The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1866: coming!


The golden lightning knife blasted out of the ground in a straight line.

at the same time.

The robes of the golden robes were also a shadow, and the figure fell over the knife, and the same golden knife fell in the sky.

"Nine days and ten places to kill the space?!"

"The fifth floor?"

Zhang Sanqian’s face was shocked and his heart was blank.

The fifth heavy killing space is extremely powerful. On the ground, heaven is all power that can be manipulated!

Zhang Sanqian’s respect for the ancestors of Jinpao was deep.


The middle-aged man locked by the robes of the golden robe sneered and said: "Old guy, useless!"

The voice fell.

The killings of the nine days and ten big all rushed to the man.

"Destiny shield, open!"


A heavy drink, a young man's body with a shield opened, the wheel of fortune swirled around, the force that broke out of the killing space all resisted.

The man sneered with sneer: "What **** the nine days and ten places to kill the space? In front of God is rubbish."

"old man."

"Do you know what this is?"

"Destiny Shield, Wheel of Fortune!"

"Want to kill me?"

"Hey! It’s impossible for you to have an old thing in your next life." The middle-aged man sipped, and the wheel of fate on his body slammed and expanded.

at the same time.

Dozens of elders around him flew out.

"Destiny's wheel!"

Instantly surround the golden robe ancestors.

At the same time force, the body of the fate of the formation of a strong crush, hit the body of the golden robe, the golden robe ancestors bursting out, the chest cracked, could not help but spurt a blood.


His face was pale.

Zhang Sanqian shouted, "Old ancestors!"

Just as he was about to rush to help the golden robe ancestors, Jin Pao shouted, "Don't come over!"

"Zhang Sanqian, if you are a predecessor, then you will leave with the rest of the people, and Tian Zongzong cannot come to us to perish."


"Absolutely not!"

The golden robe ancestors clasped the golden knife and stood up from the ground with a look.

Heavenly Remnants cannot be destroyed in his hands.

Otherwise, even if he is dead, he is also sorry for the ancestral patriarchal ancestors.

The golden robes ancestors said: "Zhang Sanqian, since you put everything on the dragon flying body, then you go to the demon temple, then you will bet everything."

"have you understood?"

The golden robe ancestors drank heavily.

Zhang Sanqian: "Old ancestors, what about you?"

The golden robe ancestors smiled a little and said: "It has been my dream to live for more than two hundred years. It is the best destination for me."


The robes of the golden robes screamed, and the golden knives in their hands swept away, watching dozens of disciples with the wheel of fortune, and rushed out.

"Come on!" The old ancestors of Jinpao broke out with their strongest strength, and the golden robes on their bodies were directly shattered by breath, revealing muscles cast like copper.

The muscles are also full of scars.

Looking at the sky with both eyes, muttered: "God gods bless you!"


Flying in one step, a golden knife.


The fate shield of a disciple was directly smashed by the shackles, but the ancestors of the golden robes were shocked by the shocking heart, and seemed to be unable to withstand it.

"Old things, dare to arrogate when they die."

"I will see when you can."

"Give me kill!"

A disciple headed for a drink, and the fate of the wheel was forced to come in again.

The water in the robes of the golden robes is not clear.


Zhang Sanqian did not stop. He could not let the golden robe ancestors sacrifice in vain and step back to the hall. He said: "Who wants to go with me?"

"On the Devil Temple."

"Wait for the dragon to fly out!"

“Who wants to be with me?”

In the hall, even the elders who had just gone out with the robes of the golden robe went to the bottom and no one spoke.

Zhang Sanqian’s heart hurts and said: “Don’t anyone want to?”

"Do you want to watch the destruction of the Tian Zongzong?"

Zhang Sanqian is heartbroken. If Jinzuo ancestors know this is the case, how uncomfortable will he be?

An elder, said: "Zhang Sanqian, the situation now should be clearer than anyone else. The golden robe ancestors will die, and the Tianzong sect will be destroyed. We can't escape."

"and so!"

"Zhang Sanqian, we still have the choice, we surrender, we recommend you as the lord of the heavens, accept the surrender."

Waiting for him to finish, Zhang Sanqian screamed, "Fart! There is no word for 'surrender' in the dictionary of Tian Zongzong. You are a group of people who are afraid of death!"


"We are greedy and afraid of death, but who caused it all? It is you!"

"If you are not indulging in Longfei, can Longfei be on the Devil's Mountain Exchange Conference? Can you offend Nie Lin? Can you offend the fate of God? Can you come up with so many things?"

"It’s all because of you!" Several elders resentfully screamed Zhang Sanqian.

Everything is all because of Longfei.

If you don't go to the exchange meeting, even if the Tianzong is not the top ten, they will still be as moist as they are, and not like now.

Zhang Sanqian smiled.

Looking at their faces one by one, Zhang Sanqian smiled very weakly.

The elder who led the head stepped forward and said: "Zhang Sanqian, if you promise to surrender, you are still the sovereign of our day."

Zhang Sanqian said: "If I don't agree?"

The voice fell.

The elders in the hall stepped forward and brushed Zhang Sanqian. The elders then said, "We don't want to accompany you both to die. If you don't agree, then it's better!"

"Then go to hell!"

In an instant.

The elder's long sword fell, and a sword stabbed Zhang Sanqian.

Also at this moment.

The other elders in the hall were also shot in an instant, all of them killed Zhang Sanqian.

They don't want to die.

I don't want to be buried with anyone.

At the beginning, there was a shock to the robes of Jinpao. Now it’s a three thousand, they are not in the eye.



Sneak attack, assault, everything came too fast, and Zhang Sanqian did not expect that there would be so many elders who shot him, and he blocked a few moves between his thoughts, but his body...

More than a dozen sword wounds.

The chest was pierced.

The abdomen was pierced.

His blood was dripping and his face was pale.

Zhang Sanqian spurted a blood, saying: "You,,, you..."

"Zhang Sanqian, you are not aware of yourself."

"Golden robe ancestors are old stubborn. Now, it will not take long for him to die, and you... Hey, what are you counting?"

Now no one even puts Zhang Sanqian in his eyes.

Zhang Sanqian’s blood rushed, saying: “The will of Tian Zongzong...”

"What **** will?"

"I only know that life is more important than what will be, what about flying goddess? Is there a kind of thing that tells her to fly again on the flying crane?"


Just then, a sharp crane sounded...


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