The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3595: Accept us

"If I don't know each other?" Longfei looked up and coldly.

Zhong Dayong smiled.

Laughing loudly.

Very arrogant.

Zhong Dayong looked at Longfeidao: "I see you have a bit of strength to give you a chance, since you don't face your face, then..."

"Give me death!"

The voice is falling.

The breath of Zhong Dayong suddenly rose.

All the crushed heart to Longfei, and at that moment, his eyes shook, "This...?"

His pressure on the dragon's heart is like a mud cow into the sea, and it is gone!

Did not cause a little bit of crushing.

Originally, I wanted to use the high-level dragonfly to crush the ground and then step on the ground, but the pressure was lost!

Zhong Dayong’s reaction was also very fast.

The pressure is useless, and his backhand is a palm.

A flame came out of the palm of your hand, "The fire burned the sea!"


The flames roared and the hot breath rushed to the dragon.

"Give me a slap!" Zhong Dayong said with a heavy voice, he was very confident in his own fire burning the sea, and the cultivation of the swordsman's realm was absolutely unstoppable.


Longfei’s eyes were tight and his right hand sank.


Muscles skyrocketed.

Power perfusion.

"Li Wang Quan!" Aligned with Zhong Dayong's palm and banged it up. At the same time, Wan Gulong's body was released.


The two forces intersect.

The dragon fly does not move.

Zhong Dayong flew straight out, "Hey!" He slammed on the ground, blood squirting, and could not get up for a long time.

Longfei did not look at him.

This low-level blame is of no use to him. He does not need experience now, and he does not want to take grades, and the explosion rate is extremely low.

Some low-level blame is of no use.

Longfei breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Zhong Dayong, who was half dead, and faintly said: "Now I can go in?"


Longfei strode into the valley.

Many people beside him were shocked by Long Fei’s move.

"He, he, he, he even dared to fight with his brother?"

"He doesn't want to die?"

"I rely on, this kid is too big? This can offend the second strongest outside, can you mix later?"

"I don't know how high a thick, a newcomer is just so mad?"

"Zhong Qi is a strong sword."

"This kid is definitely dead."


The top ten top players are ranked second.

The repair of Zhong Qi is not to be underestimated.

The outside disciple said that there are tens of thousands. In so many people, the strength can be ranked second, how strong is he?

No one in the outer door dared to offend Zhong Qi.

Zhong Dayong is the younger brother of Zhong Qi. Now he is half-dead by Long Fei. This thing will not be a good time for Zhong Qi, but Zhong Qi is retreating and refining, making final preparations for the inner door assessment after two months.

Otherwise, he is estimated to be killed soon.

Zhong Dayong simply climbed up from the ground, his face pale, his eyes were awkward, and he said, "Let's wait for Laozi, Laozi will not let you go!"


Longfei does not want to waste time.

Many times he can solve problems with his fists, he will not think about so many consequences.

He just wants to quietly do the task, enter the inner door, then enter the space of God, find the Emperor, kill him!

Fire Bull Valley.

Outside the disciples, they are all in groups of three and five, teamed up to hunt the fire.

Longfei ran into the deep valley alone.

The number of firehorns in the deep valley is higher. When humans appear, the head of a fire cow is like seeing a red cloth that stimulates them.

Instantly violently.

A spurt of flame in the breath, the whole body burns.

The reason why they are fire cows is because their bodies can burn.

It is a fire monster.

The front foot is planed, the body sinks, and it rushes to the dragon like a fire-colored lightning.

Very fast.

The surrounding trees are also burning in an instant, and a long fire path is drawn on the ground.


Longfei pulled out the big sword and did not release the breath of the ancient dragon body. "The mad sword sword!"

"Thang Long!"

A sword provokes.

A sword gas burst from the ground.

It blasts directly in the belly of the fire cow, but the huge fire cow just trembles slightly and the abdomen suffers, and it becomes even more furious.

The first one is low, and the two fire horns are going out to the dragon.


Longfei has a long sword and a few numb arms. The hot flame will burn him.


The fire cow roared.

The head slammed and attacked again.

The power is quite fierce.

Long Fei's eyebrows are tight, his right arm moves, "Li Wang Quan!"

Attacking the brain with a fist.

The head of the fire cow was cracked, and the roar of the fire cow screamed, but it was even more crazy, and the dragon flew out.

"I rely!"

"Is it going crazy?"

Longfei turned over in the air and stepped back a few steps.

Also at this time.

Four outside disciples came out.

One of them ridiculed: "I haven't seen anyone who has killed the fire cow like this?"

"By the brute force with the fire cow?"

"Teacher, you are too mad."

"The fire cow is now injured and we can take over."

The four men were sneer at the same time.

The fire cow is mad, the head and the abdomen are injured, the strength is weakened, and it can't be supported for a long time!

The four jumped up to enclose the fire cow.

Longfei whispered, saying: "Catch my strange?"

One of them laughed: "What? You are upset? Hahaha..."

"Look at you as a part of the same door, or you will be disabled."

"Ha ha ha..."

A few people laughed.

The supply of fire horns is in short supply. Longfei is only one person. Can this opportunity be missed?

Naturally, go up and grab the blame!

Longfei smiled. "It’s really the same as in the game. There are too many people to bully."

A disciple smiled and said: "We are more people bullying people, how can you drop?"

"The third child, don't yell at him, first solve this guy."

The four will be on the fire.


They suddenly saw a flower, and Longfei appeared in front of them, and they couldn’t wait for them to react. Longfei’s heavy bombardment continued!

'boom! ’

The fire cow fell directly to the ground.

Kneeling on the ground, no breath.

The flame on the body is also extinguished.

Longfei stood on the back of the fire cow and looked at the four people. He smiled and said: "Catch my strange, don't look at who Laozi is!"

A punch will give the fire cow a spike.

The four are a little bit aggressive.

Looking at the dragon fly on the back of the fire cow, they did not understand a bit, look at each other.

Longfeidao: "How? Still want to grab it?"

The purpose of hunting the fire cattle is also for the fire horns. Now, Longfei does not collect the fire horns, they still have a chance to snatch.

The value of a pair of fire horns is dozens of hundreds of spiritual sources.

It is not a small number for any outside disciple.


The four people swallowed it. At this time, the four people almost squatted on the ground at the same time. They said directly: "Boss, let us be a younger brother!!!"

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