The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 2713: Complete

The ninth and eleven days of the robbery of the ninety-nine catastrophe just fell, and the 82nd catastrophe was blasted before it disappeared. What is this called?

Does this **** put people to death?

Or is it for Longfei?

Longfei itself has half a life left, and the power of the 81st Heavenly Robbery can't stand it. The 82nd day of the robbery falls again, and it does not give people a living path.

Under the dragon-shaped mark, it is easy to activate the power of 'black and white'.

His voice suddenly blasted in the sky, "Fucking, endless, right?"


With a deep anger.

Also at this moment, the world suddenly suddenly quieted down.

The scrolling nine-layered sky cloud also stopped rotating.

The 82nd day of the robbery was originally smashed to the top of Longfei’s head. Because of this voice, suddenly changed direction and broke into the clouds.

Can the day robbery collapse?

It's the same as the system lock function, once locked, no matter where you are!

But now it’s stunned...

Black and white went on and said: "It’s almost enough, don’t give your face a shame."

Very good.

Very domineering.

The nine-day sky shrank again, as if it was shaking and fearing.




The power of the robbery began to shrink quickly, and the nine-story cloud sky was also dissipating, and it was the same in all directions.

The black-and-white breath is also plunging into the body of Longfei.

The dragon's mouth flutters with black blood, but the heart is extremely shocked. He can't imagine... The power of black and white can be so powerful that even the robbery can be crushed. How awkward is this? Longfei said: "Since you are so arrogant, why don't you come out early?"

Black and white micro-channel: "This is your way, not my way."

Long Feidao: "You are my strength, my way is your way, if you come out early, I don't have to suffer this sin, and..."


Continuous cough, blood mad.

Longfei has to support it.

Black and white is still faint: "My road has finished, your road has just begun."

in fact.

I also understand in my heart and mind that he has intervened.

The more interventions you have now, the harder it will be to go after Longfei.


If he did not intervene just now, then Longfei is now dead.

The ninety-nine catastrophe is quite powerful. If there is another hundred and eleven catastrophe, the body of Longfei will be directly smashed into slag.

Will be like him.

mission failed!

Then... there will be new people to replace Longfei.

It's like reshuffling.

of course.

It may not happen again, but what is the consequence?

Black and white don't know!

Longfeidao: "What do you do now?"

"You are so strong, can you save me now?"

Black and white shook his head and said: "No, I have saved you once, can't take another shot. The more I take, the harder it is for you to go."

It is just as difficult to add to the game.

The more people who help him, the more difficult the setting of the game will be.

Longfeidao: "Then I am still dead!"

Black and white looked at the sky and said: "There is no such thing. Now that you have successfully robbed, if you want, you can step into a new plane, Hongmeng!"

The nine-story cloud sky receded.

The power of the robbery is exhausted.

A ray of light shrouded over nine days.

This is the light of extradition.

As long as Longfei's thoughts move, he can now fly into the virtual world, and he can enter the Hongmeng world and enter the Hongmeng world with billions of experience. By then, when a mosquito can be upgraded, it can be completely recovered.

This is the way he can live.

Longfei's eyes lifted slightly, watching the extradition of the sky, and gently felt it, faintly said: "Is this the atmosphere of Hongmeng?"

"It's really different."

Such as Mu spring wind.

Black and white: "What are you doing? Don't you hurry up? Don't you really give this opportunity to a woman?"


"What kind of women in Hongmeng have, she is more mad than her, more beautiful than her, you don't want to be stupid."

at this time.

Black and white is also a little nervous.

He can't make a choice for Longfei.

Once Longfei let the leopard female fly into the virtual, then... Longfei will really die!

The leopard woman on one side also looked up at the sky and looked at the extradition of the **** of light. Her heart gently moved, and her heart was longing for it.


As soon as she enters Hongmeng, she will be in a world with her beloved one, and one day she will meet.


The next second, the leopard woman looked at the whole body and the blood was flying. The dragon quickly shook his head and said: "No, no, no, no, I can't go, I can't go."

Longfei smiled softly: "I promised you something, I will do it."


"Go to him!"

I don't know why.

Give up the opportunity to live, stupid to death.


Longfei feels that he is arrogant!

It used to be what woman he wanted, that woman would like him, but now... he met a woman she liked but didn't like herself.

The woman he is willing to pay.

The main key is the wildness of the leopard woman in his memory, and the cheerful personality makes him forget.

The leopard woman shook her head and said: "This is what you exchanged for, how can I..."

Longfeidao: "It doesn't matter, as long as you are happy."


"If you don't go, the extradition of the divine light will disappear. Anyway, I will never go." Longfei has a very firm look.

He does not want to go to Hongmeng?

After escaping from the Zhenwu continent, the place he most wants to go to is the Hongmeng world!

Can he not want to go?

Black and white also said: "Are you crazy? You will die."

"Absolutely not let her go."

Longfei’s heart said: “You said it, this is my way. My way is naturally to go by myself.”

Black and white said: "You are going to be a fart, you are going to die, what else can you go?"

"Look at what you are weak now, the dragon scales on your body are all unplugged, and you now need to enter the Hongmeng community."

Longfei ignored it, and his face still smiled and looked at the leopard girl: "Go, I will be fine."

"If you don't go, it's really wasted."

"Come on, go."

The leopard woman moved a little, and her eyes cried into something. She said with a sigh: "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry..."

The people in her heart cannot replace it.

She can't fall in love with others anymore.

Even if someone gave her a life, she couldn't.


The man has been in her heart for more than a hundred years and has taken root.

Long Feidao: "You don't need to say this, hurry up."


The leopard cried and walked into the extradition of the light.


The light shrouds the leopard female body...

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