The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 4697: Big dog gall

An angry drink came from the mysterious light.

Even if it is only a generation of saints, the power contained in it is unimaginable.

Therefore, all of this, Longfei never believes, can overcome this saint power.

Just like the original embarrassment.

So, let alone a sound that is only now, even if it is now in this holy light, the body of the saint is condensed, and Longfei will never feel the slightest accident.

And as this voice came out.

The beast is directly soft on the ground.

The sage is angry and the earth is shaking.

Not to mention, it is just a beast.

At this time, the beast's eyes are full of death.

Looking forward to Longfei, I hope that Longfei can save himself.

But soon, he was disappointed.

Because of Longfei, I have never looked at it from beginning to end.

Longfei looked at the light that floated in front of him and stepped forward: "Which one?"

Long Fei asked in an understatement.

This time, unlike before, it appeared directly before, and it was a woman.

Among the saints of the heavens, Longfei is not without understanding.

There is only one woman, that is the son-in-law.

Therefore, there is nothing to guess at all.

But now it is different. With just one voice, I really can't guess who it is.

"Don't let the saints dare to speak out?"

Among the Holy Lights, there is a will.

brush! Just like the world, control everything.

The incomparable pressure is coming from this will.

It was crushed between the moments.

It seems that Longfei’s indifferent attitude has already annoyed the existence of this supremacy.

brush! The pressure has swept across.

Longfei slightly frowned, and immediately the force of the flesh was swaying, and the pressure was dispelled.

But Xuan Zang and others were not so relaxed. The three men snorted and the blood flowed out of their mouths.

The dragon flies slightly, while the back hand wave, the force of the last law is directly depicted in the void as a semicircle.

Directly shield the figure of the three people.


It was a sigh.

However, this time the owner is the power of this saint.

"The power of the end of the law,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"How can this be!"

There was a mistake in the mysterious light of the sage's power.

Obviously, facing the power of the last law.

Even the saint, only shocked.

"Is it unexpected?

The saints are able to take the helm. I control one kind of power that can compete with the heavens. Why not? ”

Longfei said with a smile.

Full of ridicule.

With so much experience, Longfei is absolutely impossible to think of the so-called saints, really like the legendary noble.

Just like the power in front of you, you have to work **** your body.

For the sake of it, it is just a human incense.

However, in the knowledge of Longfei, the incense is an absolute difference from the belief.

Belief in constant one.

But incense,,,,, is poisonous.

Therefore, for this saint who is still a plaque in the plaque, Longfei’s heart does not say awe, and there is no interest in watching more.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that Longfei has this confidence.

At least, for now, Longfei is confident that he has this strength and the sage's wrist.

Even if it is no longer good, the power of this saint in front of him is not fearful in the eyes of Longfei.

"Ha ha ha, good one against the heavens."

"I don't know what to do, I can see, you hide the cultivation."

"But at best, even if you remove all the repairs, it is just the peak of the mixed."

"I have to say that this repair is not even a few in ancient times."

"But,,,,, the power of heaven, you can't imagine.

Rebellious saints, your final result, only one dead end. ”

In this saint's power, the voice is angry and said.

"You have too much nonsense."

"If your body is standing here, I might be serious."

"But you, too?"

Longfei disdain.

Between the backhands, directly hold the power of a saint in front of you.

"Although I don't know what plans you have in the world."

"But,,,,,,, you are dead, everything should be broken."

"And, if you want revenge, don't worry too much.

It will take a long time for me to repeat myths, a myth that no gods are in the heavens. ”

Long Fei mouth corner pick.

And this is his determination.

His mission is to repeat the myth.

However, if it is still the same as the previous myth, it is not called replay, but is called excavation.

This result is not what Longfei wants.

That is to say, from this moment on, in the heart of Longfei, there has already been a decision, that is, Tu Sheng.

With this idea, it flashed through the mind of Longfei.

The power of the saint in front of him, suddenly struggling with violent struggle.

It seems that it is full of fear.

"Damn, **** it!"

"The general existence of ants, you actually want to go against the sky, you actually want to reverse the holy."

"Do you know that when you generate this kind of idea, your results are already doomed."

"You must die!"

The power in his hands is constantly roaring and struggling.

I am extremely dissatisfied with the dragonfly.

But I don't know, the more he is mad at this time.

In the eyes of Longfei, the more disdain it is.

Just like watching a clown.

Because, in the consciousness of Longfei, the louder the call, the more waste.

It’s not the big voice of anyone, whoever is arrogant.

"Come on, I want to try it too. This is a sage."

Longfei chuckled.

The hand is slightly forced.

Hey! A crackling sound.

The power of the entire saint collapsed in the hands of Longfei.

However, a collapse does not mean disappearing.

Last time, at least the system broke out.

But this time, Longfei did not wait for the system to prompt, and the power of the saint was swallowed into the belly between the backhands.

Not only that, but even the power of the last sage that was blasted out was taken out of the system space by Longfei and swallowed.

After the annexation, Longfei’s eyes turned and locked the beast.

The saints have been annihilated, and the remaining beasts are naturally not bosses.

In an instant, the light of the boss on the body disappeared without a trace at this moment.

And the breath of the body is also very weak.

"No,,,,, don't kill me."

"I am a beast of mountains and seas. Under the big Luo, I can't break away from my vision."

"I can be useful to you."

The beast is weak and open.

Even if it is now, I still hold expectations, I hope Longfei can spare him a life.

It’s a pity, too much of course.


Have you just heard the voice of the saint?

The strength of Laozi is already the peak of the mixed yuan. ”

"Your strength, for me?

There is a fart. ”

"Give me out."

Long Fei said coldly.

Between the backhands, a punch hit.


With a punch, the body of the beast suddenly collapsed and ceased to exist.

At this time, it is in the middle of an unknown.

boom! "He,,,,, are you finally here?"

The person who jumped out of the heavens, you are a big dog. ”

"I really thought that if you jump out of the heavens, you can do whatever you want between the world."

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