The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 2723: He is the master of Western law

After the black slave finished, he disappeared into the darkness.

He stood in the dark, as long as he didn't speak, you couldn't see him at all.

Tan cannon was also shocked and said: "I heard the old man of Westfa said, he came to the Western Regions of the East Imperial City is to pay the task, that is, the plague."

"What should we do now?"

Longfei's brows are dark and tight.

How to do?

He doesn't know either.


He is still sure about alchemy.

Longfeidao: "First, don't worry, let's go ahead and see."

It’s only a little bit of time, the system is updated, and everything is fine!


East Imperial City, Lanfu.

"Adult, the evil spirits of the alchemy master Xifa's shuttle immediately landed."


"Western France?"

"Is that evil spirited alchemist who promised to refine our plague?"

A middle-aged Confucian student looks like a blue long hair in his middle age.

A blue hair.

This is the Peugeot of the Blue Family blood.

The middle-aged Confucian scholar is called Blue Dragonfly.

It is the current owner of Lanfu.

Blue eyes flashed a ray of light, saying: "Send someone to greet immediately, don't be slow!"

The guard immediately said: "Follow!"

Although the evil spirit alchemy teacher is an evil alchemy teacher, no alchemy teacher can easily offend, especially this evil school alchemy teacher.

The consequence of offending is that maybe you will die inexplicably someday.

Lanfu is also a big family in Donghuangcheng. Even so, it is not easy to offend an alchemy teacher.


The alchemy teacher has a high status in Hongmeng.

The guard went out and a woman came out.

Blue charm.

A cool blue long hair, unlike the blue hair and blue hair, is full of blue hair, which shows that her blue family blood is incomparably pure.

Blue Charm said: "Hey, really want to use plague Dan?"

Lan Lan was silent for a moment, and said slightly: "There is no way, the Warcraft in the Black Prison Valley is too strong, too dense, and you can only try it with Plague Dan."

Blue Charm said: "Hey, the plague Dan is too damaging. Once it can't be controlled, it is easy to hurt the innocent, and the East Imperial City explicitly prohibits the use of this evil spirit."


"I don't care, I can't practice without cultivation. Anyway, there is enough protection."

The blue charm is a little reluctant to say.

A pure blue blood with long blood, because of this... her blood is too pure and too strong, so that his meridians can not bear, and the meridians in the whole body are blocked for three years of cultivation. Can't continue!

She also became a joke in the East Imperial City.

A pure blood can not be cultivated!

Also let the blue family become a joke.

The blue family blood is useless.

As the owner of the blue 猿, his pressure is enormous, obviously a super genius, how can it become waste?

He has been searching for antidote these years.

Until half a year ago, he discovered a kind of spirit grass from ancient books. As long as he could find this kind of spirit grass, he could help the blue charm to clear the meridians. Heigu Valley just had this kind of spirit grass.


Heigu Valley is one of the most dangerous places in the Western Region, also known as the forbidden land.

No one can live out of it.

World of Warcraft, ghosts, all kinds of powerful monsters filled the entire valley.

Ordinary people can't enter, Lan Lan wants to use the plague to poison everything in the valley, even if he does not dare to guarantee absolute success.

Lan Lan gently patted her daughter's shoulder and said: "Do not worry, I will control it. When I am with your uncle, four uncles and three people into the valley, you will be able to bring back the grass."

Blue Charm said: "Aside from the black prison **** grass in Heigu Valley, is there still another way? Can you use another method?"


In addition to the black prison **** grass, there is another way.

This method is relatively simple.

The use of God-level blood, and must be hot, majestic attributes of the blood, must be male, the two to join together to integrate the blood power of the blue charm, in turn to clear the blocked meridians.

this is okay too.


The god-level blood of Hongmeng is too rare.

Then there is the blazing heat, and the blood of the majestic nature is rare in the blood of the gods.

Hot, majestic must be the kind of super-beast, magical unicorn, golden peacock, **** king tiger... These can only be regarded as the general super-beast blood.

For the meridians of the blue charm, the best blood is the dragon blood.


For the Blue House of the Eastern Imperial City, the blood of the dragon is impossible.

in fact.

Lan Lan also knows that there is a super-beast in the East Imperial City, which meets the standard blood power, but... he can't let his daughter combine with a man like a bully.

He is willing to venture to Hell Valley, and he is not willing to let the evil ruin his daughter.


He tried to ask, the blue charm will not agree even if it is dead.

Lan Lan smiled faintly: "Another way is even harder. You can rest assured that as long as you get the plague, plus the three uncles, the strength of the four uncles should be fine."

"Hey, I know how hard you work, and how much you want to practice. You will definitely let you step on the martial arts again." Blue 猿 double fists clenched tightly.

No matter what the price, even his life will make his daughter re-cultivate!

Being a warrior can't cultivate, which is even more uncomfortable than death.

This task is difficult.


No matter what, he will try.

He can't let the blue family set foot on a new height, but... as long as the blue charm dredges the meridians, her talent can definitely make the blue family set foot on the peak.

The blood of the blue charm is the most powerful one in the history of the blue family... except the first ancestor.


Longfei and Tan cannon walked off the shuttle.

The black slave did not come down.

Instead, he stood at the door of the shuttle and looked at Longfei.

Longfei looked at him and said, "Are you not going down?"

The black slave glanced at the scorching sun outside and shook his head slightly, then chilled and said: "Good luck!"

In an instant.


The shuttle door compartment is closed.

Tan cannon swears: "Rely!"

Longfei looked at the big square, and he said in his heart: "I don't think there is an airport in this strange world?"

"What awesome!"

Tan cannon is just like Liu Yujin's Grand View Garden. He is excited: "Hongmeng is not the same. It really is really strong. It is really amazing."

Not waiting for their two emotions.

At this time, a dozen disciples dressed in hard suits and an old man came and watched Long Feidao: "Who are you two masters of Western France?"

Longfei’s eyes are tight.

Tan cannon looked at Longfei and carefully guarded.

The black slave said it was good, and the West Fa is really a task.

It’s not good to watch the battle.


The look of these dozens of disciples all carried a hint of killing, and Longfei’s ability to sense killing was superhuman, and it was obvious.

Long Fei shocked the scorpion and said: "Who are you?"

The old man looked at Longfei and said: "Who are we, you don't care, you just have to answer where the Master of Western Law is?"

Tan cannon did not know what these people were coming from, but listened to the old man saying that the ‘Western Masters’ respected title, immediately said: “He is a master of Western law.”

"Is it not fast to see the Master of Western Law?"

The old man’s mouth was cold and cold, and he laughed.

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