The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3472: Snake skin

No woman can accept the fact of ‘small’.

and. eye

The chest of this former girl is actually not small. In her heart, the chest is the place that makes her most satisfied, because it is big! can

Now it is actually said to be 'small', there are breeders to kill, and the insulting anger is burning.

Jianfeng pointed a finger and pointed directly to Longfei's eyebrows, and he angered. "You say it again!"

When she spoke, she was quite awkward in front of her body. This is more obvious when she protrudes. In her heart, she said: "Do you see your eyes?"

Of course. Wang

A little girl and a girl, the little girl is of course small.

The women Long Fei has seen are bigger than her. blood

The Queen of the Moon, the Blue Charm, even Susie is bigger than the girl in front, so Longfei naturally thinks it is small. This

It is also related to the age of the girl. she was

At most, in the 28th year of the Chinese, the development of such a place is already a 'squatter'.

Looking at the front of the sword, and then looked at the girl who stood up, Longfei deliberately gasped her, said: "Let me see the airport?"

The girl did not know what the ‘airport’ asked: “What is an airport? Is it big?”


"That must be a big one, or how to stop the plane." Longfei said with a serious look.

The girl's face turned slightly, and a smile appeared on her lips. She whispered softly: "This is almost the same."


You just... I told you to avoid why not avoid? And... you, you,,, you kissed me, you know who I am? "The girl thought of the scene, the cheeks were blushing, the feeling was very short, but it gave her a wonderful feeling."

The feeling that I have never experienced before.

In the 28th year of China, the season of Sichun. Correct

In the longing for love, the fantasy of the forbidden fruit. Correct

At this age, she is very eager to try and touch, but there is some fear in her heart. Dragon

Flying saw the blush on her face, and she smiled in her heart and said, "Look at her first."

It is now an old driver. special

Don't come across this ‘newbie’, he is an old driver who can quickly and elegantly.

Longfeidao: "Do you know why I am here? You know why I have been hiding but I can't hide your pursuit?"

The girl shook her head and said, "I don't know, why?"

Longfeidao: "Because this is a fate!"

You and I are destined to meet, I am destined to escape your pursuit, and you are destined to fall in my arms and be kissed. ""

This is the fate, the fate of the previous agreement. "Long Fei said very seriously. Less

Women also listened to it very seriously.

and. she was

Full of serious face, I completely believe what Long Fei said, and muttered: "Is this really true? Is it destined?"

"No wonder I can't control the sword. Is it really what he said?"


I believe it all at once. Dragon

Flying is a bit uncontrollable, and I almost laughed. "Can this be believed?"

Fly slowly from the ground and said: "Why are you here?"

Woman said: "I practice swords here every day."

Longfei walked over to the girl and said, "Yeah, you are practicing swords here every day, but why do I appear here again? When you used to practice the sword, I was not at all. Why did you happen when I was at the time? Control?" Slow

Slowly speaking, Longfei gently held the girl's small waist.

That feeling...

The skin of young girls is just fine!

Longfei could not help but sigh.

The girl said: "Is it fate?"

Fly: "Yes, isn't this a fate?"

When the flight was about to stop the girl from entering her arms, the girl’s eyes glanced away and immediately broke away from the arms of Longfei and jumped three meters away. The Jianfeng moved again and pointed to the eyebrow of Longfei again. “I don’t believe in the hit. Destined, my mother told me that the more sweet words, the more I can't believe it. The more I say what is destined to you, the more untrustworthy the man is, the more you are, the more you are, the more you are, the more you are. ."less

The woman is awake at once.

And that moment, the long sword pointed to the eyebrow of Longfei. sword

The sound is soft. Dragon

Flying and seeing, the pace is slightly moving. also

It’s a snake-shaped position to escape a sword. “Sister, this fate is arranged by God. Otherwise, how did you come to me just now?”

When the woman heard it, she said with an anger: "I am not your dear, you are the old hooligan, I am... No, no, nothing happened."

Fly to make a very lost look, "How did nothing happen? That is my first kiss." Less

Female anger said: "That is also my first kiss... No, no, no." She

My mind has been deleting the picture just now, but the more I want to ‘delete’ the dragon’s mouth, the deeper the picture, as if it were playing at a slow speed. she was

The heart is even more angry.

I can't care for that much, a sword and a sword stabbed up, saying: "Nothing happened, nothing happened." Less

Feminine. but


Her swordsmanship was not chaotic, and one stroke and another trick was to the dragon. Dragon

The flying serpentine position is playing to the extreme, constantly dodging, and the mouth keeps saying, "I don't think you are such a person, take my first kiss, and say such hurtful words, now I still have to Killing people, my mother said yes, the most poisonous woman, the more beautiful the woman can not believe."

The trick was stopped, and the girl looked at Longfeidao: "Do you mean that I am very beautiful?"

Longfei: ... female

Human thinking is completely different. root

I don't know what her focus is. less

The woman reacted again, and the long sword was dancing to Longfei, and the sword was getting sharper and sharper.


Longfei also played the serpent-shaped position to the extreme, the heavy pace constantly moved, and every sword was escaped in a thrilling way.

The girl also saw it. Longfei’s position was too strange, and every move was hidden. This

Repaired as...

Right is not low. can

It is the breath of Longfei, but it is weak. Like a newborn baby, it is impossible to have such a weak breath, and it is even more impossible to escape his sword. difficult

Does he rely on him to hide? "

This..." less

The woman’s heart was shocked, “is born strong?”

In ancient times, Longfei was really like a newborn baby, because it was time and space to enter the ancient world, and his body was extremely vulnerable in this plane.

If you don't apply the Longgu body, he will struggle even if he walks. No

Level, not repaired, and there is no magic weapon that can be relied upon. only

Can rely on the position to barely escape the sword. less

Women continue to make moves.

Longfei continued to avoid.

Every move is very thrilling, and every move is gone. less

The woman suddenly stopped and looked at the pace of Longfei’s movement. “You,,, what is your position?”

Fly immediately exhaled, said: "Snake-shaped position." Less

The woman did not hear clearly, said: "Hey? Snake skin is walking?"

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