The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4646: Dragon status

Outside the ancient world, in the middle of the universe.

The statue of honor is standing still.

Behind him, it is the army of the world.

At this moment, the statue of the statue is a stone's throw away from the Phoenix.

Looking at the ruined Phoenix world, only the war and the phoenix fire burned.

The vision of esteem is extremely cold.

"The war is all gone?"

"The Phoenix world is not so strong. Even if the woman gets the power of Yuanfeng, it is impossible to have such a means."

"Dragon fly!"

"It must be this dog thing. It is really to let the deity look at it. I knew that in the ancient world, I should have ignored so much. I would like to directly fight a avatar, and I will kill you." .

Incomparable haze.

Strong as he is, naturally able to perceive that the Zunjie war has been tragic.

Even he attempted to restore the original battle with the supreme means.

However, if it was not used, it stopped.

"Can even the world of the Phoenix world be erased?"

"Some means."

"If this is the case, then the world will not stay."

Respect for the face, a cold, a palm shot.

Immediately, a huge palm emerges directly above the starry sky.

Across a million miles.

From a distance, it is simply able to cover the entire Phoenix world.


Above the giant palm, the golden light, the palm of the hand, fell directly.


Everything, an indescribable bang is directly in the void.

In the roar.

The entire phoenix community collapsed under this palm.

Countless boulders wear through the air, and the waves are shocked.

Collapsed above the void.

And respect, but at this moment.

And with respect, the palm will be withdrawn.

The entire Phoenix world was also completely burst.

A loud noise blasted directly.

Just like being pinched, it is completely turned into hundreds of millions of powders, crushing the void.

One palm is destroyed.

Strong and horrible.

"Oh, it’s the fate of the world."

"The next step is the ancient world." Zun faintly said.

At this time, his gaze is far away, directly penetrating the distance of billions of light years, locking the ancient world.

As long as he thinks, it will take less than a day to get to the ancient times.

But at this time, Zunyi did not have any further plans.

The army of the Wanshou behind him has long been obeyed in the bones of the emperor, and even directly stopped in the void.

The glory of the eyes turned, and the color of the haze in the eyes flashed past:

"Who is it? I have been waiting for the deity for so long, still not showing up?"

And outside the void.

At this moment, there is also a wave of fluctuations.

Brush the brush.

Brush it!

Six light and shadows have come.

"The master of the respected world? The strength is not weak." The head of the person said.

This person is full of light, and the luster will cover the whole body.

It is respect and can't be worn.


"Pretend to play with ghosts, swear by the deity, still not showing up? Looking for death!" The voice of the deity is cold, and then both hands are explored.

I want to hold the person in front of me.

Yes, an unexpected scene happened.

This hand directly penetrates the other's body.

Just like wearing nothing, nothing is attacked.

In an instant, the face of the face changed dramatically.

"Impossible!" Unbelievable.

One of his palms can destroy one world.

But at this moment, even a figure in front of him could not grasp, so how can he believe.

"Don't waste your energy. You are not weak, but it is only relative. I am outside the universe, the power in the universe, why not us."

In the light, one of the six-headed people said.

"Outside the universe? Inside the universe? Who are you?" The face of Zun has become very strong.

Even said that it is extremely embarrassing.

Because in this world, he is the master.

At this moment, in the other's words, it is like the king of the mountain who is king.

The ants are awkward and self-proclaimed.

This makes the heart of the proud and proud, how can accept.

"Who am I, you don't need to know."

"You just need to know that the purpose of my visit is your chance."

"But as time you can't catch it, it's up to you."

The person who spoke first said, and immediately the figure suddenly flashed, directly facing the front.

And respect, but it seems that the reaction is not over.

I was wrapped up in the body and disappeared directly.

Ancient world.

Longfei took Li Yuanba and Xiaobaibinghuo, as well as Li Wuxin and Miaoyao, and a few people in Muyun, looking for the Dragon Market.

At this point, they have come to the Dragon.

It can be said that this is a place of the world.

At the beginning, Longfei and Xuan Emperor did not affect the Dragon.

Even in the next few battles, the dragons did not show up. It can be said that there is a chance to recuperate.

"Longfei adults, here is Longmaishan." Muyao said.

Still very respectful.

Zhang mouth is an adult.

Although Long Fei’s heart feels a little helpless, he has not paid too much attention.

Instead, I looked at the Longmai Mountain in front of me.

蜿蜒 Millions of miles.

Hundreds of mountains.

It can be said that the Imperial Palace before the Xuan family can not match.

It can be seen that when the dragon is at its peak, it is more powerful.

It’s just a pity that the dragon tyrants were defeated, and the dragons and gods were lost. The dragons were really defeated.

But the Dragon Maiden, but vaguely can show the glory of the Dragon.

"Let's go, since I have been here, I have to go and see the status of the dragons." Longfei said faintly.

Can not wait to enter the Longmai Mountain, a sound of dragons suddenly burst out from the dragon veins.

Then, among the two dragon caves closest to Longfei, two white dragons suddenly flew between them.


The sound of the dragon sings through the sky is thorough and resounds throughout the Dragon Mountain.

But Longfei, silently.

Show Long Wei in front of him?

It is simply a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

As for the dragon flying behind, the person who knows the identity of Longfei is even more smiling.

Especially the Miao Yao, it is even cold.

There were several wars between the screenmakers and the dragons, and because of the curtains. If it is not the identity of Longfei, maybe it will not come here.

"Who? Do you dare to marry me Dragon Mountain?"

"Well? The logo of the screenmaker? Is this going to die?"

Two white dragons hovered above the void.

A staring stare at Longfei and others.

The expression is arrogant.

Still high, contempt for sentient beings.

Longfei mouth smirked, faintly looked up:

"It seems that the Dragons are not as ugly as they think."

"All the turtles are shrinking, is it so proud?" Longfei said.

And this sentence, let the two white dragons completely violent:

"Let's go, what are you, my dragon is also you can say three to four."

"Dog stuff. The curtain house is eating a bear heart and a leopard, and even came to my dragon to provoke."

"Call people."

Two white dragons screamed loudly, and then a sound of dragons appeared.



And this sound is like a signal.

Then, the Longmai Mountain was completely rioted.

Among the countless dragon caves, they vibrate at the same time.

One after another, the dragons flew out from the dragon caves.

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