

Who is coming, who is dead!

The old man of fate faint smiled and said: "Golden robe brother, why are you? The Tianzongzong has become like this. Do you want to see it flow into the river? Surrender, join our destiny, it happened before. We can never go through the past, and the top ten sects are integrated into one. Isn’t this the expectation of the goddess of the year?”

The old ancestor of Jinpao said: "The goddess of the gods really wants us to be one of ten, but...the old man has not said that he is attached to what the **** god."

"Our Alcatraz is the land of God's abandonment. Our number one enemy is the God who is high in self-righteousness in the main shrine, and what about you?"

"Those gods have beaten your right face, and you have to say that your left face is sticking out. You want to live long and stubborn. We don't want to die."

The old man of Jinpao is very disdainful.

He does not believe in God, does not believe in life, only believes in himself.

He is now unable to rush out of the Alcatraz island. If he can break through the imprisonment, he will certainly rush to the battlefield of the ancient gods and kill him.

The old man smiled and said: "I know that you don't believe in life, don't believe in God, but you see what else you have now? Flying goddess broke through the imprisonment and became the first person in Alcatraz. Where is she now? I am afraid I will be the same as the main temple. God has suppressed it?"

"She can't change anything, what can you change?"

It was at this time.

A young disciple sneered and said: "I want to say that the flying goddess may be played by the gods of the main shrine. I heard that the flying goddess was the first beauty of the ancient **** battlefield..."

The old man of fate snorted, "Shut up!"


His voice has not been finished yet.

The figure of the golden robe ancestors came again, and the golden knife roared.


A skull flew across the air and the blood was sprayed out.

The golden robe ancestors said coldly: "You don't even have the name of the goddess and the garbage, and then dare to let me hear the words of the goddess, I will let him regret coming to this world."


Extremely ferocious.

The reputation of the goddess of flying, he does not allow anyone to defile.


The Flying Goddess is the highest faith of the Heavenly Remnant.

It is also the belief of his golden robe ancestors.

Another young elder was killed, and some young elders were very upset.


"Old things, don't face your face, right?"

"I really thought we were afraid that you would not be?"

"Flying goddess is a blind man, what's wrong? I still swear, what's wrong?"

"Will you kill me?"

"You are an old thing, there is a species to come!"

Many people are upset.

They are the army of destiny, they represent the **** of destiny, they will not go to the strong people of the millennium, they will only know who is in control of the world.

The main shrine!

As long as you can get the favor of the main shrine, maybe the imprisonment of Alcatraz will break.

They can all leave here.

The golden robe ancestors had a tight eye and stared at the people who spoke. "You all have to die!"

"Old things, there are kinds of things."

"I am standing here, if you don't come, you are my grandson!"


Just at this moment.

The figure of the golden robe ancestors disappeared.

The man who spoke sneered, "Old guy, be fooled!"


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