The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4363: miserable

The sound of Hong Qiu's voice came out coldly.

Perseverance, it seems to be with death.


And as the sound of Hong Qiu fell, a sword suddenly appeared.

Brush it!

This sword, shining brightly, is extremely embarrassing.

There is even more endless power of gas, between heaven and earth.

Rumble, rumbling!

The power of air transport is fierce, sweeping away, and turning the power of the king of Wanjie directly to the past.

Form a posture that competes with each other.

And Hong Qiu was also pulled out at this time, slashing a sword and stabbing into the void.


The figure of Hong Qiuqi rises into the sky, the fire bursts, and the sword is swaying.

The sharp intention of killing and the friction of the void will burn the void.

As if at this moment, Hong Qiu is a long sword, and the long sword is her.

The real human sword is one.

If Oya is here, he will also be amazed.

Because of the Hongqiu at this time, the true strength of the sword has been brought to the extreme, even if she is not.

On the other hand, the eyes of the King of the Stars are also slightly changed.

"The power of one world?"

"I don't think that there is such a means in the world of Yangshen? Use the body of the king to smelt the world as a sword?"


The star demon king faintly opened, and one hand pointed to the void.

Suddenly, over the entire void, tens of thousands of stars suddenly appeared.

Brush it!

Countless stars of light at this moment, the glory of the heavens.

"But it's just that. Even the old thing is locked in the cage of the stars. What is your strength?"


In the eyes of the star demon king, the eyes are dismissive and the lips are light.


Suddenly, among the tens of thousands of stars in the void, one star suddenly fell.

Directly broke the void, and suddenly came.


The falling stars slammed into the swordsmanship of Hong Qiu's body.


Then, the sound of a roaring sound suddenly sounded.


Numerous swordsmen raged at this time, and turned to the void, as if to smash the stars.

But how big is the star, even if Hong Qiu is a man and a sword at the same time, using the experience of the world of Yangshen, blending into a sword, in front of this power, it seems a little insignificant.

It’s only a moment in time, and the sword power is a little bit inadequate.

The power of this star is still very incomparable.

"Do not!"

"The power of air transport! Condensed!"

Hong Qiu is indignant and has a **** battle.

At this point, she has been stained with green shirt, but her eyes are still unwilling.

Want to fight with strength, and then condense a sword.

However, it is not enough at all.

At this time, the king of the star demon king moved, one step, across the starry sky, directly to the Hongqiu side:

"Is it quite stubborn? But without strength, it is reluctant, and it is also an ant."

"Give me the town!" The star demon king screamed and slammed out.

The entire falling star begins to annihilate.

But the incomparable power to go, ignoring all his absorption.

And above his palm, he gradually spurred a strong breath to the extreme.

It seems that one of his palms is a star.

Terror is incomparable.

Then, the star demon king suddenly shot between the palms and fell, directly annihilating the remaining swords in the void.

"Come on, struggle? Don't you want to kill me?"

"This seat is waiting for you, do you dare to sword?"

"Can you still get a sword?"

"Hey, the meridians are going to break, and I want to kill me? Do you have this capital?" said the Star Demon King.

Hong Qiu looked angry at the star demon king, and between his hands trembled, raised the sword again.

At this point, she could not force her sword again, as the Star Demon King said.

The meridians of her whole body, after the sword was pulled out, had reached the edge of the collapse and was powerless.

However, Hong Qiu is still insisting on raising a long sword.

But it is directly turning to their own heart.

She has decided to break her own.

The next moment, Hong Qiu's eyes looked at the void, seemingly waiting for something to come.

Finally, a bleak smile: "I'm sorry, husband."

"I didn't protect them."

"But I will never let them tarnish me."

Hong Yang’s heart said, and then swaggered the sword.

Yes, it is at this moment.

The star demon king moved, and with a wave of his hands, a star of light flashed past, directly into a chain, the sword in the hands of Hong Yeu was swept, forced to pull, directly detached:

"Want to die? The woman who looks at this seat, even if you want to die, I have to ask if I agree to disagree."

The star demon king said.

As he said, his body stepped forward and explored his hands, and he would pull Hongqiu into his arms.

Hong Qiu’s eyes were very angry, and the desperate colors of one after another, above the corners of the eyes, also shed tears.

However, it is simply powerless.

"Don't fly, where are you."

"help me!"

"help me!"

For a moment, Hong Qiu’s heart collapsed.

She is not afraid of death, but the most fearful is that she is being humiliated and makes Longfei shameful.

"Haha, Longfei? The little beast now doesn't know where to hide in Tibet?"

"Do you still expect him to come here?"

"Don't think about it, he doesn't dare."

"And no one can save you."

The king of the star demon king laughs and is very incomparable.

Suddenly moved, and once again caught Hongqiu.

Suddenly, the face of the star demon king changed, and the hands that went out quickly contracted back.

"Well? There are people?" The star demon king face a cold.

Gloomy and embarrassing.

It’s like a duck coming to the hand, flying away.

At this time, the space in front of Hong Qiu is fluctuating, and countless ripples oscillate, as if twisted.

"Husband, is that you?" Hong Yeu's eyes also looked at the past, full of hope.

"Autumn leaves go!"

Hong Qiu is quietly carrying, and my heart is imagining whether Longfei is coming. But was interrupted by a spit.

Immediately afterwards, the void in front of him walked straight out of a figure, grabbed Hong Qiu, and then fell into distorted.

It is Yurou!

Not only him, but also Oya and Liuluo Creek.

The three had already guessed the intention of Hong Qiu, so they let Yurou always play.

Originally, I wanted to take the opportunity to give a shot to the Star Demon King.

However, the king of the star demon king is too strong, it is not what they can deal with.

I can only make it invalid, and at this time, I will save Hongqiu.

However, the king of the star demon king is still motionless, as if it does not care at all.

Until the twisted space disappeared in front of the eyes, there was no more about the existence of Hong Qiu and so on.

The star demon king just looked up lightly, and the corner of his mouth outlined a sneer:

"I thought you can go now?"

"Or, if you don't move, it's hard to find you in this seat."

"But, it is not safe."

"Now, I still want to escape, it is already late!"

"Star array, now!"


In an instant, the stars are shining, the void is falling, everything is invisible.

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