The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3375: Refining finished

too strong. far

The refining technique exhibited by the ancient strong is too overbearing. This is not a general refiner. With the bombardment of his power, the sky of the Tianji Pavilion is covered with black waves, like clouds, centered on the square. Cover it layer by layer, as if this is not a refiner.

Not that he is in the refining machine.

But the sky is in the refining device. he

Just release the power of the sky.

Heaven and earth, nature, Taoism, this is the essence of ancient refining.

Can cultivate to such a realm. This

It can't be described as strong. simple

Straight is the master of refining tools in the ancient world.

Longfei looked at his eyes, and his heart was also secretly shocked. "The highest level of ancient refining, the highest realm, I have never stepped into this realm."

If you are not a member of the soul, I am afraid..." Dragon

Feel free to wait for the end of the ancient strong. day

The elders of the family are excited.

The true power of the ancient powerhouses is revealed. Their hearts are only worshipped, too strong, and no one can overcome the strength. Place


The elders of the Tianzu are proud of one by one. "Scared?"

This is the true refining power of the Tianzu. ""

What is the heavenly cabinet? Whatever the gods and gods are all garbage. ”

"Kid, the waste of your soldier's realm, know what is a refiner? Can you afford a hammer?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"He is estimated to scare the urine!"...


A sarcasm sounded. Dragon

If you fly, you will stand there quietly.

The people on the Tianji Pavilion are also anxiously anxious. "Is it still going to lose?"

"The refining technique he showed is too strong, even if the master is present, I am afraid I can't win."

"What should I do?""

Although he taught the second division of the ancient refining technique, his ancient refining technique was not comparable to the ancient strongman. This is a difficult test. "...


The refining technique exhibited by the ancient strong is a strong and invincible existence, and it is impossible to win.

Most people in the square know how to refine them. They all know that Longfei can't win!


The strength of the refining instrument displayed by the ancient strong is like three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends. It is useless to control how you attack, and it is impossible to win. on

Even the mouth of Murong Xiong, who doesn’t know much about the refining device, is upset in his heart. "With your uncle, will the refining device be great?"

who are you? ""

How old is my nephew? ”

Simultaneously. he

The two old men who were also voiced to Longfei said: "Attention, be sure to protect my nephew."


Rumble! "One

The sound is loud.

The black suffocating air is like a mushroom cloud.

Then. far

The ancient strong hands with a heavy pressure, the sound of the explosion disappeared instantly.

A delicate black lotus fell slowly. each

A petal is as polished as a polished one.

The ancient strongman held the black lotus in one hand and faintly said: "It is called heavenless."

No day? ”

The name of this **** treasure is too overbearing?

Not even in the sky?

Everyone was shocked.

at this time. far

The ancient strong man moved his right hand and released the black lotus, and then the force of the black lotus was released, covering the entire Tianji Pavilion.

The sky disappears instantly!

Everything is in the darkness, not the darkness of the night, but the darkness of the darkness, as if the sky has disappeared. all

The field is in chaos!

The elders of the Tianzu laughed excitedly. "Ha ha ha... kid, have you seen it? This is the real ancient refining technique. What do you count?"

Despise the heavens? Despise the Emperor? ""

Fighting with the heavens? Hahaha... You are just one of thousands of ants, and the little ants still want to turn the sky? Ridiculous, ridiculous. ""


The people of the family are boiling.

The ancient treasures of the ancient strong refining were too powerful, and even the heavens were covered.

Everything is in the refining of Black Lotus.

This kind of magical treasure is absolutely the existence of super artifacts in Hongmeng.

Who can refine this magical treasure? on

It is the first person of the refining device of Hongmeng, and the godsman can’t refine it. This

Field test!

The Tianzu won.

Just when everyone thought that the ancient strong had won, a harsh bang sounded, "Dangdang, Dangdang, Dangdang..."

Some Mars sputtered out after a hit.

It looks so dazzling in the dark. "

Moved! ""

Shizu started the refining machine. "White eyebrow exclaimed. Zhou

Quietly calmed down, all eyes looked at Longfei. only

Seeing that Longfei did not use the ancient refining technique, the movement of the refiner was not too fancy, and it was like a blacksmith in the country.

"Ha ha ha..."

This is also called a refiner? This is called hitting iron. ""

Killing me! ""

Kid, I think you are scared, you can refine a hammer. ”

"Laughing and dying."


There are a lot of things to pay attention to.


One thing is very important, spiritual! Such as

If there is no spiritual power, it is not in the refiner, but in the iron.

Longfei is now like a hit iron.

He did not have any spiritual power every time he fell.

The ancient strong is also a cold smile, watching Longfei left a hammer, right hammer, can not help but smile: "I overestimate you!"

I took a cold look. This

The technique is different from what he does not have.

It is a day and a hell.

Look up to the existence that cannot be achieved.

All the people in the audience are laughing at it.

Even the disciples on the side of the Tianji Pavilion have lowered their heads and cannot bear to look at it. Because this refining method can't really stand on the countertop, it is no different from playing a blacksmith. Mu

Rong Xiong’s anger is not good. “Grandma’s, give me those who laugh at my nephew and remember to wait for the next one!”

Laugh at me? ”

"Are you asked me?"

"I am mad at me."

Rong Xiong's hands were inserted in his waist, and he did not fight in one place. He could not wait to instantly kill those who laughed at Longfei.

The laughter is one after another. Dragon

Flying is like not hearing.

Still hitting a hammer and a hammer, but every time his heart beats, the soul of the body is surging, as if feeling the laughter around them, they are roaring. Device

The refining technique of the soul family slowly took place on the hands of Longfei, and slowly exerted on that hammer and a hammer. hand

The law is very mediocre. but


Power is in the midst of madness, and no one can see it. "

Kid, do you want to continue? ”

"Isn't this necessary?"

"Are you still not ugly enough to lose?"

Hahaha... You are just wasting your time, you can't win. ”

"You will tremble."

The people laughed.

Also at this time. Dragon

The last hammer hit the last hammer, then the eyes lifted, a faint voice, said: "Completed."

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