The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 2554: Celestial power

Boss spree, one is two.

Zhao Jiayu took the son.

Promise of the scorpion.

This is the two bosses, and any one is the pinnacle of the world.

Together with Zhao Haitian, that is a shot!


Long Fei secretly excited, "Turn him over!"

"Oh la la..."

"Oh la la..."

The sky is still ruptured, and the God of War is still crushing down. Zhao Wuji can't hold it, and the Promise ancestors can't hold it anymore. Their power can't resist the speed of the giant axe.

And their heads are constantly floating red and hurt numbers.

a series of series...

Every one is crit damage!

It won't take long to die!

Long Fei looked at Zhao Haitian, a proud face, and said: "Laugh? You and your Promise are going to die, are you still laughing?"

"It's really powerful!"

Zhao Haitian said: "I will die? Hey, can you see that I am dying by the waste of the Mahayana realm? You know a fart."

"Kid, you will wait for me, you will die soon..."

Not waiting for Zhao Haitian to finish.

Zhao Wuji screamed, "Haier, flee!"

The whole audience was shocked.

Called Zhao Haitian to escape?

What does it mean?

Is it true that Longfei is saying that Zhao Wuji can't resist it?

Zhao Haitian’s eyes seemed to be unheard of asking: “Hey, what are you talking about?”

Zhao Wuji’s forehead sweats and his eyes are stunned. He said: “Flee, go and call your grandfather to go out, fast!!!”

At this time, Zhao Haitian realized that Long Fei’s words were true.

Father can't stand it.

The strength of speaking is almost gone.

The Promise ancestors also spelled out the strength of breastfeeding. The power of his body collapsed wildly and could not be stopped. He said: "The Promise, the strength is too strong, it is not you and I can resist."


Longfei’s eyes are tight, “Not good!”

"They want to escape!"

Longfei feels it. ,


The mind is tight, "How can I let you escape to the meat of your mouth?"

"Criminal day!"


Punishment: "Understand!"

Also at this time.

Suddenly, a sentence was sent to Longfei’s mind. “Adult, my call time is coming, you can grasp it yourself.”


Longfei’s eyes changed. He didn’t pay attention to the summoning time of the criminal day, and this time he said that time is up, this... Isn’t this letting him spit out the meat to his mouth?

Open the system and have a look.

Longfei’s heart suddenly screamed. “I rely on it, only two minutes to summon time?”

"Get your sister's wool."

Punishment: "The devil is afraid that you will be sent to me if you are in great danger. The stronger the demon power you summon, the shorter the summoning time."

"This is something that the devil can't decide."

Every power, every skill, has its own rules.

The same is true for the ten-story magic tower.

Can summon the Devil of the Devil, but... There will be time now, the stronger, the shorter the time.

At this time, Longfei is too lazy to say so much.

There are still a few seconds, really can't be wasted.

Longfei said: "Kill them, fast, fast!"

The boss is dragging two, you must not miss it!

Counting this is a billions of experience, how can I miss it?

The penalty day is also accelerating.

The giant axe was heavily bombarded.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

The space is constantly fragmented.



At the same time, Zao Wou-Ki and the Promise of the Promise spurted out a large mouth of blood, and the blood trough on the top of the head would bottom out.

Zhao Haitian under them directly frightened.

"No, no, impossible."

"No matter how strong it is, it can't be the father's opponent."

Zhao Haitian stumbled and saw his father spurting blood. His heart was even more terrified, so that he could not move at all.

Zhao Wuji Shen Shendao: "Run!"


Zhao Wuji roared, his eyes staring at Longfei, his heart secretly said: "Is it... is he a teenager who has crossed the ten-story magic tower?"

The other side.

Zhou Yaozong, who has never been too exposed.

A disciple said in the ear of Zhou Yaozong: "He is the dragon fly of Xuan Yuezong. He was the one who made him a crow and the whole body of the beast."

Zhou Yaozong’s eyes glanced at him and looked at Longfei.


His heart secretly said: "Good boy!"

"Kill them and kill the Zao Wou-Ki and the Promise of the Promise!"

The death of these two super strong, Zhao's strength will be greatly weakened.

This is a great thing for Zhou.

The blood volume is getting less and less.

See you at the end, it will burst soon.

The whole person of Longfei is getting more and more nervous, because... time, time is coming soon!

"Hurry up!"

"Come on!"

"In the last few days, it’s the last few."

A thousand miles.

Just in this moment.


A golden light rushed directly from the depths of the palace to the sky. At this moment, the golden light moved directly to Zhao Wuji, the Promise ancestors and Zhao Haitian.

Just like a golden magic shield, it covers the whole body.

Block all their damage.




Under the giant axe, the damage suddenly became a miss, and at this moment, the defense of the three of them directly became invincible. ,

The sentence also conveyed the voice: "Adult, the power of the Tianzu strong!"


At this time, Peng Tiandao said: "Adult, my time is up, can't stay, you must be careful, don't work hard anymore, wait for me to be summoned for the second time!"


The huge body of the criminal day suddenly disappeared.

The skull also disappeared.

The giant axe in the sky also disappeared.



Two loud bangs, the fall of Zao Wou-Ki and the Promise of the Promise, and the robes of the whole body, the power of the real Wuyi peak instantly spread like two shock waves, shrouded the entire god.

Losing the giant axe crush, their power is released infinitely.

at this moment.

Longfei’s heart is a glimpse.

Tang Renjie’s face sank and immediately said: “Boss, what about the guy who is called the criminal day?”

"Summon her out again."

The skinny monkey stepped forward and stood on the side of Longfei.

Big head and Xiaodie also walked to Longfei.

Seventeen devils are similar, but also a step forward, everyone is very careful to guard.

Longfei is not good.

It’s just a little bit worse.

The blood trough on their heads is a little bit worse... they can kill them with a single axe, but... not at all.

"Heavenly strong?" Longfei hated the sky.

At this moment.

Zhao Haitian saw that the punishment day disappeared, and his whole person began to get excited. "Ha ha ha... kid, the summoning time is over? Laozi sees how you are arrogant, oh, haha... now your death is here!!!"

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