The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1873: Wanyang fission

"System grandfather, relying on you!"

One hundred point metamorphic energy values ​​are injected.

The only spell that broke out is "Xuanyang Magic"!

The system paused for two seconds and a system beep sounded.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the ‘Wangyang fission’ fusion?”


“Wanyang fission?”

"It is obviously a set of exercises, so it becomes a kind of power? Isn't a strong chemical reaction happening?" Longfei was a bit stunned.

The exercises are exercises.

Power is power, artifacts are artifacts.

No matter how abnormal the metamorphic energy value is, it is always changing, what it is or what it is, but it will become more powerful.

This is the first time that the exercises have become power directly.

Let Longfei be shocked.

"It’s the practice of cultivation, the power is integrated, and the power is transformed into power. This is really the first time.” Longfei’s heart groaned, and did not integrate the “Wangyang fission” into the body for the first time. Instead, open the system to view the properties.

Item: Wanyang fission

Type: Strength

Grade: Unknown level

Attribute: fission flame

Damage: Ten Stars

Description: Wanyang fission is one of the fission formations of one thousandth of the power of Xuanyang in the Xuanyang magical method. The power of Xuanyang is raised to Wanyang, and the Xuanyang molecule is fission.

Description 2: The fusion can thus obtain the body of Wanyang.

Description 3: The power of Wanyang fission is extremely powerful. It is a kind of existence that attacks the forces of destruction and destroys the earth.


Looking at the system's description of the 'Wanyang fission', Longfei was excited. "Xuanyang molecules are fissile. How do I seem to be nuclear power fission?"


"The more you destroy the land, the more you want to integrate!"


With the idea of ​​Longfei, the ‘wanyang fission’ under metamorphic energy is integrated into the body of Longfei. At this moment, his body immediately becomes a flame.

Burn it up.

But I don't feel a little bit of pain, but the feeling of warmth and comfort.

The fire system is just one of the forces in the Wanyang series.

At the same time that Longfei merged Wanyang fission, his body slowly became the body of Wanyang, and he could feel the positive force in everything around him.

Flowers and trees, rocks, buildings.

Even the dragon fly in the human body can clearly sense the positive force.


The source of all positive power, and Longfei now feels like having a sun in his body, and all the forces of Wanyang can control him.


"It's so cool!"

"Ha ha ha..."

"It’s just a cool drop." Longfei’s heart is extremely excited. “There is also a time limit for the metamorphosis energy value. The longer the brewing time, the stronger the explosive content is?”

"Ha ha ha..."

"It's fissile!"

This is just the surface.

At the moment when Longfei merged into Wanyang fission, under his clothes, the dragon-shaped mark on his arm shone with a burning glow, and he was excited like a chicken blood.


The dragon-shaped imprint becomes clearer and more red-hot.

The power contained in it exceeds the imagination of Longfei.

From its inexplicable appearance, each time Longfei breaks through, every time it upgrades, it gains stronger power, and the dragon-shaped mark is also growing.

After the explosion of the Dragon King.

The dragon-shaped mark is more active.

Longfei does not know.

The dragon, the main artifact that has been quietly lying in his space ring, vibrates from time to time, as if it was pulled by some kind of power, and slowly awakened.


The left and right guards were killed, and the Xuanyangzong was silent.

Xuanyang's ancestors were still too late to close their mouths, and their eyes were staring at Longfei, and their eyes were filled with strong killings.


A heavy sigh.

Longfei also recovered, and his eyes looked up and looked at Xuanyang's ancestors coldly and smiled: "I said they are too slow."

"Slow is like climbing an ant."

Xuanyang’s ancestors’ face was awkward, saying: “The old man will not let you go. Today I must let you die here!”


The breath of the old man in Xuanyang suddenly changed, and the power of the peak of the black star was like a flood discharge, forming a powerful arrogance.

Black mans are shining.

Very strong!

The star of the black star peak, Xuanyang Zong is the strongest.

Longfei glanced at him and said slightly: "Don't worry, it's not your turn to die."


Longfei glanced at the distance and said faintly: "This Xuanyang sect is still a bit big. At least there are dozens of kilometers of the main peaks of this Xuanyang mountain range."

"Kid, what do you want to do?" An elder sipped.

Long Feidao: "I don't want to do anything. Didn't you Xuanyangzong always be the first messenger of God of Destiny? I just like to see how strong Xuanyangzong you are."


"Ask a question."

"How many people are there in Xuanyangzong?"

The eyes of Xuanyang’s ancestors locked Longfei and said: “What do you want to do?”

A veteran around him said: "Three thousand elite disciples are in the square. As soon as I make an order, they will come in an instant, and you will be ruined, and you will be afraid!"


"Oh, I am really scared." Longfei smiled. "Three thousand elite, if you count, it should be enough to raise the level?"

He is now a purple star nine.

A lot of experience is still in the realm of the black star.

Level is a good thing for him.

The key is.

As long as you step into the Black Star realm system, there will be special rewards.

Turn around.

Longfei felt the super strength of Wanyang in the body and smiled slightly. "It depends on how fierce the power of Wanyang fission is."


In an instant.

Longfei’s body sank.


His body blew and the whole space shook, and everything from his body to the sun beam was emitted.


This is not only the power of the sun, but also the power of Wanyang that has been transformed by Xuanyang.

The beam falls.

The entire Xuanyang Mountain Range has been shrouded in it, and the disciples of Xuanyang Zong are all glimpsed.

"what is this?"

"Good strong Yang."

"How do you feel a bit like the power of Wan Yang?"

"What power is this?"


Not moving, the light of this yang-yang fission shines on them and feels warm, without any discomfort.

Xuanyang ancestors are also a face of arrogance.

"Dragon, what kind of trick are you doing?"

"What is this about you?"

"Dragon, you are a dog thing, the ancestors are asking you, answer me quickly."

The beam of Wanyang fission is getting stronger and stronger.

Until all the corners of the Xuanyang Mountain Range were illuminated, Longfei’s eyes lifted slightly and smiled softly: “Want to know what this is?”


"Your eyes are clear, you will know soon."

The voice fell.

Longfei’s eyes suddenly became smashed, “fission, explosion!!!”

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