The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4647: Dragon is scared

Wanlong vibrates.

The momentum is vast.

"A big big squad." Li Yuanba stepped forward.

The eyes are full of ridicule.

Extremely disdainful.

Although the dragon is strong and strong.

However, in the face of absolute repair.

Everything is a joke.

Not to mention that the dragons are now the highest, but the super-six is ​​super-successful.

Even if they are strong, they are not afraid.

"It’s ridiculous. It’s like a dog in front of Xuan Emperor.”

"It's so cohesive now, it's so ridiculous." This is the spirit.

Tianling and Longfei have been crawling up from the small world.

For the Dragons to be rebellious, the dog that became the Emperor of the Emperor has long been clear.

Even under the leadership of the dragon without God, it is considered an enemy.

But that’s it, now it’s a look of the same enemy, to target Longfei.

This is the place where Tianling really feels shameless.

Not to mention that it is Tianling, and that people such as Miao Yao have already stopped looking.

The Dragons have done what they have done these years, and they all look in their eyes.

In front of the Emperor Xuan, he bowed his knees.

Living and living the dragons into a dog family.


Now, the Emperor Xuan is extinguished, but in turn, dare to expose the dragon to the fangs.

It’s ridiculous.

With this in mind, Makuo couldn’t help but scream:

"I don't think so, after many years, I can see the dragon as such a hegemon."

"It's a pity that you never know how big a mistake you are making." Makuo said sarcastically.

She can see it. Long Fei came to Longmai Mountain this time, purely wanting to give the dragon a chance.

After all, fundamentally speaking, Longfei is also a dragon.

Unfortunately, the current dragons are stupid.

It was actually forced in front of Longfei.

"Let's go, you are a little girl, dare to yell?"

"Sinful of you? You are a fart. The mysterious family is gone, and my dragon will return to dominance."

"How long will it take, my dragon patriarch will find the strength left by the ancestors. When the time comes, don't say anything about the screen, even if the mysterious family is not destroyed, it is the same, a dead end."

Bai Long is at the top, he said.

The expression of tone is extremely arrogant.

Don’t look at Longfei and others at all.

Longfei, however, is scornful and chuckles.

Although he is also a dragon, it is fair. The current Dragons still have nothing to offer.

Except for being too arrogant, nothing.

For such a dragon, Longfei was very disappointed.

At least, before this, Longfei still held fantasy, and thought about the twelve dragon ancestors and so on, accompanied him to rise all the way, and eventually sacrificed himself.

Even if you look at these feelings, Longfei will take care of the dragons.

It will also give the Dragons a chance.

But now, completely disappointed.

Looking at the overwhelming, a arrogant dragon, Longfei's heart moved.

A thought of clearing the dragons, above the heart, flashed past.

At this time, a purple dragon flew out from the depths of Longmai Mountain.

This dragon is out, Wanlong is easy.

At the same time, Wan Long roared and roared, just like the king.

And Longfei, his eyes flashed a sigh at this time.

Purple Dragon?

Longfei directly thought of the dragon without god.

Because the dragon is godless, it is a purple dragon.

Among the dragons, the ranks are sensational.

White Dragon is only the lowest existence.

White Dragon, Black Dragon, Dragon, Horn Dragon, Silver Dragon, Green Dragon, and then Red Dragon and Golden Dragon.

The purple dragon is even above these.

Of course, there is a more noble existence on top of this.

That is the dragon ancestors.

On top of that, it is the dragon of Dragon Heaven.

However, in the ages, among the dragons, there is no such supremacy.

Purple Dragon is already at the highest level.

At the moment, a purple dragon was found at this time, which immediately attracted Longfei’s gaze.

"See Zhu Xian Tianxia!"

At this time, Wanlong worshipped.

Zilong soared above the void and finally became an adult.

A purple scaled cloaked clothes.

At first glance, it is a supreme treasure.

Make this person look and stand out.

"A group of waste. Just a few people will scare you into this look."

"Don't forget, my dragon family is going to be the kingdom and become the hegemon."

"Some people are provocative, just kill it. Also use the summoning Wanlong?" said the purple-shirt youth.

A look of anger.

High-spirited, angry with Wanlong.

However, Wanlong has not dared to refute.

Blood is everything.

In front of Zilong, they are destined to surrender.

At this time, the two white dragons that were first summoned suddenly said:

"His Royal Highness, they are not others."

"They are all people of the screen."

"I suspect that they are coming to marry me to inherit the power of Longmai Mountain." Bai Long pointed to Longfei and others, and said.

And this is called the purple youth of His Royal Highness, with a pair of eyes:

"The man of the curtain house? The grandfather of the wild species? I even dared to come to my Dragon Mountain, really looking for death."

Long Yuxian said.

However, what he did not know was that his fate was already doomed when this sentence came out.

Below, in the eyes of Longfei, the suffocation increased.

And beside him, Li Yuanba is even more angry:

"What dog things, no tigers in the mountains, monkeys called the king?"

"Zilong also dare to call the king? I am!"

"Garbage, because you dare to arrogant in front of my boss? Stupid!" Li Yuanba violently opened.

He is the **** of power.

This is very violent.

Now I heard the dragon scorpion in front of me and turned to insult Longfei.

Can't bear it directly.

Going forward, the opening will be embarrassing.

And Miao Yao, at this time is also a sneer.

If you said that, the Dragons still have the chance.

So now, I was killed by Long Yuxian.

She is very clear that Longfei is so arrogant in his heart that he is not afraid of it.

It has always been the master of horizontal pushing.

Can you accept such insults from others?


Instinctively, she took a step back. Give the battlefield to Longfei.

But Longfei, there is no plan to shoot.

Just because they don't match.

And Long Yuxian, who was so stunned by the big man, was even more angry.

"Looking for death, I don't know what to do, I dare to be so arrogant in my Longmai Mountain. I swallowed him."

Long Yin Xian said with anger.

And as one sentence fell, Wan Long roared and rolled the void.

The dragon's torso hovered down from the Dragon's Macaque.

Immediately, the sky is discolored, and the wind and thunder are added.

However, there is no change in the face of Li Yuanba.

"There has been no activity for a long time, just right, taking advantage of today, let the boss see it. You can fight!" Li Yuanba laughed. The double axe is out of one hand and flies above the void.

At this time, a black dragon has already soared, and Li Yuanba has a fierce impact.

Li Yuanba is also unambiguous and directly hit the past.

Then the axe fell.


An axe falls, **** heaven and earth.

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