The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 1877: Super god

Hell Reaper is the powerful force of Longfei.

Super killer!

If they are locked in the Wanyang big array, they will break the wings of Longfei.

A winged bird, can you fly?

Looking at Longfei coming out of the crack, Haotian smirked and laughed. "Longfei has too many shackles, and this life is destined to be a strong one."

"It is also totally unworthy to be against God of Destiny."


The moment when Longfei walked out of the Wanyang big array, the array was closed.

The twelve **** reapers were shrunk in the formation.

Overlord’s eyes were crying, shaking his head and saying: “Dragon, don’t care for me, don’t care about me...”

Longfei looked at the tears of Bawanghua’s tears, and said softly: "You are my woman, how can I leave you alone?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Hao Tianma laughed and said: "Long Fei, there are no twelve **** reapers, what else do you have? It is really a brain damage, actually put the 12 **** reapers in the formation."



"I heard that you still have a giant warrior, right?" Hao Tianmo smiled smugly and said: "What is the use of an exiled giant?"

"Look at the ground for mercy." Hao Tianmo sneered, he thought that Longfei was very powerful, but now it seems that he feels that Dragon is too weak.

The strong should not have so many embarrassments.

Not to mention a woman, even a biological parent.


The reason why he can become the superpower of the silver star realm is because he cuts everything, his wife, children, parents, brothers all die under his cold sword.

Cut off.

With all his heart, his cultivation can make crazy progress.

It took only a hundred years for others to spend a hundred years.

and so.

When he saw Longfei shut the 12-Hell Reaper with the strongest power for the Overlord to be in the formation, he laughed.

Long Fei didn't look at Tian Tianmo and said: "To deal with you, I still don't need a giant."

The voice is falling!


The pace of Longfei suddenly rushed in, and the speed of the black star realm was released.


Although it did not reach the speed of a thousand miles, but in a moment, it directly pulled the scorpion into the scope of the blasting fist, and made a double fist.




The sleeves on the arms burned out, just like the three-speed road of the road fly, the arms are red, and the power of the explosion is instantly bursting.


"Target lock!"

"The ten gods are one!"

"Give me a burst!"

There is no muddy water, and when you rush out, you will kill it in an instant!


He touched the bottom line of Longfei.

Ten streams of light are emanating from the double fists of Longfei, and the super-violent blast is a blast!

The ten streams of light are combined into one.

Form a super strong streamer, directly banging the sky.

The eyes of Hao Tianmo roared, and the pupils shrank like a mans, and his heart was tight. "Is this your kind of spike?"

His body trembled slightly.

Can not help but tremble.

Severely swallowed a slobber, throwing the tyrant flower to the blasting fist.


Blasting is a lock-up method. Its gauge will change with the change of the target. It will instantly circumvent the overlord flower and rush to the sky.

The sky is mad, the palms, the back are all cold sweat.

For Long Fei's move, he already knew that every time it appears, it is a spike, only once! ! !

On the top of the Devil's Mountain, Longfei's Blasting Boxing was interrupted by the Hell Reaper. Although the price of one arm was paid, the point was that the Bingshen was blocked!

Looking at the overlord flower falling from the air, Longfei immediately flew over and took her in his arms, gently said: "It's okay, nothing."

The tyrannosaurus leaned on the dragon's chest and buried his head in his arms. He was very self-blaming.

She worried Longfei,

Adding trouble to Longfei.

"Women are used to protect, you don't have to blame yourself, I swear not to put you in danger again." Longfei whispered.

He did not know how many times he said this vow.


He has never done it before.

Longfei’s heart is also incomparable.



Hao Tianmo screamed, watching the explosion of the fist is getting closer and closer to him, the power he has never seen, very plain, but ... but it is the kind of power he does not know.


鸠天摩 shouted, "God will save me!"



A beam of light falls vertically in the sky, and a force of arsenal is released like a light wave, forming a powerful humming sound. ,



The power wave shock has produced a huge roar, which is heard throughout the sky.

Longfei’s heart was tight, “has it been interrupted?”

Explosive fist, target lock, no doubt!


If you are forcibly interrupted by a super strongman in such a moment, even if the explosion of the gods can change the gauge distance in an instant, it is too late.

The system does not sound a tone.

There was only one result, and the explosion of the fist was interrupted!

Longfei immediately placed the overlord flower behind him, whispering: "Hiding behind me."


The halo is scattered, one is more than three meters high, and a monster with a strange and ugly appearance is in front of the sky, and the whole body is full of people's taboo atmosphere.

Very honest.


This breath is very familiar with the dragon, the power of destiny.

Unlike the wheel of fortune in these warriors, this so-called **** exudes a very strong atmosphere.

It is like the deity of God.

Powerful and unmatched!

More crucially... Longfei was interrupted at the third level of the Devil Hills, but the arm of the Hell Reaper was blown.

However, the human and animal gods in front of us will not be hurt by a little bit, and there will be no scars.

How strong is this defense?

Longfei’s mind is stunned. “There is a layer of force on each floor. Every plane has its own rules. Unless it is the Lord God, it cannot be surpassed. The power of destiny in the battlefield of the ancient gods is completely different from before.”

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

Hao Tianmo screamed incomparably, and looked excited at his body. "Dragon, can't you think of it? Hahaha..."

"This is God!"

"God will be created by the fate of God."

“It’s easy to block your strongest punch. What else do you have now?” Hao Tianmo was excited.


At this time.

Look at the sky, the incomparable piety of the eyes, said: "Destiny God, let the God you created will come down."



A beam of light falls and a **** will stand on the ground.


Another beam of light fell.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

A full twelve gods will!

Super strong!


I want to write a little more, the sea is frozen, and, or five chapters tomorrow. thanks for your support.

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