The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3636: Who is more humble?

Step into the secrets of heaven.

Longfei was shocked by the picture in front of him, "Zombie?"

I rub! "high

The cold woman walked in, her face was also slightly changed. Looking at the corpse mountain not far away, every corpse was moving, and they were struggling, as if they were not dead. "What is a zombie?"

Flying and watching the huge red eyes of the corpse of the corpse, said: "It is a living dead."

Take the heavens? ""

Should I just take that eye off? "Long Fei quickly analyzed it. "If it's just these dead people, this task is not difficult, but..."

Fly around and look around.

He didn't think it was that simple. far

Gu Liezong knows very little about Heaven, and there is any effective strategy during this time, just that it is full of danger. To

What is the danger at the end? root

I don't know. and also

Did not say what the criteria for the completion of the task is. Do not

Over. Ken

It is related to the reddish eyes! when

which is.

Longfeidao: "You wait here first, I will go down and see if the situation is not right, you will run first."

High cold woman said: "Know, I will not care for you!" Dragon

I laughed a little. "The answer is really simple."

"Okay, let me go and see!"

Longfei walked down the steps. One


The red-red eyes sensed the dragon fly, the two eyes roared, and the red-red flame in the pupil seemed to burn. and also

In this moment. that

Some zombies suddenly rioted, and all of them brushed and turned to look at Longfei.




In an instant, the zombies were like blood, completely excited, and mad at the dragon. funeral

The corpse tide. Such as

Huge waves usually hit.

It is exactly the same as the one seen in the movie, and even the inside is even more powerful. Every zombie is not the kind of ordinary zombies, but also the corpses of martial arts.

The breath on the body is compelling.

Bring out a very strong and violent atmosphere.

Longfei glanced at the giant eyes and murmured, "You can control these zombies, it looks like you are..."

"Good!" Dragon

Flying heart and sinking, not wasting time, heart and soul, "three-level dragon body, open!!"

boom! "release

The breath that came out was shocked.

The body is roaring.

The dragon swells, the strength of the arrogance is like a dragon's packing, and it is generally entangled in the body of Longfei. Longfei's body is slightly sinking and leaning forward.

Both eyes lifted. "

boom! ”

The force is violent at the foot, and the whole person is like a heavy-impact heavy-duty tank. The speed of impact is like lightning. Flush

At the moment of going out, the ground was shaking. air

Burst between. band

Strong and invincible forces rushed up. "

boom! ""

boom! ”

"Hey, hey, hey, hehe..."

When the zombies touched the air of Longfei, they flew directly into the air, completely unable to stop the rolling of the dragon body on Longfei.

The zombies are flying all over the sky. no

People can block the situation. that

When the zombies approached, they were crushed by the power of Longfei and flew out.

The power of the three-level eternal dragon body, is this low-level zombie able to block it?

Also at the same time. Dragon

The prompts in the mind of the mind screamed wildly.


Congratulations to the player, 'Dragon Flying', killing the 'Zombie'..."

Ding! ”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ killing ‘Zombie’...”


The system prompts the sounds, which makes Longfei sigh. "If the experience is upgraded, then this wave will rise at least a few levels."

"Ha ha ha..."

This kind of killing scene made Longfei unable to miss the upgrade of his previous experience. "

Come on! ”

"Everyone has to die!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Longfei laughed wildly, and more and more zombies were encircling him, directly like a thick corpse wall. far

At the office. high

The cold woman looked at Longfei with a faint look and muttered to herself: "I know that he is very special. His strength can actually cut off my hair..."

Subconsciously touched his long hair, just emptyed.

Because her long hair has been broken half.

There was no resentment in her eyes, because the length of the hair was the same for her.

Watching the power of Longfei violently come out, she smiled mysteriously, "Hey..."


"Boom!" Giant

The big red eyes are violent, and the huge eyes are swept away. "

Oh..." This

The eyes of some zombies also flashed red light, and the breath of the body also changed instantly, becoming stronger and more desperate.

Longfei glimpsed, said: "Can you upgrade in an instant?"

It seems that this guy is not half. ""

Shenbao? ”

The zombies are excited, and Longfei is equally excited. One

A look can make these zombies upgrade, which definitely means that this thing is very powerful.

"It's mine!" Dragon

The breath of the third-class dragon body did not weaken. Now

In the third-level dragon body, it is not a problem for him. The three-level dragon body can last for a long time. At least it is not a problem to deal with these zombies. in

Cultivation in consciousness. he

The five-turn body is not an ordinary body. If it is a normal body, the level of Longfei can't really support the three-level dragon body.

The strength of the three-level dragon body can completely crush the zombies, even if these zombies are upgraded, they are useless, that is, they can't stop Longfei. Dragon

Flying is like going in and out of nowhere.

The red eyes are a little panic, and the eyes are blinking. Burst

However, between.


Rumble! ”


The sky is fierce, and the gravity system is like a sudden change. Longfei’s body sinks. mine

Clouds. One

The thick voice sounded, "Humble human!"


In the thick thundercloud, a flash of lightning slammed down, and the lightning flashed to the ground for a moment, and the zombies around it turned into powder.


"Is this the rhythm of the flying zombies?"

A hook in the mouth of the mouth, looking at the sky, "Humble human?"

Then see who is more humble! ”


When the right foot trembled, Longfei took the whole person and rushed straight into the clouds. "

Rumble! ""

Rumble! ”

The thunder blew, and in the moment when Longfei rushed to the sky, the thunder and lightning raged, and the sound in the clouds also burst into flames. "Destroy the minefield, blast!"

Oh la la..."

"Hey, hey..."

Lightning bombarded heavily, and Longfei’s eyes sank and smiled coldly. “Is this level of lightning?”

"It is not enough to tickle Lao Tzu."

There is no evasion at all. he

The body is now a five-turn body, plus a three-level dragon body. If even this kind of lightning can't hold back, then he has been practicing white for more than a month. "

boom! ”


The lightning bolt on his body did not cause a little damage to him. Every lightning strike was a miss.

This feeling……

It's like being a boss.

No matter how many lightnings are the same, even the defense of Longfei can't be broken. "

Hey! ""

boom! "Dragon

The fly rushed directly into the clouds, and the golden dragonfly swept away, directly in the cloud layer, an old man dressed in plain clothes.

Shadow, moment

In the face of the old man, the hand squeezed the old man's throat directly, and smiled coldly. "Who is more humble now?"

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