The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1874: One stroke second

The voice fell.

The force of Wanyang in the dragon's body violently radiated fierce fission power.

A powerful response in the surrounding sunbeams.

For a moment!

Just for a moment.

Xuanyang Mountain Range, more than a dozen mountain peaks, all disappeared suddenly!

Disappear in a beam of light.

There is no loud noise, no picture scene, that is, the moment, the time of the eyes, Xuanyang Zong disappeared from the island of Alcatraz.

There is nothing left in the whole, only the tens of kilometers of flat land, and the abyss.

The spur of the wind is a mess.

Also at this moment.

Longfei's eardrum seems to burst.


Thousands of machine guns fired, thousands of tones all burst in one second.


If the system is a machine, this time he will definitely collapse and even explode.


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Dragon’ upgrade, the current level of black stars is a step!”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ stepping into the ‘Black Star Realm’ to receive special rewards for the system, reward items: 元 斩!”

“Do you cultivate?”

“What is it?”

"The things that the system rewards are definitely not bad, cultivation!"

"Even if it is bad, I can also let the explosion of the **** fist to merge, hahaha..." Longfei thought, move, and practice a skill.


Longfei is also a state of arrogance.

"I wiped it."

"Wanyang fission..."

"This Nima's injury is against the sky!"

"A move to destroy the whole sect!"

Not only was the murder, the entire Xuanyang sect was gone, not by the ring of the sacred ring, nor moved to another space, but the Xuanyang sect was evaporated in a second moment.

What is the concept of this power?

A mess of terror.

The entire Xuanyang Zong was gone except for the Xuanyang ancestors and several elders in front of Longfei.

A few of them were dull and stunned, all squatting in the same place as stupidity, and they were motionless. Several elders’ eyes were about to collapse.

They thought it was an illusion.


Even if they burst their eyes, it doesn't work, because this is the reality!

"You,,, you,,," Xuanyang's ancestors' voice was shaking, his body was shaking, he said: "Dragon, you,, you,,,, you, you do What?"

"Xuanyang Zong?"

"My Xuanyang Zong?"

The voice of Xuanyang's ancestors trembled. At that moment, he was stupid and completely unresponsive.

"The kind of beam just now."

"The kind of beam that has the same strength as the power of Wanyang, what is it?" Another elder said with a trembling.

Longfei grinned with excitement, "Guess!"

"Ha ha ha..."

The big Xuanyang Zongyi disappeared between the thoughts.

The army led by the Temple of Destiny, which is hundreds of kilometers away, is also slightly shocked.

The head of the 鸠天摩 suddenly stopped, watching the golden light just now, glaring, his face glanced, "What happened?"

After half a minute.

An elder rushed to report, saying: "The elders of Kailu, Xuanyangzong, Xuanyangzong..."


"What are you doing? Tell me about it!"

The elder said: "Xuanyangzong disappeared."

“Disappeared?” Hao Tian’s eyebrows tightened and said: “The whole Xuanyang dynasty disappeared?”

"Yes, in the moment when Jinguang was glaring, the entire main peak of Xuanyangzong was disappeared in an instant. No one knows what happened." The elder quickly said.

鸠天摩 meditated for a moment, said: "Wangyang big array is still not?"

"The elders of Kailu, Wanyang is still in the lineup."

Hao Tianmo smiled coldly and said: "As long as the Wanyang big battle has not been broken, it means that Longfei is still inside. It is not important that Xuanyang Zong disappears."

"Pass me to order."

"Everyone summoned all the psychic beasts, the speed is full, and rushed to Xuanyangzong in the shortest time!" Hao Tianmo issued an order and looked at the distant and gloomy smile: "Longfei, today you insert The wings are also difficult to escape, wait, I will use your head to get the pass to leave Alcatraz, hahaha..."

For a moment.

with full force.

The 10,000 elite disciples of the Nine Zongmen summoned the psychic beasts, and they rushed to the Xuanyangzong, a large piece of black pressure.

Another place.

"What happened just now?"

"It is Xuanyang Zong!"

"I have been to Xuanyangzong, it seems that Longfei boss is one step ahead of us."

Lei Jiu also saw it.

Lu Shuangquan looked at the vast army of destiny in the distance, and immediately said: "Look at you, the army of fate is coming, I am fucking, this person is too much?"

It’s all over the sky.


The worst of them is the blue star realm, which is generally the strongest of the purple star realm, and there are many strong players in the realm of the black star.

This is just what they saw.

The really amazing color is more than that.

The epee on Wang Tai’s back screamed and said, “Let's hurry.”

Shepherd Ice Road: "What happened to the beam just now? Sovereign, don't you have anything to do?"

The crowd also rushed past.

The army of destiny is a lot of troops.

It can be said that the strong peaks on the whole Alcatraz Island have been gathered. In the face of such powerful forces, Lei Jiu did not retreat, but rushed up without hesitation.

No matter what, as long as you can share for Longfei, even if it is a little bit, you will go all out!


Said Longfei.

The feeling of destroying the whole sect is so cool.


The re-use of Wanyang fission is a bit of an egg pain. It is a kind of power that does not require cooling time, but it takes a long time to fill the energy.

The power of Wanyang.

"Dragon fly!"

"Return my Xuanyang ancestor to me." Xuanyang ancestors looked at each other with a double fist and the body's breath became more violent, and the voice rushed to Longfei.

Longfei’s eyes sank and he said slightly: “I just said that it’s not your turn, but now... it’s your turn!”

The metamorphic energy value has been filled.

Can be released again.

The feeling of perversion is really wonderful.

What's more.

This Xuanyang ancestors exudes a touch of golden light, is a small boss!

I can definitely make a lot of things.

Looking at Xuanyang's ancestors, Longfei did not dare to take it lightly. The repair of the peak of the black star is not simple. Longfei still can't reach the level of easy killing.


The level is not as good as the ancestors of Xuanyang.


Longfei has other powers to replace.

"The energy that has just been rewarded by the system can be used." Longfei grinned and looked at Xuanyang's ancestors, and put the magic sword away, clenching the dragon and the sword with both hands, and smiled slightly: "Come on. , my little boss!"

"Come and give me a burst!"



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