The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4696: Another force of the Holy Spirit

For the beast, this is a terrorist trip.

His strength is extremely special, he can sneak into the heart of the people silently, and based on people's past memories and thoughts in the heart, and condense a scene.

Once the other party, I really sink into it.

That is, the real death is coming.

However, this time.

He really kicked the iron plate.

Or, from the time he tried to shoot for Longfei, the result was already doomed.

Because some people, even if they remember, can kill.

Waves,,,,,,, a series of fluctuations appeared at this time, only see Xuanzang and Xuan Yu and Xiao Yuer, at this time one by one wake up.

However, they have a blush on every face.

Obviously, a perfect scene created by 蜃 gives a few people.

However, because Longfei wakes up, all this is also shattered.

"Dragon fly."

"Longfei brother, this,,,,," "Big bad guys, what the **** is going on?"

The three men looked awkward and some were unhappy.

It seems that I am still somewhat immersed in the previous fantasy scene.

Just like the former Queen, even if it turned into a corpse, it is still immersed in the dream world that the beasts condense.

Even the beast is regarded as the patron saint, and is extremely respectful.

"Nothing, but a beast, creating a dream for you."

"I woke up, he was chaotic, and your dreams were naturally broken."

Longfei said nothing, but his eyes were on the beast.

A glimpse of the beast's instinct.

Welcome the eyes of Longfei, full of fear.

Even the body began to tremble.

"Respect, drive,,,,,, this is actually a misunderstanding."

"I don't know she is your woman, and I haven't hurt her."

"If you can let me go, I will be successful in the future and I will help you once in the future."

Said the beast.

Directly quoted.

It is that Longfei is a bit aggressive.

Feeling the routine, it is totally wrong.

Now the beast, there is still a little boss.

Just a fantasy, just bow down and think.

As if Longfei is a person who is heinous and lawless.


Repeat a sentence in the dragon's mouth.

Then there was no retelling, and the body was shocked.

Invincible punches, bursting into the void.


The violent vibrations started with the waves.

The void cracks appear directly in front of Longfei.

After all, Longfei’s current combat power is too horrible.

Even if it is unwrapped to the super-consumed five-fold day, it has already exceeded this world too much.

As I said before, the current Longfei is already comparable to Da Luo.

What is the concept of Da Luo, Long Fei does not have a specific understanding.

But in such a world that is not yet immortal.

Longfei is confident that no one can be his own enemy.


Under the punch, everything in front of him was shattered.

This is already a run-down of the Loulan monument, under the fist of Longfei, completely annihilated.

And the beast in front of me is also in this moment, the hair is blowing up.

A root is like a barb.

Exudes cold light.

Hey! The beast seems to feel the horror of Longfei, and I have already used Longfei as a nightmare.

Passing through the memory of Longfei, for him, it is more terrible than the experience of this life.

For those who pick up the stars between the fingers and take the moon, the picture of destroying the enemy is a torment of the soul.

Therefore, at this moment, the dragon flew out of the box, and he did not dare to resist.

Turn around and run away.

However, at the moment of Longfei's shot, it is impossible to escape.

This punch.



Sun and moon.

Penalties,,,,,,, seven rules are condensed.

At the moment of punching, all the noisy forces will be annihilated between heaven and earth.

Through an invincible killing.


Punch the enemy.

Hey! In a blink of an eye, Longfei punches and directly penetrates the body of the beast, causing the beast to fall directly from the void.


The huge impact has stirred up endless smoke.

Among the yellow sand wastes, the beasts are dying.

However, Longfei has no further action.

If it is put before, he is sick and wants his life. It is definitely the choice of Longfei.

But now, on the body of the beast, the boss golden light is still not reduced.

Only, but there is no slight change in blood.

This made Longfei somewhat curious.

I want to find out.

The next moment, in the eyes of Longfei, there was also a touch of awe.

Because it was just a blink of an eye, the **** hole worn by Longfei’s body was disappeared.

The beast, also stood up again.

Except for a little weaker than before, there is no trace of any injury.

The restored beast has a flat face.

But when the line of sight and Longfei looked at each other, it was still difficult to contain a panic.

"Respect, you have seen it, there is a power in my body.

Under this power, I am not dead. ”

"I don't want to be an enemy of you."

"I believe that you can also perceive that the world has changed. It will not take long before the real mythical world will reappear."

By the time, no matter what you want to do, I can help you. ”

The beast continued to say.

Longfei chuckled.

Immediately shake your head.

"I am looking forward to getting the strength of your body compared to the beast that you will only create."

Longfei said.

In the eyes, flashing light.

He has already guessed.

If there is no accident, the one on the body that will restore him instantly.

It should be like a beggar.

It is a saint force.

In addition to this, Longfei believes that there is absolutely no power to be able to remain undead under his own punch.

At this time, when the beast heard Longfei, the eyes were instantly drowned by the color of fear.

"No,,,,, you can't do this."

"The power in me is the power of the saint. Do you want to rebel?"

"You are looking for death."

The beast is crazy.

Longfei’s words are much more terrifying than the nightmare that Longfei brought to him.

It is more terrible than death to anger the saint.

But suddenly, the beast's expression was a meal.

In the mind, I saw the memory of Longfei and the picture of the dragon flying.

He was shocked.

He found that Longfei, who has this kind of means, does not really need to be afraid of saints! One thought of this, the beast directly fell to the ground: "Adult, don't kill me."

"The saints have laid down strength on me. I want to make me plot the artifacts of the community, to gather the will of the people, and to gather the incense faith."

"If the adults can let me go, I can use my power to serve the adults, confuse people, and condense the incense for the adults."

The beast is crazy, and in the eyes, it has been replaced by endless fear.

Because of this moment, Longfei, in his eyes, is already comparable to the horror of saints.

He even knows clearly that if it is not the power of the saint, in front of Longfei, he is an ant, and he can pinch it to death.

So, at this moment, what sage layout, he has left behind.

The only thing I think about is to survive in front of Longfei.

But at this time, a mysterious light floats directly from the beast.

"孽动物! Dare to disobey this holy!"

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