The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 3722: Spirit source spider


The strength of the five-level eternal dragon body was released, and the dragon flew with both hands and grasped the big spider that rushed on him and slammed it directly!


The mucus blew his face. This

Large spiders are extremely aggressive and have few defenses.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’ to kill ‘Lingyuan Devil’.’

A tone sounded and nothing broke out.


The mucus that was blown out of the spider's body was quickly absorbed by his body, and at the same time, Longfei felt that his cultivation was a step further.

"These spirits?"

Could these magic spiders devour the spirits in the source? Its body is all spiritual fluid? "Longfei snorted.

Also at this time. Ground

The voice of the beast screamed in the mind of Longfei, saying: "These are the magical spiders, the parasites that fall from the outer monsters. These parasites breed very fast, and they are attached to the Lingyuan vein. To feed on the source of the source of minerals."

After so many years, I don’t know how many Lingyuan veins are sucked up by them. Otherwise, the aura of the ancient world is much stronger than it is now. ""

They affect the practice of ancient warriors, so your first challenge is to get rid of these spiritual spiders. ”

Dragonfly snorted and said: "The parasite on the outer monster? I rely! It must be eliminated."

Just now he killed the Lingyuan Magic Spider in one stroke, it should be very simple.

Just don't be killed by his second.

Just now, Longfei was not prepared. Now he has the defense against the spirit of the spider. It is not so difficult to kill him.

The beast said: "The attack of the Spiritual Spider is extremely sharp. I believe that you have also experienced it, and its defense is extremely weak. In addition, because they have no natural enemies in the ancient world, they breed very fast, and there is ......""

They are social groups! ”

The voice has not fallen. "

Hey! ”


Hey! "Do not

The Devil Spider flew out of the darkness and threw himself at Longfei. and

And the sound of the surrounding slings is extremely harsh, as if tens of thousands of worms are crawling, the sound is not numb.

"I rely, why don't you say it earlier?" Longfei complained, and the body jumped directly and smiled. "You can crawl? But can you fly?"

The beast said again: "Forget to remind you that in addition to the attack, they will also spray out the poison net. Once they are stuck, it is estimated that they are not far from death."

Hey, hey, hehe..."

A spider web with a thin silver wire shot in the air, and the cooperation of these spiritual spiders almost formed a large net cover to the dragon in an instant. Do not

It is a net. and

It is dozens of covers to him.

The wire of the silver wire is shining with venom, just like the beast said, as long as it touches a little, even if it is not stuck by the net, it will be poisoned to death, and the power absorbed by these spiritual spiders. It is the Lingyuan vein mine, and the poison that they brew in the body is definitely poisonous! "

Your sister! ”

"Can you finish the words at once?" Longfei continued to dodge, and was almost hit several times, and he did not dare to care. under

There are more and more magical spiders, and these guys are all red-eyed when they see that Longfei has killed their companions.

I can't wait to eat the bones of Longfei. Dragon

Flying in the air to dodge is not a problem, so skipping down will not work, will be swallowed in an instant.

"The priority is to find a safe place to settle, and then come one by one."


"Dark Heaven Feather." Longfei released the artifacts from the Dark Apostles, and his movement speed increased by a hundred times.

The whole person is relaxed in an instant.

It is easy to avoid these spider webs. in

One hundred times the speed in this darkness is too cool, the spider webs are the same as the snails crawling, and now even more spider webs are useless in front of him. "

The things of the gods and gods are easy to use, and the speed of this hundred times is simply too cool. ""

it is good! "again

Try the practice of the cultivation of the gods. Dragon

Fly and think, move out, "Dark sky!"



The roar of the road sounded, and the night sky became darker, the dark clouds rolled, and the endless darkness shrouded. black

The dark pressure is also crushed down.

Dark days are a group of injuries. band

There is a strong pressure to crush, can be used without restrictions, but he has an innate condition, that is, the source must be abundant. One

The consumption of tens of thousands of seconds of the source value, this is the strongest of the Jiandi realm can not withstand such consumption.

but. This

Where is it? Yes

On the Lingyuan vein mine, there is ample source of people who want to die, but also worried that the source value is not enough?

Even if it is not enough, Longfei has ten pieces of darkness and the best source stone is enough for him to support a little time. "

boom! ""

boom! ""


The pressure is crushed down, just like a heavy day.

Although not as strong as the Dark Apostles released, it was enough to crush some of the monsters to crush their cockroaches.

Those spiritual spiders are also shaking.

The movement is slow, and even the spider's silk can't spit it out. but

Yes. it

They are not dead, at most they can only be considered syncope.

Longfei released the power of ‘dark heaven’ to the strongest point, and the heavy bombardment and crushing were still the same. These spiritual spiders did not die, and even the blood trough on the top of the head did not decrease. and also

That is to say.

This kind of pressure can only make them slow, get into a short fainting, and can't cause harm.

Longfei’s tens of thousands of points of spiritual hospital value was consumed in an instant. dark

The sky disappears. three

Less than a second, all the spiritual spiders recovered, and they were attacking the dragon.

"Nothing in the dark!"

Longfei swallowed up a dark spiritual source, and the source value quickly returned. Virtual

A move.

Fly away quickly. group

Can't attack, then I have to think about other ways. can

Yes. in

Around the two sides of this Lingyuan vein mine are all the spiritual spiders. Wherever he flies, the spiritual spiders there quickly attack him.

If there is no speed blessing of the dark sky feathers, Longfei may have died here long ago.

There are too many.

Where are you everywhere.

Longfei glanced at the 蜿蜒崎岖灵源脉矿, and his heart was amazed. "A good source of minerals, how many spiritual spiders are there?"

"This is the source of the heavens and the earth that is going to be swallowed up?"

"Mmp, the Buddha can bear, I can't bear it."

Looked at the group of spiritual spiders underneath, Longfei bite his teeth, "If you can't hide, then hard!"

I am better than hell, who goes to hell? ”

"Ah..." Dragon

The body of the fly fell heavily, the right hand moved, and the big sword fell into the hand. No

There are other ways. hide

Can't avoid, can't avoid, group attack can't work, then kill one by one!

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