The **** sky covered it.

Bloody thunder gleamed everywhere in the sky.

Here, the mountains and rivers are bloody, and the rivers and lakes are bloody.

Everything seems to have been baptized by blood.

There is a silent horror everywhere.

Of course, all this is just the appearance, and what makes my heart more chilling is that there is a sense of dilapidation everywhere.

The blood-colored sky is missing, the ten thousand-zhang peaks and mountains are broken, and even there are rotten corpses, dry earth, dead blood trees...

It's like saying that this is a forbidden place for life.

Long Fei's figure stood on the sky, he did not act rashly.

But that's it, he can still feel the indescribable powers crazily pouring into his body.

Yes, it just poured into the body.

It seemed that his current physical strength could not be stopped at all.

Fortunately, Long Fei's body was already extremely powerful. Although this power had an impact on him, it did not reach the level of inability to resist.

"It seems that there is no such horror as the system said." Long Fei thought in his heart.

The next moment, Long Fei's body began to sink.

But at the moment Long Fei moved, a special feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

Immediately after that, Long Fei directly felt that the Dao Fa in his dantian was half sealed.

"My Nima!" Long Fei's face changed instantly.

He felt that the world was not so terrifying just a moment ago, and there was no system that said it was so life-threatening. But how long did it take to be beaten in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, this effect is far beyond Long Fei's guess.

It turned out that Long Fei lost most of his Dao Fa in an instant.

Not only Dao Fa, Long Fei could even feel that his body was decayed.

Five failures of heaven and man!

"One of the five failures of heaven and man, power failure!"

Long Fei had such a perception in his heart instantly.

Without any surprises, all the performances now are manifestations of weakness. If it weren't for Long Fei's power, which had already surpassed this galaxy's ten thousand realms, then Long Fei must have already been exhausted already.

"Horrible! What kind of power is this, even I can't resist it!" Long Fei thought in his heart.

This power is terrifying, it is incomparably avoidable and cannot be resisted.

Can only bear it abruptly.

"No, the most urgent thing is to find Zhong Ziqi and them first. Even I can't resist this kind of power, so they don't need to talk about it." Long Fei suddenly felt anxious.

This power is inevitable even for him, so for Zhong Ziqi and the others, it is even more impossible. The longer the city is delayed, the more dangerous they are.

The next moment, Long Fei's figure directly descended on the ground.

However, Long Fei is also aimless. In this place, he is also a headless fly, without any direction at all.

"Zhong Ziqi and they can still call for help, which shows that they have already encountered a threat before entering here. According to so many years of experience in monster killing, the boss will always appear behind. I really don't know what it is. Exist, and survive in this kind of world." Long Fei thought in his heart, and quickly determined his direction.

That is to keep going.

Of course, he just has no more options.

Moving forward step by step, Long Fei did not fly in the air. And the strength in his body declined, and by this time it gradually stopped.

For this change, Long Fei didn't care too much.

Because of the five decay of nature and man, it also requires a process.

In a blink of an eye, the dragon flew into a certain distance, but its footsteps also stopped.

Because in front of him, a figure appeared.

It is also almost dry, like a dead person, who has no power in his body.

There was a solemn look in Long Fei's eyes.

"Living people? Living people can actually come here. It's amazing, amazing. Since ancient times, I haven't met anyone who walks here, who can carry their own strength." The person in front of me said lightly.

"Who are you?" Long Fei asked.

The person in front of you is not simple.

Although he looked vain and weak, he brought me a sense of crisis to Long Fei.

"Me? When you are here, don't you know who I am? But yes, the world knows nothing about our power, and it is normal for you not to know."

"Very well, my name is exhaustion, and I am one of the five heavenly people with weak control." The person in front of me said.

"Exhausted?" Long Fei's eyes shrank, and there was a glimmer of light.

Long Fei understood. It turned out that this world is a world of five decays between heaven and man, and the five powers are being controlled by people.

No, it's not right.

Because the person in front of you is not a person at all. Although the other person has a human form and looks like a person, he is not a person in essence.

This is the power of the five decays of the heavens and the human beings.

Thinking of this, Long Fei's heart actually relaxed.

No matter how strong the power is, it is not terrible, the terrible thing is unknown.

"You can't stop me, since your strength can't make me exhausted, from this point of view, you have failed. I can't help but fail!" Long Fei said.

If the opponent really has the power to continue to target him, Long Fei does not believe that the opponent will have reservations. It can only be said that his power has reached its limit.

But below the limit, that's the case, unable to really let Long Fei exhaust.

"You are right. I really can't help you. Moreover, I never thought of stopping you. However, there is nothing arrogant about you, and you should not think how strong you are. Because you are not the first The one who can keep the cultivation base, and the last one, the person who walked here with the cultivation base, is much stronger than you are now." Li Li said.

"Much better than me?" Long Fei was taken aback.

But there is no doubt.

Although he thinks he is very powerful, he does not think that he is really invincible. No one in the world can match him.

But for some reason, if he tried his best, Long Fei thought of someone in his heart.

Dragon Batian.

"But this person?" Long Fei directly condensed an illusion.

"Huh? Do you know him?" Exhaustion was also obviously taken aback, but he didn't expect Long Fei to know Long Batian.

"Okay, it's okay with you. However, I still want to know who you caught before?" Long Fei asked.

This is the key to his coming here, and Long Fei will naturally not forget.

"They? You are me and the others? They should be in the fifth decline. If you have the ability to go to the end, you may still see them. By the way, let me tell you by the way, the person just mentioned, He came to an end in an hour," said exhaustively.

Long Fei's expression paused slightly.

However, it was only an instant that Long Fei's eyes became firm.

"Is it one hour? I can do everything he can do. Moreover, he has done things here, and I will do it again." Long Fei was irritated and said directly.

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