The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4693: Xianmen summarizer

The Queen’s face was stunned and she looked at Xiao Yuer.

"Ha ha ha, that's ridiculous."

"Have you experienced the terrible fairy?

Do you know what is a fairy?

At that time, you have not experienced it, you don’t know it. ”

"I don't know what is called you."

"It seems that you are not very good. As the first person in the world to wake up, the patron saint said that you are special, it seems, but it is."

The refinement of the Queen’s voice gradually became cold.

As if, Xiao Yuer's words have made her angry and angry.

I don't want to continue talking at all.

But Xiao Yuer, in the eyes, there is a touch of tenderness: "I don't know the immortal in your mouth, what the **** is going on."

"But I know, for me, he is willing to slaughter."

Xiao Yuer’s voice said softly.

There was also a blush on his face.

Even the bottom of my heart, once again, the face of Longfei.

As if looking forward to, Longfei is coming soon.


Hahaha, it’s a joke.

Even if his repair is stronger than you, it is a waste. ”

"The white guardian has already stopped."

"I believe that if I can't use it for a while, I will return."

"Of course, maybe it is the return of the person who carries your sweetheart."

Said the Queen.

The sound is cold.

Extremely ruthless.

And it was the moment when his voice fell.

The whole world was shaken.

As if to confirm the words of the imperial queen.




Like an earthquake, huge impacts came directly to the ground.

And the queen is perfect, but the smile on her face is gradually solidified.

"This,,,,,," the exquisite queen spit out a word.

Nothing, just because the reaction now far exceeds her perception.

And Xiao Yuer, there is a glimmer of light in his eyes: "It seems that things are not the same as you think."

"I guess, you may see the head of your so-called white guardian!"

"Of course, it's very likely that you won't even see a touch of gray."

Xiao Yuer looked awkward.

At the same time, looking forward to the void.

At this time, in this long and vain, the stars are like fire, and one has fallen.

"How is this going?"

"Don't you just pray for us?"

“Does this lead us to eternal life?”

The person who just experienced the baptism of the stars, this moment is also a face.

But what is more pitiful is that they face the spark of the sky, but there is no fear.

Instead, it became a kind of Fukuzawa.

Even when it became the sublimation after this blessing.

Thought that this is really someone who is giving them eternal life.

Therefore, in the face of this spark from the sky, do not evade.

Not only that, but also open the arms, as if waiting for the arrival of an eternal life.

"Do not!"

At this time, the imperial queen broke out with a roar.

sharp! terror.

It seems that it is full of helplessness and powerlessness.

However, everything will not stop because of her will.



A piece of stars fell, the fire was like a ruin, and the heavy fallen on the ground.

And these, the residents of Loulan ancient country, with this power, and one by one dissipated.

No longer exists.

"Do not!"

"Don't be like this, it shouldn't be like this."

"The patron saint, the patron saint, where are you?"

The screams of the Queen's hysterical.

The whole person has long since lost the nobleness.

As if, in a flash, all beliefs and strengths are lost.

In fact, all of this, in the eyes of Xiao Yuer, is completely redundant.

Festive and creative! Because of all this, this is a fake.

Originally their patron saint, that is, the beast in her mouth, created the illusion.

Therefore, in Xiao Yuer's view, even if these people are all dead, there is no impact on her.

However, her expression has changed at this moment.

Abnormal excitement.

"Longfei brother!"

Xiao Yuer exclaimed.

Between heads up, a look is awkward, like a child who is doing something wrong, looking at the figure that appears from the air.

The rumble was rumbled.

At this time, with the appearance of Longfei, a huge roar broke out.

Then, everything in the sky disappeared.

The yellow sand is rolling and floating in the sky.

The previous stars retreated and the dream disappeared.

The only thing that emerged was a hole and a rundown.

The drum tower covered by the yellow sand,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Even the sleek queen, the glamour of his body collapsed at this moment.

Become a dry corpse.

However, the accident still exists after all.

The imperial queen who became a corpse still did not dissipate, and she still had the painful expression of sorrow and horror.

However, this expression is manifested in a dry body.

Too scary.

And Longfei, also indifferent to see everything in front of him.

The waves are not shocked.

Only when Xiao Yuer exclaimed, Long Fei’s eyes showed a soft touch.

Hey! As soon as the figure moved, Longfei came directly to Xiaoyuer.

A look of nervous expression.

Xiao Yuer was unable to control the excitement in her heart, and fell into the arms of Longfei.

"Longfei brother!"

Xiao Yuer said softly.

"Reassured, nothing."

"As for them, they will pay for their own actions."

Longfei said quietly.

"Right, what about Li Yu?

When they first shot you, I have already made a foreshadowing. Once you are in danger, the fish will break out. ”

Longfei said.

"Oh, yes, Longfei brother, you are going to save the fish."

"At the beginning, I was taken here by the people of this Loulan, but I was imprisoned.

Li fish was taken away. ”

"As for what I am now, I am not sure."

Xiao Yuer said guilty and panicked.

After all, if it wasn't for her temper, she would sullenly leave Longfei and give the other party a chance to do so, and there would be nothing in the present.

Longfei’s face was slightly indulged.

"No problem, Li Yu is not as simple as you think."

"Maybe, after he leaves the customs, he can directly surpass the vast majority."

"As for the beast, there should be no such big appetite, and the fish will be swallowed."

Longfei said.

No one knows more about him than what he is doing now.

Moreover, no one knows that in addition to the blood and flesh and blood essence of the dragonfly, Longfei also has a drop of blood in it.

If, this is the so-called cockroach, I really don’t know how to live and want to swallow the fish.

At that time, Longfei will feel the first time.

And taking advantage of the refining moment of the other party, Longfei will arrive in an instant.

As for how powerful the 蜃 is, in the end, Longfei never considers it.

Even if it is very strong, it is very likely that it is like a boss, and Longfei asks himself, by his own means, he can definitely get it.

"That's good, that's good. I'm really afraid of any accidents in Li Yu. I don't know how to face you when I get there."

Xiao Yuer said wronged.

Long Fei gently patted Xiao Yuer in his arms, which is comfort.

At this time, the figures of Xuanzang and Xuanyu also appeared step by step.

Longfei chuckled, and there was no accident for the two to return in such a short time.

However, I have not had time to speak.

There was a sudden sound in my mind: "Hey, congratulations to the player to trigger the sideline mission: Xianmen Terminator."

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