The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3569: Halfway robbery

If your brain is not enough, use a computer. Hu

There is a supercomputer in the space of Perth, you can't play games, even if it's one, it's not difficult? hit

Open the amber space, Longfei vs. Phoenix Road: "You two are waiting for me here first."

Jump to the air and jump over the huge cube matrix. "

Enter the command and start scanning! ”

"Scanning starts..."

Longfei constantly moves, and while scanning, the lines on the cube are constantly scanned.

One face, two faces... three

Face, four faces, five faces...


The sixth face! and also

It is the underground of the temple, completely invisible.

Long Fei’s eyebrows are tight. “I rely on it, it’s hard to do.”

The Rubik's Cube is six faces, up and down, front and back, left and right, and each face has hundreds of inscriptions with inscriptions. If you want to arrange these lattices completely, you can't do anything with one face. "

Difficult to do! "Dragon

The five faces of the flight scan fell.

Phoenix looked at Long Fei's eyebrows and asked, "What happened?"

Liuluo Creek also looked at Longfei. "Is there anything I can help?"

Longfei did not speak.

These two things are absolutely impossible for them. he

The consciousness entered the amber space and looked at the six faces that came out first on the computer. He said: "This should be a supercomputer with five faces. Can you figure out the sixth face?"

"If the brain is loli, she can be."

Knowing the upper half of the Yongsheng Taoist, immediately calculate the lower half, which is calculated to be energyless.

just! Dragon

Flying and glanced at the system sister, she was still asleep.

It should be awake for the time being.

"Just look at you!" Dragon

Fly on the computer and enter a bunch of instructions.

The supercomputer began to deduct. to

At the same time. Dragon

Flying to Phoenix Liuluoxi Road: "Now listen to my orders, remember that you can't go wrong, otherwise you will lose all your efforts."

What do I say, what do you do, and don't ask so much. "phoenix

Huang nodded, "OK!" Liu

Although Luoxi did not know what Longfei was going to do, in this case, she could only listen to Longfei. "Good!"

Longfei screamed and said, "Okay, it's over!"

"Ice, you go to the temple."

"Sister, you are responsible for the rear and the right side, I am responsible for the front and the left side."

Now in place. ”

Longfei simply said the order of these grids.

The computer began to calculate, and Longfei immediately shouted, "Top, fifth row, push three grids to the left, turn!"

Ice and ice, don't go wrong, we only have one chance. ”


I know. "The phoenix did what Long Fei said, and the lattice pushed it. The temple began to work, and it slammed.

Just like a large machine is working.

"Sister, the thirteenth row, push one to the right, turn!" Liu

When Luoxi heard Longfei’s words, he immediately did it and pushed it on the grid. "

Behind, the tenth row, the first grid pushes up two grids! ""

turn! ""



Longfei’s consciousness is constantly changing. When he enters the amber space, he suddenly returns to reality, which will make a person’s mental strength quickly exhausted.

Longfei insisted. One

After hours.

"Hey, hehe..."

Rumble! ""

Rumble! ”

There is a more violent roar in the cube matrix, and the continual explosion between the grid gaps is like exploding. "

Finally! ”

Longfei swallowed heavily. "If the failure is still successful, just look at it."

I only know about the five sides. In the absence of one side, I want to complete the piece together. This is not a general difficulty. do not

It is a human being, even if God is afraid it is not so easy to do. "

Huh..." dragon

Heaving a heavy breath, grabbing a row of plaids, "one grid, two grids, three grids... stop!"

Hold your hand and sink directly.


A loud noise in the square matrix.

Rays shine. phoenix

Huang and Liuluo River retreated to Longfei and looked at the picture in front of them. Both of them were shocked.


"What is it inside?"

"What is this?"

I have never seen it! ”

Liuluo whispered: "No wonder Master said that no one can complete this task. This, too, it is too difficult."

Look at the face to the dragon.

At this time, Longfei looked at the cube matrix seriously. very

Handsome! recognize

Really the man is the most handsome.

At this moment, Liuluo Creek was almost fascinated by Longfei.

Very obsessed.

It's like a little girl.

No matter whether it is the serious look of Longfei, or the handsome face of the fortitude, then it is the special kind of exhalation that comes out of him.

It’s totally intoxicating.

It is as if he is born with a strong attraction to girls.

Exciting. Do not


After a second, Liuluo Creek will calm down, even if the man in front of him is handsome again, and her heart will not be shaken.

Because of her heart, her people belong to that man! "

Rumble! ”

A burst of sound, the cube matrix began to shrink. Dragon

The flash in the eyes is also excited, saying: "yes! Bet is right, hahaha..."

Seeing this result, he knew that there was no mistake in the calculation. huge

The big Rubik's Cube Temple began to shrink, constantly compressing, and finally became a crystal-clear little Rubik's cube of the size of a fist.

Longfei's eyes began to tremble.

"Space rock?"

“Is it the original rock?”

"Wow..." Longfei swallowed a lot of water, and the heart began to pick up, completely unable to stop the excitement.

The original stone of the soul has already arrived.

The original space stone is among the crystal clear cubes. Such as

If you get it again...

The face is too beautiful, Longfei can't imagine it. "

boom! ”

The crystal clear cube falls on the ground. huge

The big temple is as big as a fist. phoenix

Phoenix and Liuluo River were completely shaken by the earthquake, and they have never seen such things. "

what is that? ""

Husband, what is that? ”

"Is that an exit?"

Liuluo Creek is also excited. If you complete this task, there will be points to redeem the mirror. Dragon

Fly: "I don't know, don't move, let me go first."

Hearts go up. Inside

The heart prayed hard and said: "The original stone of the space, the original stone of the space, the inside must be the original stone of the space. In this way, I will be able to cross the universe, even I can return to the earth in a flash, Teacher Chou bless!"

Fly before the crystal clear magical aspect and reach for it.

suddenly! One

The black inflammation suddenly burst out, and the Rubik's cube was wrapped directly, and a scream of screaming was heard. "Kid, thank you!"

Hahaha... He is mine! ”

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