Long Fei was completely shocked by the sudden system sound.

He hadn't thought of this at all.

A woman sleeping on her own can make such a big movement. Thinking that the system was still feeling horrible because of the spirit of the universe before, but now in a blink of an eye, the guardian mission broke out directly. This gap can only be described as outrageous.

However, since this task came out, Long Fei would naturally not refuse.

Regardless of punishment and reward, even if there is no mission, Long Fei will never ignore it.

"How about? Don't you dare?" The spirit of the universe sneered, as if mocking Long Fei's courage.


When the woman said she didn't dare, how could Long Fei bear it anymore, between his backhands, he slapped directly on the slender waist of the Spirit of the Universe.

"Woman, you underestimated me Longfei."

"There is nothing in this world that Long Fei dared not do. You don't want to ask, since I, Long Fei, from the Tianwu Continent to the present, never said that she let her own woman alone."

"My woman, naturally I want to protect you. You are now my woman, so your business is naturally my business." Long Fei looked calm and didn't mention the system.

Anyway, now the task has been taken, so no matter what, he has to take it up. Simply, perform well in front of the spirit of the universe.

The spirit of the universe was stunned.

As if thinking of something general, he lowered his forehead, his eyes kept rolling, and then a blush appeared on his face.

The feeling that Long Fei had just been suppressed resurfaced again.

If it was because of the methods left by Long Batian before, now it is Long Fei's true character.

"No!" The Spirit of the Universe directly refused.

Long Fei stopped.

"Okay, if you don't want to, just forget it." Long Fei didn't force it. For his own woman, Long Fei's heart has always been pampering and would not force it.

"It's not unwilling, but have you forgotten the agreement between you and Venerable Realm? It has been delayed for so long, and you now have less than an hour." The Spirit of the Universe said.

"Fuck!" Long Fei suddenly came to his senses.

Color fainted!

He now thinks of an old saying, that is a knife on the head of sex.

This cut almost delayed him from major events.

"Then wait until later. By the way, do you want to go together?" Long Fei asked.

To be honest, if it hadn't been for him to violently just now, the spirit of the universe might have been on the opposite side of him now, and it is self-evident who he is cooperating with, it is naturally this respect.

This makes Long Fei very upset.

So he now has a feeling that he will be accompanied by the spirit of the universe, watching himself with his own eyes, and beheading Zun Zhou.

"Go! I naturally want to see, what exactly do you have, dare to say that you will protect me." The spirit of the universe seemed to understand what Long Fei was thinking in his heart, and agreed directly without any hesitation.

The next moment, the two figures disappeared from the void. of

Along the way, Long Fei also learned.

The spirit of the universe has never appeared in a real body, but in fact, the time when he was born with spiritual wisdom can be traced back several million years ago. It can be said that the Galaxy has not fully formed yet, she has already been born with spiritual wisdom.

It's just that she was only mechanically performing some operations.

When he feels that some existence threatens this universe, he will come to some means to make the world annihilate.

For this, Long Fei did not say much.


Can't say it!

It's like a human body has a malignant tumor. If it is not removed in time, it will quickly affect the whole body.

In other words, only by destroying those worlds can the entire universe continue to operate for a longer time.

"Tell me about your knowledge of the universe, do you think, with my current combat power, how far should I be?" Long Fei asked.

To be honest, Long Fei did not have a clear understanding of his own strength. To put it bluntly, it is a mystery.

He has too many methods now, and every kind of power has basically been said to have reached the extreme.

No matter what kind of power, Long Fei has the confidence to fight against the strong at any level. Of course, it is the level he is currently exposed to.

"Top-notch! Even if it is compared with the Dragon Batian of the year, there is not much difference." said the spirit of the universe.

"The gap? You said there is still a gap between me and Long Batian?" Long Fei was taken aback, his brows darkened.

"I can't see through Long Batian, neither can you see through. I feel the same breath of power in you. If I guess right, you should all be brought into this world by that kind of power. "

"Your current strength is indeed much stronger than when I first met Long Batian. But don't forget, millions of years have passed. In millions of years, anything can happen." said the spirit of the universe. .

"What? Millions of years? You mean, when Long Batian came here, it was already a million years ago?"

Long Fei was shocked.

The legend about him in the ancient world is not so long.

Could it be said that when Long Batian appeared in the ancient world, he had already wandered in the universe, the cosmic slipper?

If you really had this kind of strength at the beginning, then why did it appear to be so common in the ancient world? Why was it deceived by a woman, and finally fell short, suppressed, and beheaded?

This is totally unexplainable.

For a time, Long Fei felt a stunned feeling in his heart.

Confusing, as if from beginning to end, I never really knew the other person.

This feeling was very uncomfortable, making Long Feiyue feel that in front of Long Batian, he was like a child playing house.

"Actually, you are already very strong. I know you have other powers that you haven't used. For example, the power you restrained me before is extremely strong." Seeing that Long Fei's face was not good, the spirit of the universe said quickly .

"Long Batian also has that kind of power, and it may be purer than what I have!" Long Fei said.

He knew that the kind of power that the spirit of the universe said was the power of returning to the market.

But according to the previous ruins, he had seen a dragon body walk out from the ruins of the ruins intact.

Combining the spirit of the universe now, Long Fei felt that, even basically certain, that it was Dragon Domination.

Spirit of the universe:...

The spirit of the universe stopped talking directly.

She felt that no matter what she said now, it was an excitement for Long Fei.

"Forget it, I don't want to if I don't understand it. Long Batian, there will eventually be one day to meet, and everything will finally be solved." After a while, Long Fei said helplessly.

If you don't understand it, it's unreasonable worry to continue entanglement.

"That's right. At least you now have a power that he doesn't have." The expression on the face of the universe spirit relaxed.

"What power?" Long Fei wondered.

"My power!" The Spirit of the Universe gave a shy voice.

When Long Fei heard it, he burst out laughing.

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