The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3468: Almost destroyed Hongmeng

The shrine is broken, and the heavenly people are wiped out by the shadow of the black hair. Dragon

Fly in midair. small

Taoist, mad king, standing around him. Dragon

The flying avatar stood in front of Longfei. very

Familiar feeling, but very strange.

Longfei couldn't remember where he had seen him, and he had no memory at all.

I can't think of it. Dragon

The same is true of the flying avatar.

in fact.

He is not only simple as a avatar, he can be said to be an independent existence, he has his own mindset. he

Have a self-cultivation, not subject to any control of the Dragon Flying Deity. Do not

Over. Minute

Knowing that he is part of Longfei, he has been developing according to the instructions of the deity in these years. Dragon

Flying and watching the darkness in the mind and body: "Good familiar, who is he?"

"Damn Emperor."

"Damn memory seal!" Dragon

A sigh in the heart. he

It is only the shadow of the Emperor Xuan, not the deity, so his memory seal is still there, and he is still bound, and many things can't be remembered.

The avatar couldn’t help but ask: "Do you know me?"

Longfei shook his head and said: "I have never seen it."

He smiled bitterly in his body and mind. "It seems that he is not my deity. Why do I always think that he is my deity? Why is this feeling so strong?"

Maybe it's because I miss the deity too much? ”

It is not certain that you are separated. but

Yes. Dragon

Flying himself has denied it, and that is definitely not the case. Minute

Holding his hands together, said: "Then I will leave first, and I will see you again."

Flying is a bit sad, but it can only be so, hands clasped, said: "I have a goodbye."

When I was in motion, I turned into a purple light and disappeared in the same place. My heart said: "Where are you? Is it because I am not strong enough now?"

"Hong Meng is not there, it must be in the ancient world."

"Ancient world..."

He looked at the sky. day

It’s already closed, and it’s hard to get into the ancient world.

"Even if it is difficult, I have to enter the ancient world."

"I have to find my deity."

The eyes are firm.


Longfei looked at the separation and left, and his heart seemed to have lost something. There was an inexplicable sense of loss, but he did not think much. he

Looking at the sky, said: "Is there a way to open the passage?"

He wants to enter the ancient world.

The dragon war is the fact that his father has already confirmed this. Now that his father has been arrested, he has to enter the ancient world as soon as possible.

Mad King said: "I am afraid not."

The little priest said: "The power of this imprisonment is very strong."

"Call!" Dragon

Fly and breathe out a breath, the thoughts move, "Dragon body!"

"Hey!" Wan

The ancient dragon appeared and gave a roar. turn


Longfei suddenly rushed, and instantly fell at the entrance of the original passage. The strength of his body exploded, and his arms plunged into the void.

Longfei can't wait.

The father was arrested and he must enter the ancient world.

The Emperor Xuan is not dead, and the heart of Longfei is unhappy. he

Be aware of your own memories. he

Be aware of what happened to you before.

He doesn't want to be a fool anymore. from

The woman who is standing in front of her does not know.

"Give me open!"

Ah..." Longfei screamed with excitement."


The air was torn. but


The crack is not a passage, it is not an ancient world, but a piece of nothingness. Dragon

Fly and anger, force again, "Give me a split!"

Rumble! ”


The sky blew, and a crack in the road covered the entire area of ​​Hongmeng. "

Give me a drive! ! ”

Longfei once again exerted strength. "

Xuan Emperor, do you think that you can hide me in the ancient world? ”

"Ah..." Wan

The power of the ancient dragon broke out between the hands of Longfei, the kind of force that shattered the sky with a light glimpse. too

Strong, too fierce. again

Plus the infinite glove that burns, it is even more ferocious. "


"Give me a drive!" Dragon

Flying crazy.

The sky sword told him that the anger in his heart could not be calmed down.

He must enter the ancient world. One

Must enter.

"Oh la la..."


The air is constantly cracking. Hong

The sky above the border is like being blown out by a force. The dragon's double fists burst into the center. crack

The mark extends for thousands of kilometers. whole

Everyone has seen it. no

Several people kneeled on the ground and prayed. "

God, poor, pity us. ”

"Who will save us?"

Save Hongmeng. ”


They now find themselves aiming too far. day

Under the mountain. Mu

Rong Xiong looked at the sky that was constantly cracking. He said: "If you go on like this, the Hongmeng will collapse and the entire plane will be destroyed."

The sword is also anxious, saying: "You must stop."

It will be troublesome without stopping. "Dragon

The power of flying is so strong that the law of the sky in Hongmeng can't stand it, and it will continue to crack. If this continues, the Hongmeng world will be destroyed by him. This

It is the power of the ancient dragon body.

The level of Longfei is not high. but

Yes. Ten thousand

The strength of the ancient dragon body can break out the power to crush the law of Hongmeng. "

No! ”

"You must stop the dragon from flying."

Destroying the old is also a tight eyebrow. Mu

Rong Xiongdao: "The passage of Tiantiantian has been closed. Only the Emperor can open it. The external force cannot be forced to open. If it is forcibly destroyed, the Hongmeng community will collapse completely. At the end, the entire plane will explode. When the time..."

The plane explosion? This

What is the concept? blood

The Queen of the Month shouted: "Husband, stop." Blue

The charm is also loud: "Dragon fly, stop now."

Wang and the Taoist priests also realized the collapse of the law. Longfei’s going on like this would really ruin the world. When the plane was destroyed, all the people in this world would die.

Suddenly. mad

Wang Yichong, who fell to the side of Longfei, said: "Can't continue, you look back at the world."

"If you go on like this, the entire plane will be destroyed."

Flying anger and attacking the heart, he has not thought about the matter of Hongmeng, he just wants to kill the ancient world, and then screw down the head of the Emperor.

The little priest also flew up, loudly: "Sister, can't continue."

"The world has not been able to withstand your power."

"Look back."

There are also your brothers and relatives in this world. If you continue this way, they will all die. ”

Longfei suddenly saw a heart. miss you

To their brothers, and the Queen of Blood Moon, his heart quickly calmed down.

Take out the hands that pierce the void.

Longfei looked back at Hongmeng and looked at the cracks in the sky. He was afraid after a while, if he ruined the Hongmeng, then...

"I am this?"

"Why can't you control yourself if you start anger?"

Is it the reason for the Wan Long Dragon? "Dragon

Fly to ask yourself. double

The fist is tight, I don’t know if I say it to myself or to Wan Gulong. "I am me, not who is the reincarnation, not the chess piece. I am Longfei, I am only myself!"

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