The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3376: I rub, BOSS explosion

"Complete." Longfei put away the hammer that the soul of the family gave him, and looked at the ancient strong in the dark.


Black lotus is still covering the sky.

Tianji Pavilion is still in the darkness. Not only that, but Black Lotus is not only the sky that covers the Tianji Pavilion, but his power is slowly released. He wants to refine the entire Tianji Pavilion.

Let all the creatures here become the power of the black lotus.

The voice of Longfei fell.

The elders of the Tianzu laughed and said, "Boy, what can you refine? Is it a **** or a shovel?"

"Our people can't plant the land, you can't use these tools."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

Everyone laughed wildly.

The ancient strongman screamed and said: "Give me some quiet."

The whole moment was quiet.

The ancient strong sneer, said: "Let me see what garbage you have created."

His eyes flashed cold.

As long as Longfei refines something weaker than him, then Longfei will die.


Also at this moment.

Among the crowds of the masters of the Zongmen Refiner, several shadows quietly approached.

Murong Xiong is also a tight-eyed man. "No, he wants to start."

Li Yuanba’s eyes slammed and the pace accelerated.

In the dark.

The undercurrent is surging.

At the moment when the cold light flashed out of the eyes of the ancient strong, the entire refining plaza became strange.

Longfei held his right hand and smiled: "What did you call the black lotus that you just made?"

Ancient strongman said: "No sky!"

Longfei smiled and said: "Coincident, my **** treasure is only one word away from you, the town is heavenless!"

The ancient strongmen violently blasted their eyes, and the double fists were heavily gripped. The sinister sinister said: "The kid, the mouth is so powerful, the world is about strength."

"I have lost once. After that time, I swear to myself that I will never lose another time. Even if I try to compare with people who don't understand the refiner, I will go all out."

"Want to win me?"

"No one in this world can do it."

Long Fei asked with interest: "I really want to know who you lost to?"

The eyes of the ancient strongman glimpsed, the muscles of the corner of the eye gently twitched a few times, and the eyes flashed endless hatred, saying: "Dragon!"


Longfei was shocked and said: "It’s really clever."

The ancient strongman said: "Don't waste time, use the power of your treasure."

Longfei smiled and said: "I am afraid you have to lose a second time."

Hold your palms and hang them up.

The ‘God’ that he created is also visible to everyone.


"Ha ha ha..."

"Wow haha……"

"A discus!"

"My mother, I have to laugh at me. I thought you would build a farm tool. The worst is a kitchen knife. I didn't expect you to create such a piece of iron."

"Ha ha ha..."

More people laughed at it.

This is called Shenbao?

This is obviously a scrap iron.

The ancient strong contempt said: "You are just like this iron, it is slag."


As soon as the voice fell, the ancient strongman urged the black lotus.

He wants to refine the entire Tianji Pavilion.

The power is moving.

The power of Black Lotus was released, and the ancient strongman smiled and said: "Look at the refining residue you have made and see how he becomes a powder."


Black lotus sinks.

The space is shaking.

At this moment, the iron **** on the 'rice cake' was shaken off.


A fine light burst out.

A golden rune on the discus appeared, but at the moment it was not a discus, but a disc with a pointer on it.

All kinds of small runes broke out one after another.

This is not all.

At the moment when the power of Black Lotus touched the disc, "Hey!"

Black lotus directly cracks.

The ancient strongmen have a look at each other, "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The power of his body surged out and was all injected into the black lotus. The black suffocating air was more fierce, and the road was like a sinister earth.


The disc that emits the light is ignored.

It’s totally useless.

No matter how you attack, it is like a meteorite, not moving at all!



"I will never lose a second time!"

"Absolutely not!"

The ancient strongman is like crazy, the power of his body is constantly released, crazy attack, but... completely useless.

The more the attack, the more dazzling the light on the disc.

Suspended in midair like a sun.

The entire Tianji Pavilion has become clear again.

The people who laughed and laughed at Longfei just turned into dumb one by one, and looked up at the sky one by one. At this time, they couldn’t say a word.

The faces of the elders of the Celestials also became extremely ugly, and the fists were secretly gripped as if they were working hard.




Constantly bombarding the disc.

The more the attack, the stronger the light emitted by the disc. The black scorpion of the black lotus is completely offset by the glare of the glare. There is a lonely black lotus in the air, and it is still cracking.



The ancient strongman screamed heavily. "I am the strongest refiner in the ancient world. No one can match me. I can't lose another time."


The power exploded.

More powerful forces are bombarded.

Longfei faintly said: "You have attacked so many times, now it is my turn to attack?"



As soon as the disc moved, a golden light covered it.

"Oh la la!"

All the black lotuses are broken and become powder.

At this time, the sky was almost cracked, and the force released by the disc was too strong, and even the sky could not bear it.

I saw the black lotus crack.

The ancient strong man's eyebrows were tight, and a primitive roar was heard.


The robes on his body were blasted.

The veil also flew out, revealing the truth.

The whole audience was shocked.

All the people were retreating, scared and pale, and the heart was shaking.

The appearance is extremely ugly, the nose is sunken, the eyes are bulging, and the body is like a piece of things. The whole person is like a waste person who has not evolved.

Longfei has seen all kinds of demons and ghosts, but I have not seen anything that has not been evolved.


Regardless of whether he has evolved or not, Longfei does not care.


He only recognizes BOSS!

The ancient strongmen exposed their true feelings, grinning, and two lanterns seemed to stare at Longfei, "Give me death!"


Rush up.

Space fragmentation.

Everything around Longfei was broken, and even the elders of Xiaoyao City hiding in the space were exposed. Their reaction could not keep up with the ancient powerhouse.

Both eyes were surprised.

Can only make one, "Less master, be careful!"

Longfei mouth corner hook, "I rub, BOSS run away?"

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