Longfei’s eyes condensed in an instant, and the whole mind was immersed in it.

Hey! Not to mention more, Longfei directly received the edge of the king of the king, the body moved, directly to Jojo.

I can't help but say that the body of Jojo, who is directly at home, is hugged in his arms and looks cautious.

"What happened to Longfei brother?"

Joe Joe groaned and asked.

Now that everything has been solved, Jojo’s heart is still slightly loose, and I feel gratified that nothing unexpected happened.

However, the sudden change between Longfei and her heart is also a tight one.

However, Longfei did not say a word, and stared at the front in his eyes.

However, a more strange scene happened.

Because there is nothing at all in front of you.

It seems that the white dress that I saw before is an illusion that does not exist at all.


Longfei’s heart was shocked.

He would rather believe that he has angered the star sea, causing an unknown, and can't believe that he is wrong.

In one thought, Longfei looked at Qiao Qiao: "Joe Joe, have you discovered that this star sea is a bit strange?"

Longfei said that he was strong and calm.

And Jojo’s face, at this moment, has become somewhat dignified: “Longfei brother, have you found anything?”

Jojo asked.

In the moment when Longfei suddenly changed, she had already guessed what was in her heart.

However, when her eyes swung in the sea of ​​stars, nothing was found.

"Maybe, I really provoked it!"

Longfei Shen Shen said, the more cautious in his gaze, watching this after the burning of Jojo's phoenix fire, cast a layer of star-studded stars in the sea, the eyes flashed.

After the words of Longfei, Jojo also became very nervous.

For this star sea, she is in the phoenix world, through the phoenix's classics.

You know, the phoenix is ​​a powerful race that existed before this civilization began.

However, the second technique about this star sea has been recorded since then.

Of course, except that she has told Long Fei what is said.

There is also a more important description.

"Longfei brother, in fact, there is a description about this star sea."

Jojo hesitated, clenching his teeth, seems to be thinking about whether to tell Longfei.

Longfei looked at the past and saw Jojo’s expression. He already guessed that it would be more horrible than this so-called unknown.

But now, there is no need to cover up.

"Let's say, now, we have no retreat."

Longfei said.

At this point, Longfei's heart is extremely clear.

If it is really unclear, then today, they want to quit, it is impossible.

Especially when I think of the face of the white dress, the smile of the weak voice is even more so that the dragon fly breeds something strange.

Nearly awkward, the heart is up and down.

"In fact, the Star Sea, before the birth of this civilization, is not called the Star Sea."

"Rather, it is called, the land of burial."

Jojo said, a thick face.

And Longfei, at this time, is also shocked.

The land of burial! Where is the day buried?

Of course, Longfei’s heart is clearer. The day that Jojo is talking about is not a day in the traditional sense.

No matter how powerful a person is, if he is not detached, he will always be restricted by some unwarranted power.

There are countless strong people like this, and the same is true of Dragon's Day.

No matter how hard you are, you will lose.

And this day, is it a race, or someone, or something that is unwarranted.

It is enough to make the world awe.

This sense of horror is not the same as facing a powerful enemy.

It is already at another level.

Just like before in the ancient world.

Xuan Emperor, the mysterious people, so they are the heavens.

However, compared to the Wanjie, they are nothing compared to respect.

And respect for the world is the sky that is strong against the world.

what about now?

This star sea, even the phoenix before the birth of this civilization, will be the day?

What kind of existence is it?

Even more tragic is that this mysterious existence has actually been associated with him in the midst of it?

How can I make Longfei feel at ease.

For a time, Longfei had some tangles in his heart.

I knew that this star sea is so strange and mysterious.

He would rather go to the Dragon Court.

Today, although it is cool, it has killed Wanjie.

But now, it has led to something even more terrifying.

"No, we have to leave this place as soon as possible."

"The longer the delay, the more likely it is that an accident will occur."

Longfei said.

He is not afraid! He was born and never feared any challenge.

Yes, he definitely does not allow Jojo to fall into crisis again.

At the moment, this mystery makes him feel uncomfortable.

Do not dare to take risks directly.

Jojo is also a big focus.

Immediately, when two people move, they will leave this place.

But at this time, one side is suddenly born.

The void is shattered.

With one hand, directly open the void and come.

And with the appearance of a scene, the entire star above the sea, instantly became violent.

It was a burst of whimpering.

It’s like a ghost crying.


Countless stars are now one after another.

Counterattacks generally rush to the void.

In an instant, Longfei held Jojo and suddenly exploded.

In the face of this violent power, Longfei does not want to resist.

What worries him even more is, who is the one that suddenly appears in the void?

Just in the moment when Longfei’s figure has just disappeared, the power of the explosion above the entire star sea is also directly attacked by the dragon.

Moreover, it seems to be selective, only for Longfei.

"Mom, is Nima aiming?"

Longfei’s heart also gave birth to anger.

Instinctively, he felt that this star-sea sea changed instantly and turned out to be hostile to himself.

If you want to leave yourself here forever.

In this case, if Longfei can bear it, it is not him.

"Jojo, you protect yourself!"

"Since I can't walk, I will see who I am!"

Longfei chilled.

Then a shot was blown out.

Hey! A punch burst, directly cracking the stars.

Even the power of the Stars and Seas is useless in the face of the horrible lethality of Longfei.

Yes, this star is too much.

I didn’t give Longfei a breather time and attacked again.

And Longfei, the eyes are also a horizontal, standing together, the dry land pulls the onion, directly in the center of the star violent, the punch and punch collapse.



The sound of roaring, the world is moving.

The sky is shaking, the void is cracking, and the stars are falling.

The whole scene is a kind of doomsday, extremely terrifying.

At this time, above the void, a figure has also completely flashed out.

However, the body at this time is extremely special, and it is full of sky and air, which makes people feel extremely unreal.

It is as if this person is not the general of the world.

At this time, it is Cang.

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