The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4364: Mother and child

Above the void, the figures of Hong Qiu and others are directly locked by the stars.

Before, just the power of a star, it directly caused the sword of Hong Qiuyi to collapse. What's more, today is the power of tens of thousands of stars.

It was only a moment that the figure of several people was under this force and began to bend.

Hey, hey!

Yurou’s mysterious mystery collapsed at this time, and could not withstand the power of this star, bursting directly in the void.


You soft mouth spit blood, the soul is hurt.

Because of the mystery of Yan Tian, ​​it is the power of his power. Now that the mystery collapses, she is naturally affected.

"Ha ha ha, four? No, there is a little bit."

"All five are here?"

"Hey, four human roles, this time, it really is no loss."

"I really don't know, the little beast is in the end, how can he have so many beautiful women."

"However, his good fortune has finally come to an end, because his woman will become the imprisonment of this seat."

"Ha ha ha."

The star demon king is smirking and laughing.

Looking at the people who were suppressed by the power of the stars, the heart was very happy.

At this time, Liu Luoxi and others are also carrying a huge amount of star pressure.

In addition to Liuluo Creek and Oya, the other three are seriously injured. Under this pressure, one spirit bears the painful suffering, just as the soul is to be penetrated by the power of this star. One by one curled up in the corner, suffering endure.

Moreover, Liu Luoxi, although not injured at this time, but in front of this power, his own strength has been suppressed.

Moreover, they must also come forward.

Standing in front of Hong Qiu and others.

"Purple Stars, according to the world!"

Liuluo Creek sounded open.

Crazy to mobilize your strength.


Immediately, a purple starburst was taken from outside the endless void.

Will Liuluoxi and others be enveloped in it.

In this way, the oppressive power of this star is suddenly reduced.

Below, the face of the Star Demon King is a big change. Looking at the purple starburst in front of me, the longing of the face, the light shines, it is like a hungry person, seeing a naked beauty.

The eyes are full of greedy eyes.

"Your body is actually the power of the ancient world king?"

"Haha, yes, yes, I still feel that your strength is familiar. It turns out that you are all the inheritance of those people in the ancient world."

"Ha ha ha, the joy of the accident! The rise of the seat."

"Get this power, the place where the boundaries of the world meet, who else is my opponent?"

The star demon king is laughing wildly.

The next moment, the whole body is directly above the void.

Turn into a starry monster, covering the entire void.

Even the star array is swallowed in the belly.

"Hahaha, mine, it's mine!"

"The star demon is infinite, give me a swallow!"

The king of the demon kings drank heavily, opened the mouth of the blood, and swallowed directly to Liuluoxi and others.

For a moment, the power of huge devouring was uploaded from the star demon of the Star Demon king.

The endless purple light of Liuluo River was directly swallowed.

And Liu Luoxi’s whole person is also weak at this moment.

Not only him, Yurou, Xiaoyan, Oya, the power of Hongqiu, the power of the body, is constantly being swallowed up.

It was only a moment, and their cultivation was swallowed by nearly 10%.

Especially Hong Qiu, this time is even more heavy.

Originally, she has been seriously injured.

Now, by the power of this swallowing, the whole person's cultivation is directly removed.

"Ha ha ha, perfect."

"The power of good food, ridiculous that dragon fly, empty guard Baoshan without knowing."

"Haha, get your strength. The restricted area of ​​the land that is in the realm of the world will finally be in the hands of this seat, one by one."

"At the time, this seat is the first person to be honored!"

The star demon king is arrogant and laughing.

Incomparable violent.

At this time, the people below Wanjie are also envious of their faces.

"The atmosphere of adults is constantly increasing!"

"Haha, the restricted area? Is it true that these people are related to the restricted area?"

"Haha, if the forbidden zone comes out, the adults can get the power of them. We can really dominate the world."

A voice came from the mouth of the king of the world.

They are very excited and excited.

For them, the most important thing in this world is the world ranking.

Because the ranking is higher, you can get more power.

Can enslave more of the world.

Now, if the king of the demon king can get those strengths, it will probably be respected.

As a result, the longer they rise, the higher they are.

Therefore, I couldn’t suppress the excitement in my heart, and I laughed wildly.

And, as opposed to it.

The remaining few people in the super world are bitter.

The stronger the star demon king, the more fear they have in their hearts.

"Awful. This time, no one can stop the King of the Stars."

"It’s too horrible. The star enchanting king’s ambition is too big, and he wants to be respected. This is simply a madness, and he is not afraid of being suppressed by the sage.”

"It's hard to say that if he really opened the forbidden zone before the civilization, I am afraid there is really a fight for the battle."

A few people passed each other and didn't dare to reveal too much.

Looking at the void, the star demon king is insanely swallowed.

Their heads are gradually lowering.

Yes, it is at this time.

In the whole void, suddenly there was a wrath of anger.

Just like the liver and intestines, it makes everyone feel shocked.




A loud bang came from violently, like trampling the stars.


I saw that the small invincible star demon, madly rushed over the void, and then violently hit the star demon starred in the star demon king.

"Well? You are a little beast, but you still want to disobey me?"

"Get out of my way!"

The star demon king slammed open, and the latter tentacles fell.

The invincible star demon figure was instantly bombarded.



After successive collisions, countless stars were broken.

The small invincible star demon is also soft on the ground.

Breathing and snoring.

I am dying.


"Little invincible!"

Li Yuanba and others roared, endless grief.

This sound can also be noticed by Liu Luoxi.

In an instant, Liu Luoxi’s heart was shocked, and he looked at the star demon that was invincible.

Then, the eyes couldn’t stop the tears.

"No! My children!"

"Dragon, where are you, come and save us."

"Save invincible and save our children."

Liu Luoxi’s heart is moving, looking at the bottom, the dying star demon, the whole person is grieved.

In spite of the power of the demon king of the Star Demon king, he went on step by step and rushed to the small invincible.

The small invincible star demon, but also a difficult to get up, want to run over.

However, it is simply powerless.

After getting up, he fell down again.


The little invincible screamed.

"My invincible."

Liuluo River tears the heart and moves to roar.

The whole picture is shocking!

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