The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3670: An unrestrained killing

The sky was faint and the whole valley was silent. insect

The songbirds are not all. Imitation

The Buddha lives in a quiet world. Ann

Quiet, in this place is actually the most worrying, how can the center of the Yaozu be so quiet?


Many disciples did not care about this.

They all think about the good things, thinking that they have been comfortable here for three days, and the first round of assessments passed like this.

How pleasant it is. thing

In fact, even if many disciples were vigilant about this place, they did not hear the roar of the monsters in one night, and they relaxed.

Did not care.

They are also lucky in their hearts, maybe there is really no monster here? straight

To... east

The square is white, and a ray of light rises from the horizon. Correct

For the disciples in the valley, it is still at night, and there are no fingers, but for the monster army assembled outside the valley, the dawn is here! "


A monster is standing on a high place, suddenly making a screaming roar!


Boom, bang, bang..."

The head demon king opened his eyes as if the heavy spacecraft turned on the lights.

In the dim night, their eyes are full of green light!

The breath of each of them is burning, the original animal spirit, and the intense temperament is released insanely.


It is a cry.

This moment. Demon

The beast got up and took a step.


The sound rang, and the square was shaking for hundreds of kilometers, but the sound was not heard in the valley. The inside and outside of the valley is exactly like the two worlds.

There is still a silence of 'harmony' in the valley, and the disciples are sleeping and doing the dream of entering the inner door. No

Some people know that there are thousands of monsters gathered outside the valley!


Three voices sounded.



Boom! "nose

The interest is bursting and the pace is thunder. most

The front beast began to accelerate, staring at the valley, as if it were a heavy tank, rushing up unscrupulously.


"Oh la la..."

The towering tree was broken and was uprooted.

The scene is a mess, as if it were destroyed. Flush

At the moment of entering the valley, the sound erupted, and the valley that was originally silent was like a blast. "

Hey, hey! ""

Boom, rumbling..."

Listening to the loud noise, many disciples woke up from their dreams. Stretch

I was lazy and my eyes were blurred. "What sound?"

It’s noisy, let’s not let people sleep? ”


The sky is not bright, is there any public morality? ""

Who wants to find his mother? "...

…Do not

Less people complain.

But as the footsteps grew louder and the ground began to vibrate, they suddenly woke up and their tongues were shaking. "Yes, yes, yes, is it a monster?"

"Wicked, is the monster coming?"


It’s a monster...”

Rumble! "Wait

At the moment they reflected, an ancient giant rushed to the front of the tread, and a towering tree was on his nose.

Several disciples were so scared that their faces were white and paper-like. They did not dare to move, their lips were purple, and they looked up at the ancient giant elephant.

"Boom!" Giant

Like a roll of nose, the towering tree will be rolled up. "

Do not,,,""

No, no, no, no! ""


The big tree slammed on the ground. "


One person made a pig-like roar, and the screams stopped abruptly. Several people’s bodies burst and the body was crushed by the trees and exploded.

Also in this scream, the assessment disciples all woke up! only

Yes! This

It’s already late.

Almost all of the assembled monsters rushed into the valley. Just in the first wave of attacks, dozens of disciples died without responding. and

And. each

A deadly miserable. body

The body is basically smashed into meat and mud, and the residual limbs are everywhere. Demon

floor. purple

The man’s mouth smirked on the corner of his mouth. “Ha ha ha... killing started!”

A murder. ""


His fierce madness can get the disciples to our door to assess, then we also get an assessment, hahaha..."

I don't know how much they will die this time. ”

“How much will you die?”

"It should be all here to die, hahaha..."

Everyone laughed. Demon

The cultivation of the king is the realm of the sword fairy, plus their physical fitness, it can be said that these outside door assessment disciples are not the opponents of these demon kings. again

then. number

The demon king is twice as many as the disciple. How do you fight this?

Even if you hide, there is no place to hide. Do not

The pipe is heaven and earth, you are nowhere to hide. because

There are various types of these monsters! "

Bunker, fast... all hide in the bunker! ""

The bunker is safe. ”

"These monsters can't find it."

They entered the bunker, and a circle of people curled up and shivered, but the roar of the monsters gradually drifted away, and they breathed a sigh of relief. can

Yes! "


A burst of sound came.


There was a deep pit in the fort, and a pangolin beast with a steel thorn was suddenly dig out, and the eyes flashed green. "

Ah..." one

Screaming. whole

All the bunkers have fallen.

The disciples who fell into the deep pit, all of them were pierced by the thorns, and the pit was a giant trap. that

Some foreign disciples who have not yet died, the thorns on the armored beasts are flying out. "

Hey, hey, hey! "each

A sharp thorn hits the eyebrows of the foreign disciples, like a nail, nailed to the rock wall.

The piercing giant beast swept away and determined that there was no living person in the bunker, and the body turned into a gyro and instantly turned into the ground without a trace.


On the tree! ""

Jump between the trees! ”

"Use the dense leaves to escape."


Several disciples vacated the trees and jumped quickly between the trees. This method can avoid the attack of the monsters under the ground, and can also avoid some monster attacks on the ground.

Every towering tree is above a hundred meters, the ground is dim and dark, and you can't see them in the first place.


While they are moving.


Zhang Dawang covered it. One

The disciple struggled a few times, but he couldn’t move at all. The whole body was stuck. "There is a sticky net, and the brothers come to save me."

A huge spider web.

Several disciples saw their eyes change, and no one just went up to save people, but quickly detoured. "

Hey! ”



Several white silk lines shot and all hit.

Then, in a moment, all the foreign disciples were pulled online, like the lambs to be slaughtered...

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