The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 2712: Fucking, endless, right?

After dozens of days of robbery, Longfei did not move.

There is no reaction at all.

Even the sound of pain did not come out.

It is exactly like a dead person.

Plus, his body is full of blood, every inch of his body is a wound, even the blood inside his eyes, can not see his expression.

Is it pain?

Still dead?


It was another day of robbery.



The last few dragon scales on Longfei's body cracked.

No pain to call out.

Everything seems to be numb.

"The 80th!"

"The power of the 80th day has been robbed, and the ninety-nine catastrophe is still the last one!"

"He,,, he,,, is he dead?"

"Not at all, what the situation is?"

"The ninety-nine catastrophe, in the history of the mainland, has never been such a robbery, too cruel, who can bear the power of such a robbery?"

"Do you rob?"

"I am afraid that no one in the mainland will dare to rob."

"This Nima is looking for death!"


There is silence in the city of Cangwu.

All the people looked up at the direction of the sky and looked at the sky.

The clouds rolling over the sky nine days are still there.

This also means that the robbery is not over yet.

In the ninety-nine days of robbery, the last one is the strongest and has the power to destroy everything.

It can be said.

It is stronger than the sum of the previous eighty days of robbery. This bombardment goes on, that is, the smoke is gone!

The shackles of the sky.

The leopard woman looked at the crumbling dragon fly and said slightly: "Don't go, let's go home, I will take you home."

Said to go forward.


The day of robbery is not over yet, the leopard woman is simply unable to get close, and when she is a little closer, she is forced to fly out by a force. "Hey!"

The body of the leopard hits the ground and falls heavily on the ground.

The leopard woman did not seem to hurt. She climbed up again and ran up again. "We are going home, I am not going to Hongmeng, we are going home..."


Another shot.

The leopard was on the ground and squirted a blood, but she climbed up again and walked up again, saying, "Go home, let's go home..."


Was shot again.

The old man’s eyes were tight, saying: “The day of the robbery is still going on, and the last one...and the strongest one, what should I do?”

"What should I do?"

"Liu Yuanxian respects adults, tell me what to do now?"

Completely panic.

In this case he did not know how to do it.

It was at this time.


Longfei’s mouth overflowed with a black blood, and his eyes lifted hard. He looked at the clouds rolling over the nine days. He whispered: “Are you able to do this?”


The sound is very low.


The sound of Longfei is like a thunder crit that blows up in everyone's mind.

"He is still alive!"

"Alive alive!"

"Ha ha ha... he is still alive, too strong!"

"My Scorpio, this, this, how is this possible? Eighty of the power of the robbery bombarded a seriously wounded person, I rely on... Is this Nima a pervert?"

"Do you hear it?"

"What did he say? What did you say to the robbery?"


"Ha ha ha... This sentence is too **** good, too arrogant, this is a contempt for the day, hahaha... too excited."

"It's so cool!"

"The days of robbery have been despised."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Day robbery, making rules, wanting to block the determination of the military to become stronger? Nothing, hahaha... weak!"

A ‘weak explosion’ ignited the unwilling heart of all the warriors.

The kind of heart that lives and dies is never compromised.

寥寥 Three words, but the same barrel of chicken blood is injected into the body.

"Hung up!"

"The last one, you must resist!"

"Be sure to resist."

"Don't kill his bitch."

"Be sure to resist."


At this time, almost everyone wants Longfei to resist.

All the people are so excited, and they are also nervously watching Longfei.

Seriously injured body, start the day robbery.

The power of the day is not diminished, but it is a catastrophe.

Power is even stronger and cannot be said.

In this way, Longfei still resists!

Very strong.

The last day of the robbery is also a crucial day of robbery. It is also the strongest one in the ninety-nine days of robbery.

The sum of the eighty days of the power of the robbery.




The clouds above nine days began to rotate, and the power of the road began to blast from the nine days, slowly releasing, and the entire wolf continent was in the midst of this shock.

as if……

This power can smash the vast continent.

Numerous people swallowed their mouths, their eyes fixed in the air, and their fists clenched, as if they were in a robbery.

"The last one is coming?"

Longfei’s eyes are slightly stunned.


No one knows how uncomfortable he is. No one knows how weak he is now. Now he seems to be easily beaten by a first-level mob.

Very painful, very uncomfortable.


He must resist!

Must be strong!

"The last one, even if you don't want to live, you must resist!" Longfei's heart sank, and then stared at the leopard woman, said: "Ready, I will be able to send you to Hongmeng."


Long Fei smiled a little.

The task is still not activated.

The exclamation point on the top of the leopard woman is still there.

The last hope...should be gone.

Longfei does not regret it.

The leopard cried and shook her head. She called Long Fei to stop, and said that she did not go to Hongmeng.


The day of robbery begins, not dead, it will not end in the middle!




The power above nine days began to growl.

The million-kilometer sky on the vast continent is like a crack.

The whole world is shaking.



"The last day of the robbery came!"

Longfei’s body is heavy, “Come on!”

Also at this time.

The old man on the other side suddenly sat on his knees, his eyes slightly closed, and a soft voice, said: "I understand, I know what to do."

The idea is moving!


For a moment, the clouds on his head began to scroll.


Very subtle.

In the face of Longfei’s ninety-nine catastrophe, the clouds on his head can be said to be neglected.

I can't see it at all.


A flash of lightning cut through the void.

Then the power of a super-day robbery came at an instant speed, and did not give Longfei any chance to react, and it was strongly crushed.

Longfei’s body slammed.

Both knees will kneel on the ground.


At this moment, it was again bombarded with the power of a robbery.

The body of Longfei was unbearable.

The last day of the ninety-nine return to the power of the robbery was too strong, but ... not waiting for him to bear, the 82nd day of robbery bombarded.


This is to get him to death!

Also at this moment.

Under the right arm of Longfei, a force flashed in the dragon-shaped mark, and this power was screaming and screaming. "His mother's, endless, right?!!!"


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