Although the exhaustion in front of him didn't say too much, there was a kind of disdain between the lines. It seems that now he can't compare with Dragon Batian at all.

Maybe it's the truth.

But Long Fei couldn't bear it.

"Only the weak can swear nonsense. He used to push all the way to the end. Can you do it? It's just a weakening that almost killed you. Do you think, what do you compare with?" Li Li said.

He is weak, but every word kills the heart, making Long Fei feel the anger burning in his heart.

He has been under the shadow of Long Batian all his life. And now, he is about to start a duel with Long Batian, but now he hears such words, which is a complete denial of him.

"I can do what he can do. If he can't do it, I will do it too. Since you want to see it so, then follow me." Long Fei said abruptly.

Anthropomorphism still has three points of anger, don't look down upon a spirit body that can't even count as a human being, Long Fei's heart naturally cannot bear it.

So at this moment, Long Fei decided to take the other party directly.

To prove yourself.

"Go and go, I want to see, what can you do?" Li Xie didn't take it at all.

It seems that in his eyes, the power of Long Batian is irreplaceable, and no one can compare it.

Even the more Long Fei said now, in his opinion, it was just an expression of unconfidence.

If Long Fei really has any means, he doesn't need to say at all, just do it directly.

Long Fei didn't care what he was thinking at this time, and walked away.

In a few steps, I came directly to a space barrier.

"You see, walking here is the second decline of Tian Ren, blood failure! You..." Exhaust was still talking, as if he wanted to provoke Long Fei to make Long Fei afraid to move forward.

But before his words fell, Long Fei directly blasted out a punch.


This space was directly hammered by Long Fei!

"The original Long Batian wouldn't listen to you talking nonsense." Long Fei said faintly, and the figure behind instantly stepped into it.

The expression on exhausted face changed again, and he never expected that Long Fei would be so violent that he would shoot without agreeing to a word.

"I am self-righteous, but I want to see how you survive this decline!"

The next moment, his figure also stepped into it.

But the moment he entered it, he was shocked by what he saw.

In the world before him, where is Long Fei's figure.

"Is it dead?" he couldn't help thinking.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared, it was this spirit body that controlled the second decline of Tian Ren.

"My god, what kind of monster is this, what kind of blood is this, what kind of blood is this...Is this especially raised by a spiritual thing that has swallowed a world?" A blood-colored figure appeared.

"Blood, what did you see?" asked exhaustively.

"I saw a madman." Xue Jin said.

"What do you mean?" Exhaustion was a little bit unbelievable, and gave birth to a bad feeling.

"It's hard to say, I'll take you to see it." The blood is exhausted, that is, the second-layer creature said helplessly.

Hearing Xuejin said this, exhaustion felt a panic, and instinct told him that things were definitely not as simple as he thought.

End of blood is the creature in this space, controlling the absolute initiative, so now that there is end of blood, they can quickly traverse the entire space.

But the more time passed, the more fear he felt in his heart.

Because of this level, he had followed the blood to the end, but he still did not see Long Fei.

"This...what the **** is going on here, blood is gone, what about others? Don't you tell me that he has already passed by?" I couldn't believe it.

How big is this?

Just passed by?

This is even more terrifying than the original Dragon Batian.

"As you can see, he should have passed. Although I don't want to admit it, I must admit it now." Xue Jin said helplessly.

In front of him, even the space barrier was broken, and you should already know where Long Fei was going without thinking about it.

"Impossible, he is in the first level, exhausted, has made him not much strength. How could he pass so quickly?" Exhausted still denied.

He clearly remembered the way he had mocked Long Fei before. If Long Fei really had this strength and could walk out of here unharmed, then his results can be imagined.

"What's impossible? This guy is very vigorous and has reached an unimaginable level. It is even more fierce than the original Long Batian. When Long Batian was here, my strength can suppress him, at least let His blood is weak. But this guy is so strong that even I feel horrible. My power has just arrived, and I was directly backlashed. Yes, you heard it right, it is just being backlashed. This means that my power is fundamental It can't cause any harm to him, on the contrary, he almost didn't let him melt my exhaustion." said the blood.

The face became more embarrassed after exhaustion.

This sentence seems to be a crazy face slap.

"Let's go, let's go there, I don't believe it, he can still flow unimpeded." As if to grasp the last hope, he said quickly.

In the next instant, the two figures are ready to go deeper.

But at this moment, a figure was directly thrown out and landed in front of them.

"Without anger, you..." Exhausted seeing the figure that appeared in front of him, he couldn't believe it.

He felt that his three views were broken.

This is the third declining, withered spirit of heaven and man, and the name is like this, just like his power.

"Devil, is that guy a devil? The energy from him blows away my power in one breath. That kind of power is really terrifying, like our nemesis." Qi is still immersed in In fear.

Needless to say, the mere fact that he was thrown out was enough to scare him.

Exhausted, he was dumbfounded. On the way, he didn't even see Long Fei's shadow or even Long Fei's methods, but he was scared by his own people.

"Go, keep walking, I don't believe that he can go all the way."

Do not give up, continue to speak.

The next moment, the three figures began to move forward.

After a while, they came to the end of the third space barrier.

Here, Long Fei is already waiting.

"Hahaha, it seems that you are not invincible, and you can't push horizontally. Why, don't you dare to enter this layer?" He sneered exhaustively.

Long Fei turned faintly, his eyes were extremely contemptuous:

"What nonsense are you talking about, say one more word, believe it or not, I will kill you?" Long Fei said coldly.

"Do you think I am here, do you dare to continue? You think too much, I'm just waiting for you."

"Because I want you to see with your own eyes how I push to the end."

"But you are too slow. I thought you would have a chance to come over soon. I didn't expect me to wait so long."

Long Fei said.

Every time he said a word, the expression on his exhausted face turned pale.

Originally, it meant weakness, but at this moment, he was even weakened by Long Fei's words, and he fell directly to the ground.

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