The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3570: Kill twice, cool?

Black smoke is full of heaven, and it is like a purgatory.

Wrap the Rubik's Cube and slam it into the black inflammation.


On the top of Black Yan, a man wearing a general hat of Dong Yu appeared, and the whole body was flashing with golden light and a black armor.

A long long purple red long knife. whole

The body is very large and looks extremely domineering.

The arrogance released from the body is also extremely powerful and oppressive.

Very strong! very


Look through the system.

Longfei’s eyes are stunned, and his eyes are murderous.

"What do you want to grab Laozi?"

"Your sister!"

Long Fei said, "I have always been robbing others of things, no one dares to grab my head!"

Equivalent to killing a boss, the equipment has not touched, it was first robbed.

Can this be forbearance? and

And it’s still a ghost, so it’s even more difficult.

The East Ghost King sneered: "Small waste, I will give you a chance to live, now I will roll away, otherwise I will let you..."

"Let your ancestors!"


Longfei said nothing, and his thoughts roared, "Wangu Dragon!!"


The breath on the air suddenly changed dramatically.

The body rose up and jumped directly to the top of the ghost king of Dongpu. He said, "Small Japanese son, do you want to be a blessing on Laozi’s head? Your son is already waiting for you in the land, you too Give me on." Double

A fist burst!

"Hey!" Boxing

The power on the head makes a thunderous sound.

"Li Wang Quan!"

A punch hit.

The East Ghost King did not think that only the dragon flying in the realm of the swordsman suddenly became like a transformation, becoming so fierce, but...

When he heard that his son had died, he was also very angry, "Ichiro!"


With a wrath, black inflammation rushed out like a volcanic eruption, directly covering the entire sky.

The figure of Longfei also instantly covered the black inflammation.

"Human adult!" Phoenix hurried.

Liuluo River rushed out quickly, and the sword in his hand was pulled out. The strength of his body also broke out completely. "Tianfu!"

The hand burst out with a symbol. symbol

He blew up in black inflammation.

The Liuluo River long sword was shining on the Buddha, and it flew down to the air.

"Go and go!" East

The ghost king screamed, and the black-inflamed power was strong and banged directly on Liuluo's body.

The Liuluo River long sword resisted, and the body collapsed and was directly blasted back to the ground. Do not

Over. she was

Did not stop, rushed up again. east

The ghost king angered: "All give me death, I have to die, give my son to bury, ah..."


The East Ghost King is like a super big octopus, black inflammation like a tentacle, crazy sweep. Be

The dragon fly wrapped in black inflammation is very uncomfortable. Now

He was even more upset when he was still sucked by the black-lighted tentacles. only


His power of the king's boxing in the black inflammation is like bombardment in the water, no effect.

The cult of the East Ghost King’s cultivation is far from unmatched by his son. Dragon

The flying force of the boxing fist did not cause any harm to him.

however. force

Wang Quan, the mad beast sword method are all dragons flying into the ancient world to practice skills, and the ancient dragon body itself has skills, but also cultivated in the Hongmeng world.

"The power of eternal life!"


The power surged and instantly merged into the right arm. Enter

After entering the ancient world, Longfei did not use the power of eternal life. Come

The only force in the universe that is eternal. force

The amount is rushing. weight

With a fist, Longfei bombarded the strong black bullets. "Go to your paralysis!!"


The shock of the earth shook down.

Black inflammation is shrinking.

The face of the Dongpu devil is discolored. He feels the power of eternal life from the black inflammation. He is frightened by the whole person. "You are this power..."

This, this, what is this power? ”

"Destroy the power of your ancestors." Longfei screamed, the first punch smashed the black inflammation, the body fell, standing directly on the top of the Dongzi devil's head, a fist hitting the top of his head. "

boom! ”

Black armor is broken.

The glittering armor was directly smashed into powder.

A god-level armor broke like this.

Also at this moment.

One of the naked little gnomes in the black armor ran out, holding space magic in his hand, and it was extremely fast. "

really. ”

"What is the son, and what is Laozi."

"Want to run?"

"Do you think you can run off?"

boom! "Dragon

When the body flies, the breath released from the body is like a dragon, a dragon tail, and Longfei instantly falls in front of the ghost king of Dongpu.

I punched it up with a punch. "

boom! ”

The East Ghost King was nailed to the ground like a nail, and the corner of his mouth overflowed with blood. Dantian was broken and his bones were broken. The whole body was also tied up. Dragon

Fly: "Run, run for Laozi?"

Dog Day! ”

The Eastern Ghost King asked for help: "The adults are forgiving, as long as you are willing to let me go, I am willing to do the horse for you."

You can only be a beast. "Dragon flew in front of the East Ghost King, too lazy to talk nonsense with him, stepping on it."

The East Ghost King screamed and said: "Ray me a life, beg you, I can take you into the heavens, I can take you into the space of the ancient world, I beg you, spare me, I ,,I,,"

"Hey!" head

The skull is directly slammed.

Longfei snorted and said: "I want you to bring with me? I will not go by myself?"


"Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ killing the ‘East Ghost King’?

"I am, take a wool!"

Longfei gave up directly. on

It is not a brain damage, it will not be a small Japanese child.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the ‘Ghost King’’

After half a moment, the system sounds no longer.

Longfei somewhat wondered: "Rely, killing a boss will cause something like this? This, too, is this too?"

"Well, it’s also a boss."

"Little Japanese, too poor."

The dragon flew in a slap, and the right foot was heavily slammed, and the body of the Dongpu Ghost King was directly stepped into the ground, and the ghost king spirit was also viewed. Object

Product: Ghost Wang Ling (upgradeable)

Grade: semi-god

Sex: evil, spiritual depiction

Description: Can absorb the undead of the deceased, used to fight, can only absorb the undead of a dead person at a time.


"Can you absorb the soul of the dead?"

"Can upgrade!"

"Things are okay." Longfei played with the ghost king to make a move, and slammed the thoughts of the dead king of the East Ghost King. "Give me a breath!"


Congratulations to the player, 'Dragon Flying', who won the undead of the ‘East Ghost King’, is it summoned? ”

"Yes!" East

The ghostly shadow of the ghost king appeared in front of Longfei, and immediately respectfully, "Master!"

Longfei grinned and smiled. The hand was slammed down and directly smashed the undead of the East Ghost King. "Silly and unhappy? Dog Day!"

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