The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4426: Mirror world

Stars in the sea, boundless in the sky.

Longfei is also looking at his eyes and is at a loss.

"Nima, I thought it was a pond. I didn't expect this Nima to be a sea."

Longfei’s heart was shocked.

Before, when he came to the Star Sea, he knew that the Star Sea was extremely vast.

Even, compare it to the vastness of the world.

However, it was swallowed up by that mysterious force.

Longfei knew clearly that he was still wrongly estimating the strength of the Star Sea.

drop in the ocean! Such a huge celestial body is invisible in this sea of ​​stars.

What makes Longfei feel uncomfortable is that everything is reversed at this time.

Turn around.

It seems that everything is upside down.

"Is it relative to the world?"

Longfei’s heart knows that this is a force that is unwarranted.

The power of the whole world is like a rebellion, just like the one in the world.

The whole world, the feeling of giving dragons, in addition to their own body is positive, everything else is all anti-.

The mountains and rivers are hanging overhang.

Jianghai countercurrent.

Even heaven and earth are reversed.

Let Longfei feel abnormally awkward.

Immediately, Longfei was directly immersed.

Since it can't be changed, it can only adapt.

Longfei reversed his physical strength, changed the combination, and merged the world of this rule.

As time went by, everything was finally corrected, at least, visually no surprise.

At this time, the mysterious power disappeared before, and if it had never appeared before.

For that, it is to swallow the dragon fly.

Even the figure disappeared.

This is the place where Longfei is most concerned.

And what is the ghost of the white figure on the edge of the stars?

For a time, all kinds of doubts filled the mind of Longfei.

"The white figure should be the one that Joe Joe said in his mouth."

"And another person.

No, it should be said to be a shadow.

There is no such thing as a dime in this star sea. ”

"Then his appearance is to provoke the stars and sea to come to Laozi?"

Longfei’s heart conjecture, a sigh of anger.

"Dog things, don't let me know who you are."


At this time, Longfei’s heart suddenly shocked, and the system that had been silent for a long time suddenly appeared again: “Hey, the player enters the special map.”

“Hey, congratulations to the player to trigger the system task: to bring order out of chaos, justify it!”

"Task time: three years."

"Task level: sss+!"

“Task reward: Jie Wang Yujian, the system special reward once.”

"Task punishment: death!"

The sound of the system is constantly falling, and Longfei is also shocked.

I never thought about it, and entering this star sea can trigger special tasks.

Still a top task.

The three-s-class mission, Longfei has not received much, even the guardian mission, did not reach this level.

What's more, this time is still three s+.

"In order to bring order out of chaos, what is it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Not even a task reminder?"

A dragon flies.

The heart is full of strange feelings.

In the past, even if it is difficult, there will be tips.

And the explanation is very clear.

Let Longfei know which direction to go.

Like now, when you enter a map, it triggers a task, and without any explanation, it is the first time.

When the dragon is wondering, the system sounds again: "Hey, the task is more difficult, and the system will prompt the player to complete it in stages."

"Hey, in the first stage, ask the player to find another one in the Xinghai image."

"Task Tip: Shan Haizong, Dange."

The system sounds down.

And Longfei, in this moment, feels crazy acceleration.

Mirror the world?

another me?

How is it like joke?

As an aspiring young man who has crossed the earth, how can he not know the so-called brick house, the beast, and some pseudo-scientific research, and put forward some theory.

Parallel space! Yes, if you follow the current thinking, then this is similar to parallel space.

But Longfei knows that it is impossible.

If it is only a parallel space, it is impossible to see the so-called Shan Haizong, and what is the Dan Medicine Pavilion.

After all, the original self was just a small silk on the earth.

Even in a parallel world, it should be a trajectory similar to the Earth.

But this is the same thing that makes Longfei feel like it is even a little excited.

"Whatever it is?

Since there is a self in this world, there is absolutely nothing else. ”

"Hahaha, if my wives can meet in this world, take them back one by one."

"It’s time to be strong."

Between the thoughts, Longfei gaze, laughed, and then followed the system prompts to find Shan Haizong.

At this time, outside the stars and sea, Jojo's figure still stands above the void.

Staring at the star sea, staring at the direction in which the dragon flies away.

Looking to wear.

She is here and has been waiting for two days.

Tears are crying, and the beautiful face is full of vicissitudes.

There is also a feeling of grief.

"Longfei brother!"

"Why,,,,, why are you so stupid!"

Jojo wants to cry without tears, and the blind man is already hoarse.

The breath on the body is also extremely unstable.

The whole person is almost soft.

Her heart is also hateful, regretting not following Longfei into the whirlpool.

Just met, it is necessary to separate again.

If it is other time, she will not be so sad.

Just because this place is the star sea.

There are too many evasions about the stars and seas. From ancient times to the present, hundreds of millions of years, across two civilizations, no one dares to touch.

This kind of forbidden land is not allowed to be worried.

However, Jojo has finally returned from Nirvana.

It has long been a simple maid of the year.

"no, I can not.

With so many lives and deaths, we can come over. ”

"Longfei brother is synonymous with miracles."

"This time, there will be no accidents."

"Longfei brother, I will guard the Longting, waiting for you to return."

Jojo said, his eyes are very firm.

Immediately, directly into the phoenix, heading in the direction of Long Ting.

At this time, among the dragon courts, the big yellow dog is still fierce.

A look of embarrassment.

It seems to be the brother of Newton, arrogant! "Ha ha ha, cool, a group of idiots, even the rhubarb can't make it, but also attack my dragon court?"

"You are in the brain."

"Rheum, continue, kill them."

Little invincible is excited.

After all, rhubarb is now the pet of his refining.

Originally just to vent their resentment.

Now it seems that this is the real war pet.

Suddenly messed up.

Also at this time, among the revered circles, the remaining dozens of people, but also their face changes, are extremely embarrassing.

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