The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4694: BOSS appears


Yan Shoushi has already received the messenger of Loulan.

Black robe guardian.

"So, the saint has become the person of the day?

Can you understand all the illusions? ”

"So, will you be invited to the ancient country of Loulan?"

Yan Shoushi said with a squint.

The voice is indifferent.

There is no slight mood swing at all.

Only this point, you can see this person, the city is extremely deep.

The moment before, in the presence of Li You and others, he expressed his deep affection for Xiao Yuer.

At this moment, I was able to face the problem of Xiao Yuer being tied up.

I have to say that the world owes him a movie award.

If Longfei is here, he must not hesitate to erect a middle finger.

Amazing: The first hand is like.

The Son of Heaven is ruthless.

Today, although the country has changed, the world has changed.

However, Yan Shoushi is a contemporary person, and the contemporary masters still inherit this nature.

It seems that this is an unchanging rule.

Just as he can understate Zhong Rong C, he is indifferent to the death of Li and others.

Even at this time, a smile on the face of the person who guarded his hand before, said joy.

You can see your coming out.

In his eyes, there is only interest.

"No, of course not only.

Since we were born when the evil demon killed Lushan, it is natural that we are more concerned about the things between heaven and earth. ”

"So after some performances of the Chinese saints, we naturally look in the eyes."

"So, we are also willing to push the boat and use it as our sincerity."

The black robe said, a look of respect.

It seems that after the shock of Yan Shoushi.

Already completely honest.

There is no heart in any resistance.

There is no sense of self-esteem.

"Oh, the saint is self-deprecating and chooses to enter the devil."

"You can stop the loss in time and help the return of the Virgin. This is not a happy heart."

"So, your sincerity I accepted."

"Just, where is the saint now?"

Yan Shoushi asked.

Asked the old man in black robe.

"Of course it is in our Loulan."

"But Yan Shou wants to know, it is also very simple, waiting for me to even force, condense Loulan, give Yan Shou a look."

"Exactly, please also look at Yan Shou, my Loulan's past style."

The black robe said, a scepter appeared in his hand.

The top of the scepter, like the night pearl, is full of dream power.

"Hey, now!"

simple and clear.

Just like giving orders.

The next moment, above the scepter, the light shines, and then directly gathers in the air.

Then, a scene directly appeared.

It’s a pity that there is nothing beautiful in this situation.

There are yellow sand everywhere, broken city walls everywhere, broken walls, ridiculous and run-down.

"How, Yan Shu?"

“I’m a good guy in Loulan?”

The black robe said.

He didn't even look in the air in his eyes.

Just in the eyes, but with a strong confidence.

Believing in your own hands will definitely shock everyone.

At this moment, everything is as he expected, and everyone is shocked by the content presented in this midair.

Even exaggerated to an extent that is incomprehensible.

Even Yan Shoushi, who was silent, took a deep breath.

It seems to have been shocked.

Black robes are more proud of their hearts.

"Yan Shou, this is the status quo of my Loulan."

"how is it?"

The black robe said faintly.

Talking about it, there was a smile on his face.

Yan Shoushi’s eyes glimpsed: “Luolan ancient country,,,,,, yes.”

"it's actually very good."

"However,,,,,, have you ever thought about the consequences of playing the game?"

Yan Shoushi’s voice sank, and a murderous machine appeared in the eyes.

The black robe is a glimpse.

As if I realized the general, I suddenly turned around.

"This,,,,,," "No, impossible, what happened?"

"who is it?

Who is it? ”

The black robe man suddenly became confused.

All the previous cockroaches disappeared.

The whole person was too excited, and the floating emptiness of the void disappeared.

"Hey, Yan Shou, I think this person is simply coming to the glory and there is no surrender."

"Yes, I don't know the old things that live and die, and I dare to be so arrogant when I am a mythical civilization."

"There are more monkeys, and some people will be confused.

Yan Shou, it’s time to kill a hundred. ”

Three voices came out.

They are the only three guardians in China.

At this time, the three people were surprisingly unified.

Obviously, the things that the black robes used to deal with them were still sorrowful.

"No,,,,, Yan Shou, you listen to me."

"not like this."

"Someone shot my Loulan.

Damn, who is it, so! ”

The black robe was excited and explained in a hurry.

Just, it is already late.

Yan Shoushi has no heart to listen to so much.

At the moment when the black robe was open, Yan Shoushi’s palm was already coming.

Hey! When one palm fell, the black robe was directly photographed as meat.

Death and death.

And the scepter in his hand, at this moment, jingle, fell to the ground.

One of the three guards, stepping forward, is going to pick it up, and unexpectedly change.

This scepter is like a living being, and suddenly goes away.

It was only a moment that it disappeared.

The direction of disappearance is where Loulan is.

The picture turns again, in the Loulan.

The face of Longfei’s face remained the same, but his heart was already shocked.

"Spurline mission?"

Coming to the Earth World, Longfei has activated the main line mission.

That is the myth of recovery.

There is no doubt that now the outbreak of the branch mission is definitely the main line of service.

Then, Longfei's eyes turned and locked on the system page.

"Task: End the world of Xianmen, or the terminator of the Xianmen."

"Level: s level."

"Time: one year."

"Task reward: Xianting Baojian."

"Task punishment: death."

"Current progress: 3/100."

Longfei’s breathing has become rushed.

The arrival of this mission made Longfei somewhat unexpected.

"Xian Ting Bao Jian?

How are you so familiar? ”

Longfei looked at the reward column and thought of it in his heart.

For the reward, it really made Longfei somewhat disappointed.

But when you think about the difficulty of the task, you will be relieved.

Such a task, for Longfei, is like the cyclical task of the mission world.

Following the development of the timeline, it will always be completed.

"Longfei brother, what's wrong with you?"

But at this time, Xiao Yuer’s voice suddenly came.

A dragon flies, and then the heart turns.

Some accidentally glanced at Xiaoyu: "Nothing, just thinking about something."

Longfei replied.

Xiao Yuer nodded slightly, not much.

But on the face, I looked at Longfei with a deep look.

"Longfei brother, let's go."

"This woman does not matter.

But behind this Loulan is an ancient beast, I am afraid that we can't hold back. ”

Xiao Yuer said openly.

And Longfei, but did not agree: "Don't be afraid, the purpose of my coming is to explode this so-called beast."

"As for what Queen Loulan, killing is."

Longfei said, pointing a little, a black light swept through and went straight to Queen Loulan who had become a dead body.

Yes, it is at this time.

A roar appeared from the ground.

Then, the golden light skyrocketed.

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