The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4427: Small invincible shot

The people of Zunjie are extremely gloomy.

Being insane by a small invincible, one face like a pig liver.

"It's too arrogant, too crazy."

“It’s simply lawless.”

"Why have I been so humiliated in my respect!"

"It’s just looking for death."

The remaining eleven faces with anger, can not contain the general, killing raging.

But this sentence just fell, but directly ushered in a roar of rhubarb, and then a claw fell, and tens of thousands of respected people were trampled to death.

A response to the violent violent.

"Hahaha, are you looking for death?"

I was still thinking, is today a hard fight? ”

"I didn't expect it to be such a dish."

"Respected, but that's it."

Small invincible said.

There was also a bit of relief in Hong Yi’s eyes, without the previous caution.

But he knows that all this is the credit of Longfei.

If it is not Longfei slammed Wanjie.

What they are facing is not just respect.

It is Wanjie.

Hundreds of millions of people, even if the strength is not good, standing and letting them kill, they will be exhausted.

At that time, GM will inevitably have a hard fight.

But now, because of Longfei, they don't have to be under such pressure.

Moreover, because of rhubarb, it makes him more confident.

"It’s a good saying, respectful and swearing, and calling on the world to destroy my dragon court."

"What about your world?"

"What about people?

Jump out and show it to Laozi? ”

Hong Yi also snorted.

At this time, the eleven battles of Zunjie, in the face of icy cold, are simultaneously taking out a token from their hands.

"Kill you still use Wanjie?"

"The group of waste, what to use.

Originally, let them come, but they just want to let them see the power of my respected world and do the dog in a down-to-earth manner. ”

"I didn't expect it, I haven't arrived yet.

But the same, they will not come, you are all going to die. ”

"Dragon Court, it must be destroyed!"

The Zunjie war made the people of the center say and look at them.

Immediately, the battle in his hands flashed brightly.

The same is true of the ten people behind him, and at the same time, the war in their hands broke out.

"Just let you see this group of wastes, what is the real violent."

"Command, thunder!"

"War Command: Industry Fire!"

"War Command: Tianhe weak water."

"War Command: Eight Stars!"

"Warring orders,,,,," "A dozen or so sounds, these wars make an opening."

At the same time, between heaven and earth, the world is eclipsed.

All of them were completely replaced by the power of this war.

The stars are covered, and no starlight can be seen.

All were endless thunderhills, the industry was weak and the water was filled with nine springs.

For a moment, the face of the people in Long Ting is greatly changed.

Small invincible and Hong Yi are even more glance at each other and get nervous.

Because at the moment, it is the real time of crisis.

"Rhubarb, on!"

The little invincible is also angry and screams.


The rhubarb roared and the body swelled rapidly, and the eyes were very incomparable.

It seems that the resentment and repression in the heart can be released at this time, and it can be lethal to kill, so that there is no more scruples in his heart.

The next moment, the power of a star demon is on the body.

A jump, directly charge the past.

It’s going to be hard for the 12th.

At this time, the change is sudden.

The war that had not been smashed by the rhubarb before suddenly caused a glare between the wars in the hands.

Then, a figure went straight out of the war.

Rhubarb's footsteps came to an abrupt end.

I saw it incredibly.

Because the person who came out of this, no matter whether it is the cultivation of breath or the attribute of strength, it is generally the same.

"not dead?"

Small invincible.

Looking at the person who reappeared in front of me, his face was condensed.

"Ha ha ha, can't think of it?

District means that we really can die?

We are the martyrdom of the world, and the battle of the world is controlled by me. Every war order contains the power of our strengths. ”


nonexistent! ”

"Can you kill once and kill us 10,000 times?

impossible. ”

The 12th World War was once again gathered, and his face was full of pride.

And as the mouth reappeared on Monday, another battle order was activated.

"Command: annihilation!"

Boom! Under one slap, the eleven kinds of power in the void are instantly given the will.

The moment became violent.

Moreover, the outbreak of the breath is ten times more intense than it was just now.

"Ha ha ha, see no, this is the power that I wait for, just because of you, and want to stop me?"

"Nothing possible!"

"There is this dog, the first one will kill you."

The twelfth warfare said.

Rhubarb, at this time, is also a radical.

If you don't say anything, turn around and retire.

If it weren’t because of the detachment of the disc, it was pressed over his neck and it had already disappeared.

And the little invincible at this time is also a face that becomes a stern.

The power in front of him was so strong that he felt the pressure.

The rolling power gathers above the dragon's void, and it is extremely violent.

Puff puff! At this time, a thousand kings suddenly spit blood and pale face.

It seems that under this power, it becomes unbearable.

"Do not!"

"I am not willing!"

"I have not killed a dog in the respect of the world, how can I fall?"

Countless people began to cry and roar, eyes congested, extremely unwilling.

Small invincible eyes look at the past, the meaning of evil spirits in the eyes is more and more full.

No war has been defeated! For him, it is an insult.

For Long Ting, it is even more an insult.

Unsurprisingly, now the Thousand Kings have lost their combat power.

And they have never shot from start to finish.

This is the most difficult place in their hearts.

"Ha ha ha, war?

What battle do you use? ”

"These garbage wastes can't stand our pressure?"

Still want to fight? ”


Just because you two old and weak? ”

"Oh, yes, is there a dog?"


"Do you do it?"

The twelfth battle made it even more crazy, watching the king of the thousand kings directly get fixed, and his face finally looked good.

Only wake up from the shame of the humiliation of rhubarb.

On the contrary, Hong Yi and Xiao Invincible, the face is more and more anger.

Double fists clenched, can't wait to shoot immediately.

"Old ancestors, how is it?

Is it the way to open the old man directly, or do we do it first? ”

Little invincible asked.

Although he is brave, he is still a child.

Even if it is born and invincible, it is only relative.

Coupled with the previous setbacks, he is more able to restrain himself.

Hong Yi’s eyes looked at the battle of the emptiness of the emptiness of the sky. In the eyes, he said to the small invincible: "Or use the power of your old man first."

"Even if it can't be solved, it will consume some power first."

Small invincible heavy focus.

Then, a drop of blood squeezed out of his body.


"Today, the little master will let you know that I am a dragon, I can do anything!"

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