The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4422: Killing the world

The dragon roared and the dragon swallowed the sky.

How big is the star sea, it is hard to describe.

However, the mad dragon town boundary has been cut out, directly covering the sky, covering a void.

Suddenly, I was still entangled in the circle of people who were going to be cannon fodder.

Who is going to die?

It doesn't work at all.

In the face of Longfei, this kind of thinking is superfluous.

Longfei has abolished such a large squad, and he will not hesitate to anger the stars and seas. This ancient legend is taboo, but also to attack here, but also let them run?

nonexistent! "Do not!"

"No, don't kill me."

"We are small, it is useless to kill us.

Still can not avoid the fate of Long Ting. ”

"Yeah, you are so arrogant, why bother with us, you are going back to Longting, maybe you can stop it."

The people of Wanjie are begging for mercy.

Constantly attacking the heart, I want to use the safety of Long Ting to make Longfei distracted.

However, Longfei simply did not care.

Not moving.

No amount of these people can change their destiny.

As soon as he moved, Longfei’s hands sank and the king’s blade moved.

Immediately, the mad dragon descended from the sky, and the incomparable pressure directly came, and between the two, the tens of thousands of people directly swallowed, and the bones disappeared.

Then, Longfei looked around and looked further.

Looking at the dense, smashing people in the world, the smile of the dragon's mouth is getting colder.

His means, of course, are more than that.

"Now, it is the highlight of the show.

Jojo, it’s up to you! ”

Longfei’s voice sank.

He wants to kill the world.

Naturally, it is impossible to just shoot for yourself.

Otherwise, it will not be exhausted, and the danger of angering the stars and seas is unclear.

Moreover, even if it is a layout, Longfei is also overbearing.

Come up is the power of lore.

In addition to his current bombing, the most important thing is Jojo.

At this time, just as the sound of Longfei fell, the power of the mad dragon dissipated, and the whole starry sea was above the endless void, and instantly became paralyzed.

A touch of fire, burst out in an instant.

Then, the whole void was burning.

The fire is shining, connected to the endless star sea.

Among the stars, they complement each other and are completely linked.

This scene, let those who are fleeing, is also an instant force.

Because, at this time, the burning of this fire.

The stars are boiling.

A sense of burning, directly bursting into the sky.

It seems that at this moment, the power of the Star Sea is directly mobilized.

"The stars are moving?"

"Insane, can't be reversed."

"The taboos of the ages have been broken, and the whole world will be restless."

"We all have to die."

The people in Wanjie are panicked.

There is no life on the face, it is a dead sorrow.

Stars, for them, is a taboo that cannot be touched.

Now the taboos are broken.

Unknown is coming to the world.

Of course, some people don't give up, want to break free from the limits of this power, and want to tear away the void.

However, everything is in vain.

All of this, Longfei has already made arrangements.

And they guessed it well.

The arrangement of Longfei is based on the entire star sea.

Let Jojo display the fire of your phoenix and burn the heavens.

It can be said that Longfei is burning the stars in the sea.

As for whether it will be touched, Longfei does not know.

But this power is enough to directly imprison the area of ​​the stars and millions of miles.

The sea and the sky meet, endless flames.

For the sake of the people of the world, casting a cemetery and killing it directly.

"I want to run, it's impossible."

"You will kill the old dragon, and the old man will destroy you."

"He thought he was very good, and Laozi gave him a lesson and taught him to be a man."

Longfei said indifferently.

At this time, Jojo’s phoenix finally appeared.


A phoenix rushed into the sky, and in a flash, the phoenix **** light sprinkled the stars.

boom! Jojo's wings shook and the endless flame landed directly.

Brush it! The violent impact is unstoppable.

Never fell, the entire starry sky has turned into a sea of ​​fire.


"What is this fire! No!"

"No, I don't want to die,,,," endless screams.

Approximately beaten the soul, hysteria, constant mourning.

But this voice, just for a moment, disappeared completely.

Directly under the bombardment of this force, it became a powder.

Of course, this kind of massive bombing is naturally impossible to lift all at once.

brush! Jojo figure landed and came to Longfei's side, cold and unparalleled, and the Phoenix was born.

"Husband, what about these people?"

Jojo asked.

Longfei shot, coupled with Jojo's phoenix fire, after a wave, the people of Wanjie have been killed more than half.

"The rest, just give it to me."

"Today, they can't run one."

Cold and cold.

Longfei’s footsteps straddle directly.

Then, the Blade of the Kings appeared again in his hands.

Slam a wave: "Dragon Royal!"

Under one slap, the nine golden dragons appeared out of thin air, and the figure of Longfei stood in the middle of the Kowloon, the largest one above the head, standing shoulder-by-hand.

It is like the true God who rules the heavens.

And this moment, the people of Wanjie.

Completely collapsed.

The momentum of Longfei is too strong, just just letting them feel suffocated.

Just as life has entered the countdown, it is extremely repressive.

Suddenly, one by one, crying and slutty, the invisible barriers that smashed the flames.

I want to get out.

However, everything is late.

At this time, Longfei unified the Kowloon, and it fell from the sky.

The power of violentness also emerged from the dragon.

Boom! Boom! The extremely terrible pressures broke out directly, and the entire space that was imprisoned broke down at this time.

A joy in the eyes of the people of Wanjie, a kind of instinct to survive, let them go all the way to the past in desperation.

However, just in the moment they took a step.

The whole person came to an abrupt end.

Then, as if I saw something extremely frightening in one eye.

His face is white and his pupil is focused.

After that, it was quiet and the whole person burst instantly.

There was no trace left and it collapsed directly.

Overwhelmingly, it also fell **** at this moment.

Very incomparable.

Above the void, Longfei is also a glimpse.

"Long Yu nine days is so fierce?"

Longfei’s heart is unbelievable.

Even if these kings are not good enough, they will not see it in his eyes.

However, there are too many people here.

Even if he didn't think about it, under this knife, he could even destroy so much at one time.

But at this time, Longfei’s heart suddenly slammed, and his eyes turned sharply.

I saw, a white dress, quietly, appeared in a corner of the Star Sea, is looking at him.

Even the corner of the mouth carries a trace of it, if there is a smile.

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